View Full Version : Jim and Sterling, blood was found in urine

08-25-2003, 03:08 PM
I posted this on the end of my mental sanity thread, but I need all the support I can get so I started a new thread, also>

Jim and Sterling had their urinalysis today. Blood WAS found in both, a little in Jim's but quite a bit in Sterling's. So they are on antibiotics and will be going on the kitty prozac soon, that should calm them and make them not care that there are many cats around and they will have no desire to "show off" for them. They are now in their cages for retraining because even with the finding of blood, both the vet and myself truely believe that they need this reconditioning. They will need to stay in the cages for 2 WEEKS and then another 2 weeks in a room before letting out into the whole house. This is going to be mentally and emotionally hard. They will need to come out for daily medication and that will be hard enough, but then they don't even get a reward, all they get is going back in the cage. I can see I will be crying for them a LOT in the upcoming weeks. I will post pictures of kitty jail at a later date when I can get them developed and scanned. I could use all the support pet talk can muster. It is hard to punish your loved ones

08-25-2003, 03:31 PM
Oh Jen -- don't think of it as punishment (even though it does seem cruel). It is necessary for their health and the health of the rest of your herd. The separation will hopefully have them completely healthy in a few short weeks, which will probably feel extremely long to you. It's all for the best ... and yes, please send pics of "kitty jail." ;)

08-25-2003, 03:35 PM
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear this, I hope they'll feel better soon!

What I don't understand is why they have to be kept seperated and in boxes because of blood in their urine. I'm afraid I've missed somthing here! :confused:

However, I'm sorry for you and your kitties to have to go through this procedure! Sounds very hard! :(


08-25-2003, 03:50 PM
Oh, Jen, {{hugs}} it is going to be so hard for you to do what you have to do, but please take heart. You know your motives are pure, that it has to be done. You have all the support your friends here on Pet talk can give, and close by, at home with you, your lovely, loving Charlie, you will get through.

Sending lots of prayers and positive thoughts your way.

08-25-2003, 04:10 PM
Hi Jen,
It isn't punishment, anymore than confining a child to bed for recuperation is (the only difference, society won't let us tie the child down (is that a good or bad thing?)). I think I would try to live with it for a week. What would the extra week do??? How do they go potty in a crate?

Miss Meow
08-25-2003, 04:24 PM
Oh no, this must be so hard for you. Hopefully after a few days they'll settle into their new routine and things will be easier on you all. Hugs to you, Jen.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-25-2003, 04:47 PM
Oh Jen!

I'm glad they found there to be a medical reason - I don't know, in my mind medical reasons are much easier to deal with than emotional ones. I mean, I'm not glad their sick, but at least the pills can cure that, and pills are easy on you. Whereas the locking them up and reconditioning sounds like it will be harder on you than on them - poor Jen. And poor Jim and Sterling too, but with so many kitties in one house, they need to know and follow the rules.

Hugs to all of you, and hopefully all the emotional and medical problems are cured real soon.

(reposted from other thread - saw that one first)

08-25-2003, 04:58 PM
The cage is to help the cats realize that peeing OUTSIDE of their litter boxes is a NO-NO. The finding of blood in the urine tells me that this is at least partly medical, but I believe that it is still ALSO behavioral. After all, Jim sprayed ME!!! and if that wasn't claiming property than what is? And Sterling, plays rough, like he is always trying to dominate the other cats, and since it was combined with spraying, I want to make SURE they know what is expected of them.
The cages are tall cat cages, big enough for vertical space via shelves. They have a litter box in with them. And I bought them each a nice new rug to use as a bed along with a water dish that can be attached to the cage so they will not spill it. They need not to soil their area before they go on to a larger area and then on the the whole house.
The anitibiotics should take care of teh infection, hopefully. They will be retested in 2 weeks. The other medicine should calm their stress level. In other words, they should no longer have hte urge to claim thing as their own propery.

Truth be known, I have not been home since I caged them. (went to my dad's house). I am kinda apprehensive about being there with them all caged up. But I am on my way home soon.

08-25-2003, 05:12 PM
So sorry to hear of your troubles Jen!! I can't imagine caging my cats, they'd go nuts. But I do understand why and I sure hope it helps. 2 wks will go by fast, you'll see.

08-25-2003, 06:20 PM
Jim's crying LOUDLY. It's breaking my heart.:( :(

And I just found out that Sterling does NOT take pills very well. I guess I never had to medicate him before. Hoo boy this is gonna be fun.....NOT!!!

08-25-2003, 09:12 PM
Now I understand. And, knowing the situation, I again ring in with the 'it isn't going to hurt them'. It is better for them, and the household, so, spend lots of time away from home for 2 weeks!!

08-26-2003, 01:27 AM
Such sad news and it would upset me, too, to see my cats seperated, but it's for their best and two weeks will go by so very quickly...

Just keep in mind that Jim and Sterling will be healthy and happy cats again soon...

Paws and fingers crossed that everything will work out fine for the boys and all your other cats!!!

08-26-2003, 01:49 AM
You have my support Jen but I really don't have any words .....

08-26-2003, 05:05 AM
I am also glad that the vet found an organic cause because that part of it will be treated by the antibiotics. As Filou needed 3 pills per day for 5 days now, I know what you are up to.

I am convinced everyone has to find her own trick as these kitties are so different. We put pills in vitamin paste until he figured they were pills (after having swallowed the first 4) , then we cut a bag (kind of micro-surgery) in a piece of wet catfood and put the pill in -it worked for some more. We ended up with farmfresh raw chicken being aware that Fister had got his pills in shrimp:rolleyes:

Regarding the cages: they sound very comfy. Many kitties go to boarding at the vet's or in cat pensions and live in cages like that for a week or two. I can understand your feelings but I also think it is very important that all members of your herd are socialized the right way. It's like the story of the bad apple who could infect the others.

I wish you lots of strength to keep doing your good work.:) :) :)


08-26-2003, 06:41 AM
I'm here to give you all the support I can. I can't imagine how hard this is going to be for you (and them). {{{{HUGS}}}} Anna

08-26-2003, 09:04 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope they are better really soon.

08-26-2003, 11:32 PM
Jen, I know this is a very hard thing for you to do but if it will help them then it's worth it. If it's too hard for you to watch then maybe your husband can take care of the cats and you can stay at your father's house. Prayers and positive thoughts are on the way for a complete recovery and a very happy ending. Please take care.

08-27-2003, 05:45 AM
Well, Jim has quieted down and I am managing to get the pills into Sterling. He is difficult and does his darndest to spit them out. I am afraid he is going to begin fearing me. Yesterday he did not even greet me when I came home and up to see them BUT he greeted Charlie right away when he came home and went to see them. Not THAT hurt!:(

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-27-2003, 05:48 AM

I guess the only thing I can say it that "sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind" - just try to remind yourself that you are doing it for their own good - the last thing you need is a long-term behaviour problem!

Sending (((HUGS)))

08-27-2003, 06:59 AM
I think we have to tell the Whiskas people that they have to produce really yummy treats that can be opened to put a pill in and closed hermetically:D

With Filou we managed most pills by cutting a slot in a piece of wet cat food or in raw meat and get the pill in there.

I wish you find the trick that works for Sterling! It's devastating if you try and they don't talk to you anymore or they just don't get the meds they need!

K & L
08-27-2003, 08:42 AM
I just saw this thread. We've been out of town recently (my father's very ill) and then my husband's mother came in from KY for a few days, so I haven't been on-line as much. I'm sorry to hear you're going through all of this, but the good thing is you caught it all before they were really sick! Hang in there, it will be worth all this once they're better!

08-27-2003, 09:59 AM
Oh Jen.... I didn't read this until just now. I knew of the spraying, peeing problems and then that you were going to be caging them temporarily....but now I see that they do indeed have UTIs. Like Cataholic said.... I hate to know they are uncomfortable with the infections, but it is somewhat encouraging to know that this is most likely contributing to their misbehaviour! You are doing what is the BEST for these boys, and they will still love you when it is all over! Hang in there, girl!!!


Killearn Kitties
08-27-2003, 01:53 PM
This is very hard for you. I know how it feels when you have to keep a cat confined and it is calling to you, making the most anguished sounds!! It absolutely breaks your heart. I know a week seems like a month and knowing it is for their own good doesn't help.

I'll be thinking about you and wishing you the best of luck.

08-28-2003, 03:21 PM
How are things today Jen??

08-28-2003, 03:52 PM
I sat and cried last night as I sat and listened to Jim yowl.:( I talked to the vet about his stress level in the cage and she said to allow them to be out when I am around to monitor. So they will get some "exercise breaks". I can only wonder if they will wonder why they are being put back in if they behave.
As anxious as I am to move on to the next step (the one room confinement) I don't want the last few day to have been in vain. This is the thought that keeps me going.
I have been getting the pills into them OK. I do need to tightly scruff them while administering, though. But I give them a very big hug after each one. At least when the antibiotics are finished, there will only be one pill each to deal with.
The problem with the amitippyline (sp?) is that the dose will vary from cat to cat. we are starting at 1/2 a pill daily. I was told that if they are too sleepy to reduce it to 1/4 tablet. But some might cats need a whole pill. What I don't know is how will I know if Jim need MORE? The vet said it could take up to a month to take its full effect. What if I go through all this, let them out and he pees again just because I did not give him enough medicine? I will ask more questions when I go for their second round of urine tests.

08-28-2003, 04:52 PM
In general the antibiotics should do their work quickly. the effect happens soon. So I think if the symptoms continue the dosis should be increased.

But that's the problem too. Some people think that if the symptoms disappear they could stop medication. And that's not true as the bacteria level is just much lower. To extinct them completely , the meds must be given much longer even after you can't see any symptoms.


08-28-2003, 05:38 PM
I am sorry, I am not talking about the antibiotics, I am talking about the medicine that is suppose to calm their behavior. The one that is suppose to make them stop wanting to spray all over the place. That is the medicine whose dosage is variable. And at this moment I am leaning toward the thinking that Jim may need a higher dosage.

08-28-2003, 05:59 PM
Jen, there is a cream form of the amitrypiline (sp)..... you just put it in the ear. much easier than a pill. ask you vet.

08-29-2003, 04:50 AM
Oh I understand! Sorry for that. I hope it works asap:)