View Full Version : Snowy She Devil....

01-08-2002, 02:28 PM
Since I adopted Kia in June, I had no idea if she would like wintery weather.

All thru December I waited and waited and waited for snow. We were finally "blessed" Christmas Eve with white stuff. :D

I eagerly took Kia outside to see if she'd want to play or if she'd want to do her buisness and get back inside where the warmth was.

I put her on her lead and let her go and was thrilled to see her playing.

I decided to join her.

Big mistake.

I ran and she gave chase. I start to slow down thinking she'd jump around me excitedly. Nope. She threw her forelegs around my left leg, clamped her mouth on my right arm and took me down. BAM! My parents come running at my scream to see Kia doing a victory dance around me flinging snow.

Needless to say I didn't play "tag" again.

God help me, I've adopted a snow demon. :eek: LOL!


[ January 08, 2002: Message edited by: Kim S. ]

01-08-2002, 03:03 PM
Silly woman...what WERE you thinking? lol You must not have read the post of our "assassin dog" who was out running with George and I got in the way and she broke my leg so badly I was in surgery for 3.5 hours and in the hospital for 5 days and off work for 2.5 months! lol But I'll bet Kia had a good time! lol

01-08-2002, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by mugsy:
<STRONG>Silly woman...what WERE you thinking? lol</STRONG>

I was thinking she'd stop and run circles around me like she always does. LOL!

<STRONG>You must not have read the post of our "assassin dog" who was out running with George and I got in the way and she broke my leg so badly I was in surgery for 3.5 hours and in the hospital for 5 days and off work for 2.5 months! lol But I'll bet Kia had a good time! lol</STRONG>

:eek: NO! OMG! I'm glad you're okay.

I bet Kia had a great time. She was playing tag with Cesa the Rottie once and ran right into me. I thought my leg was broken it hurt so bad. But thankfully no damage was done.
