View Full Version : K'Cee caught a Scorpion!!

08-27-2003, 08:14 PM
:eek: I'm not sure but I *think* it might have stung her.

When I noticed her, she was sitting in the sun washing her paw. All of a sudden she slapped the floor, paused, and resumed her washing. This was repeated a couple of times. Not *too* unusual as she often catches her shadow.

THEN the bug crept into my view!!

So far, no swelling or limping but the way she was slapping/retracting makes me think it might've stung her.

Sometimes I wish cats didn't have the "catch anything that wiggles" attitude.

08-27-2003, 08:17 PM
:eek: Yikes! How Scarey!! Hope she's OK!! :eek:

08-27-2003, 09:27 PM
Tonya, that sounds pretty serious. Please let us know she is alright.

08-27-2003, 09:29 PM
:eek: K'Cee what'd ya do THAT for? Hope she's ok! Chasing shadows and flies is much safer sweetie!

08-27-2003, 10:04 PM
Whoa!!! What an amazing little hunter K'Cee is!!!

Hope she didn't get stung. What do you do if you do get stung? Is it like a bee where you just deal with it, unless your allergic?

08-27-2003, 10:22 PM
Years ago, my little Calico was stung in the cheek by a bee. My vet had me bring her in immediately to give her a shot. He said that a bee sting could kill her. That's why I am not real happy about Miz K'Cee's adventures.

08-27-2003, 10:26 PM
I know this sounds like a stupid question, but are you sure it was a scorpion? Scorpions are poisonous, or at least the ones that live in NM and AZ are. So if you see her acting funny I would take her to the vet ASAP.

Cinder & Smoke
08-27-2003, 10:36 PM
Zippy ~

{{{HUGGS}}} to you both!!

This is the first good info I found...

The Question:
The region in which I live has recorded a record number of scorpions. I have in fact found a few inside of my house and my 2-year-old cat seems very curious about these strange creatures. My question is thus, what do I need to know if my cat is stung by a scorpion and are they lethal?

Scorpion stings are pretty darn painful. Most of the time, the only treatment that is needed is medication to manage the pain, and maybe an ice pack. Sometimes, however, more serious systemic signs may develop, because some species of scorpions contain a neurotoxin which may cause such signs as salivation, urination, defecation, tearing and dilation of the pupils. Sometimes, these signs can be severe enough to make a cat very sick, and can even be fatal.

Therapy consists of supportive care at a veterinary clinic.
If you suspect a scorpion has bitten your cat, take it to a veterinary clinic as soon as possible for evaluation.

BY: Dr. Steffen Stacey Runquist,
DVM, Feline Specialist
Specialty : Physical

Purina Cat Chow Site (http://www.catchow.com/search_mentor.asp?combinedID=21119)

/s/ Phred

Cinder & Smoke
08-27-2003, 10:57 PM
What To Do If A Scorpion Stings Your Pet

by: PetPlace Veterinarians

Although not all scorpions are considered deadly venomous (except to insects, their main source of food), you shouldn’t take a scorpion sting lightly. The venom of a scorpion contains digestive enzymes, which can cause extreme pain. The venom of one particular scorpion, Centruroides exilicauda, contains digestive enzymes as well as venom toxic to the nervous system. This species of scorpion is usually found in the southwestern United States. Fortunately, stings by this scorpion are rare.

Even so, you should be aware of the danger, both inside and outside your home – in certain parts of the United States scorpions are quite common.

The effect of the sting often varies with the size of your pet. If prompt veterinary treatment is not administered, pets bitten by this scorpion may not survive.

What to Watch For:

.. Drooling
.. Tearing from the eyes (the animal looks like she is crying)
.. Inappropriate urination and defecation
.. Dilated pupils
.. Muscle tremors
.. Breathing difficulty
.. Collapse


Diagnosis is based on exposure to the venomous scorpion. The stinger may still be present in the skin. There are no blood tests available to test positively for scorpion venom. Without a known exposure to scorpions, the animal may be erroneously diagnosed with toxic insecticide exposure or epilepsy.


There is no home care for venomous scorpion bites. Careful removal of the stinger can help but prompt veterinary care is strongly recommended.

There are antidotes to scorpion venom but their use in animals is not recommended. Most animals respond well to supportive treatment, which is aimed at supporting the animal with intravenous fluids and pain relief. The stinger, if present, should be carefully removed.

Additional more aggressive treatments may be necessary if signs of toxicity worsen.
Methocarbamol may be used to reduce muscle tremors. Seizure activity may require diazepam or phenobarbital.

Preventative Care

Keep your animal confined to your yard and keep your cat indoors, although these scorpions have been found in the yard and as well as the house. Leash walk dogs and do not allow them to roam in areas known to have venomous scorpions. Despite your efforts, it may not be possible to prevent exposure.

PetPlace.com site (http://petplace.netscape.com/articles/artShow.asp?artID=2751)

/s/ Phred

08-27-2003, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
I know this sounds like a stupid question, but are you sure it was a scorpion? Scorpions are poisonous, or at least the ones that live in NM and AZ are. So if you see her acting funny I would take her to the vet ASAP.

The ones we have in our area aren't poison. My mom was stung by one a few years ago and the docs told us that, while PAINFUL, it wasn't deadly.

K'Cee's not a vocal cat so there wasn't any "MEOWUCH, I've been stung!" But she isn't limping and her paw does not look swollen. So at this point, I really think she was just washing.

The exterminator was here and sprayed this morning, I guess he disturbed the nest(?) as we also found one about the same size in our fireplace. (We have the "sticky traps" set up in various places throughout the house.)

Please don't be alarmed if you hear nothing from me until LATE(!) tomorrow night. I've decided to try a job in a neighboring town and it's a 2.5hr commute each way!:eek: (Mom will be here to check on Miss Hiss throughout the day.)

08-27-2003, 11:01 PM
How scary. I hope she will be okay.

Cinder & Smoke
08-27-2003, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat

Item 1:
The ones we have in our area aren't poison.
So at this point, I really think she was just washing.

Item 2:
... try a job...

and it's a 2.5hr commute each way! :eek:

Zipp ~

Item 1 = GOOD!! :) But *watch* her!!

Item 2 = OMG! :eek: 2.5 hour DRIVE!!?? :rolleyes:
GOOD Luck - and DRIVE Carefully!!

{{{HUGGS}}} to Both of you!

/s/ Phred & the FurKids

08-27-2003, 11:33 PM
2.5 hours - how about taking a book on tape along with you? Or maybe a couple of books...........

I hope this works out for you.......drive carefully...........check in with us about Miz Toodles tomorrow night.

Hugs, Gini

08-27-2003, 11:43 PM
K'Cee you little stinker!!
Don't you know not to worry your mommy like that!

BE CAREFUL on the drive.
I will miss you and want a full report!

08-28-2003, 01:59 AM
I sure hope that K'Cee will be okay. I think I'd freak out if one of my cats were stung by a scorpion. :eek:

08-28-2003, 05:17 AM
(brief) Morning Update

She seems fine. Other than sleeping on top of my dresser :rolleyes: instead of with me, she's as normal as K'Cee can get! lol

We're still watching but I think she's going to be A-OK.

08-28-2003, 06:17 AM
I just saw this now and I am guessing that the worst is over (the worrying!) Whew! K'Cee you are a silly girl! I will remember this story in January when we are shoveling out tons of snow and I am wishing I lived in New Mexico or Arizona! No scorpions here! :)

08-28-2003, 09:57 AM
Oh My God! Get her to a Vets! Scorpion Venom can kill a full grown Man , let alone a Little Cat. Rush her there immmediately PLEASE! If you even suspect that she has been stung!