View Full Version : Ack! Disaster!

08-25-2003, 12:16 AM
My aunt was looking at the rattis today, and she gasped because Bart apparentely bit her fingernail, so my mom and stepmom stuck their fingers in to see if it would do whatever it did again, and apparentely it tried to bite or lick or something my Mom and Wiggum bit Renee and then when I was holding Bart he dug his back nails into me and my mom had to clean it which hurt and now it itches... and... ACK! Lol... thought i should share that little fiasco. (They didn't really hurt anyone, there was just some nail-damage anxiety. Oh, by the way, I've been meaning to asked, what kind of maintenance do the rat's nails need?

08-25-2003, 01:38 AM
Ratty nails are best taken care of by putting a brick or rough stone in the cage somewhere where they'll do a lot of climbing on it.

I had a hard time understanding your post, were people sticking fingers in through the bars of the cage? In that case any nipping is understandable. Any of my girls will remove a finger that comes in through the bars without checking to see if it's food first. :)

08-25-2003, 12:20 PM
No, they were in the kiddie pool we bought for them, they like to hide there, but I think that Bart had actually come out to look when he bit my aunt's nail.

08-25-2003, 03:39 PM
I agree, try putting a brick in their cage. Or maybe tape some sandpaper to a ramp or something.

I have to clip my rat's nails every three or so days. His grow lightening fast and they hurt! My other rat's nails don't even grow.