View Full Version : Help! Need some advice on my cat.

08-30-2003, 07:06 PM
Thanks for everyone's response. The good news is that she did come to the kitchen this evening when I ate and looked like she might want something. I put about a tablespoon of tuna in a dish and took it to her favorite spot and she ate it all. Gave her a little more and she ate a couple more bites and then a few minutes later another bite. Maybe she is coming around. The vet told me about putting a feeding tube in and both he and I only want it as a last resort. I don't really want to force feed her because I'm afraid she will really rebel. Am just going to wait out the weekend and then call the vet on Tuesday. He is a wonderful caring person so I know he will do what's best for her. I hope I hear from someone who has also had this problem. Thanks for the prayers. Even though I have other cats, she is one of the oldest and I'll be devastated if we can't beat this. My sister said you know she is going to die one day but that doesn't make it any easier. I had to put my old dog down last year and cried for two days! Will keep you posted.:)

08-30-2003, 07:49 PM
I saw this thread just as I finished responding to your other. I would ABSOLUTELY make a tummy tube the VERY last option. It is expesive, risky and drastic surgery. We were forced into putting a tummy tube into our cat Tiger because he had developed Hepatic Lipodosis. He died that evening from a heart attack. He was only 8 years old. Of course we then discovered that he had both Hepatic Lipodosis and Pancreatitis. We were pretty much (pardon my french) screwed at that point.

I understand that you like your vet and trust him but a second opinion never hurts at all.


08-31-2003, 02:49 PM
Well, Baby Cat is doing much better. She basically wanted to eat about every two hours last night. She finished a can of tuna and a can of cat food during the night. Hope she continues to eat this way but wish she'd pick better hours. If she gets to eating real good, she'll have to wait until AM as when I get back to work on Tuesday, won't be able to be getting up all night with her. Let's hope she's on her way.:)