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Edwina's Secretary
08-25-2003, 09:11 AM
Dear Diary,

I fear I grow too attached to these people. They left me and Her Highness for a few days. My beloved Basement Girl was here but frankly, she has developed a social life that doesn't seem to include me. (But I won't tell on what time she came home!!!)

HH and I continue to work on our love/hate relationship. If she hates me so much....why does she follow me around??? I think I am beginnning to "break the code" so I follow her around too.

Anyway.....I was so nervous about them being gone and so happy they came home. All night long...about every hour or so...I called out to them just to make sure they were there. I had to call pretty loud to make sure they heard me....meee urp!

Blondie calls me the Town Crier now. They both seem a bit sleep deprived this morning....:confused: :confused: :confused:


08-25-2003, 09:21 AM
Dear Eddie,
I have been a little ill these days and so I let my people sleep. I tell you -they were so happy when I came back waking them at night. (You may try the trick but don't tell I told you).

Make sure you have that Lady under control. First they are playing hard to get and then they are whining under your window!

All the best

Filou (the macho;) )

08-25-2003, 09:25 AM
The hardest thing for me is that the Cats all crowd around me when I am asleep. Then when I have to get up to answer natures call , and being diabetic , this happens a lot! Then I have to wake everyone uo while I fumble for the light and get out of bed! They dont like being disturbed! Mrrrow!

Sara luvs her Tinky
08-25-2003, 10:01 AM
Mr. Eddie....

I am so sorry your hoomans left you all alone to fend for yourself.... Maybe if you protest loud enough they will let you sleep in the BIG bed inbetween them both so you can make sure they are not leaving again....

But I am glad to hear you and Mizz. Edwina are making better progress... ... and your diary entry seems to be missing something...

oh yes...


08-25-2003, 10:12 AM
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Hmm Eduardo, seems as though you learned that while they were away. And what is this? Edwina follows YOU around? I just knew it! I hope you strut when she is watching you.

08-25-2003, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by gini
And what is this? Edwina follows YOU around? I just knew it! I hope you strut when she is watching you. I agree with gini, strut your stuff Eduardo!! Maybe Edwina is a bum lovin girl!!!:D

08-25-2003, 12:39 PM
Dear Eduardo:

Yeah, you show Her Highness what Mr. Eddie is made of. Strutting your stuff in front of her. You got it, flaunt it.
One day soon, i'm sure HH will be right by your side.

Miss Meow
08-25-2003, 04:28 PM
Eduardo, I'm not sure about this new tactic to serenade your humans. It might make HH jealous, and we all know what's she like when she's jealous!

08-25-2003, 04:34 PM
Dear Eduardo,
I must admit, I have a gripe to pick with you....I need more detail, longer posts, more action, in these diarly entries, please. I live from month to month, with just a few paragraphs...it is very difficult! Please write more and more often.

Oh, btw, the crying in the middle of the night may not make you the fave cat of the household...and a cranky HH cannot be a good thing!

08-25-2003, 06:14 PM
I'm sure Edwina is just checking out the total package. As all females know, size really DOES matter.

What?! Oh! No! :eek: TAILS ladies, TAILS!
The punctuation mark of cattitude! TAILS!

Where were YOUR minds?! sheesh! ;)

08-25-2003, 06:46 PM
I dunno -- Mishi has a beautiful, large, very fluffy tail, but Mitzi is not impressed .... Sheesh! :rolleyes:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-26-2003, 10:54 AM
Oh Eddie, you are a sweetie aren't you. You finally gave in and started trusting them to be there for you, then they go away and leave you, so now you're just making sure they are back to stay again aren't you? :)

But don't worry. They will go away again, but they will always come back to you sweetie, so you can relax when they're gone and concentrate on working on HH.

I think you've got her now. She's finally cracked and is curious about what you do all day. Play your cards right and you'll have her eating out of your paw any day now....maybe. ;) :D

Edwina's Secretary
08-27-2003, 10:45 AM
Dear Diary,

An amazing development. Last night I was the first to come in from the screen porch. I saw Blondie in bed with a book (:eek: )....anyway... I thought..."Why not?" So I jumped up and made myself comfy. Shortly after, HH came in. She didn't see me on the bed (duh???) so she jumped up too! She started to get back down and then with a resigned shrug....curled up behind Blondie's knees. I took the feet and HH and I shared space for a while....(Blondie moaned about her back....gesh!)

It was grand! When Popi came in the room and saw us he said now we'll have to get a superking size bed! Does that mean I'm a superking?

oh...by the way...I learned that biting toes isn't perceived as fun by all!



08-27-2003, 10:52 AM
Dear Eddie,

of course you must make sure that in bed you have a space that is cozy, comfy and has the right feng shui. I prefer the place on the pillow between these heads and Filou lies down under the knees of one of our humans.

Don't worry about the strange sounds they make when they get up in the morning trying to sort their bones (I know your humans are about the same age as mine- much older than any cat anyway). It does not influence their ability to open cans.

Yours sincerely


08-27-2003, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by Barbara
Dear Eddie,

It does not influence their ability to open cans.

Yours sincerely


:D :D :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-27-2003, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
She started to get back down and then with a resigned shrug....

See, Eddie, I told you persistence would pay off. You must know that Edwina isn't used to working too hard at/for anything (comes with being a queenie), and it must have been a lot of work for her to keep hissing and putting up a fuss everytime you came around, so she must finally is giving in. Good for you! :D