View Full Version : A wonderful moment of happiness... (pix)

08-23-2003, 05:05 AM
What a priceless moment I have just witnessed!!! :) :) :)

Just came into the cats' room and found Luna sleeping on her old chair while Lily was resting on the scratching post. When she saw me coming, she got up, jumped onto Luna's chair and sat there for a while. Eventually Luna woke up, and the most amazing thing happened:

Luna put her arms around the baby and started grooming her head while Lily was purring! After a while, Luna fell asleep again, with Lily still holding in her arms... :)

Here are some pics to prove it: :)




Ahhh, my sweet girls!!!! :) I'm a happy cat mommy over here! :) :) :)


08-23-2003, 05:07 AM
Aaaawww! Cuteness overload -if these aren't the cutest pix of cat love ever!!!!:) :) :)

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-23-2003, 05:15 AM
What beautiful pics. Those two look like they are well on their way to being inseparable! (and to think just a short while ago you were worried they wouldn't get on)!

Thanks for sharing - they really brought a smile to my face!

08-23-2003, 05:25 AM
How wonderful! :) and the pictures are so beautiful! :)
Thanks for sharing Kristen.

08-23-2003, 07:30 AM
Thanks! :)

It's true, even though I had always thought Luna would enjoy to have another kitty around, I was pretty worried during the first days when I saw how Luna was acting. But all this seems to be forgotten now! An hour after I took the pics above today, they were cuddling again! Obviously this old ugly chair is their favourite place at the moment, they're still sleeping there!






08-23-2003, 07:35 AM
Aw, Kirsten, those pictures are soooooo sweet!! i wanna hug those cuties!!:)

smokey the elder
08-23-2003, 07:41 AM
Luna has decided that Lily is *her* kitten now.

08-23-2003, 07:58 AM
Originally posted by smokey the elder
Luna has decided that Lily is *her* kitten now.
That's just what I was going to say. :)

Kirsten, these pics are priceless. SO cute Luna is laying with her paw around Lily!! :p

08-23-2003, 08:18 AM
How WONDERFUL!!!!! Ah, I just love pictures like these...... looks like Luna is enjoying her new role as a mom to Lily! Just brings a huge warm and toasty feeling to my heart!!!!! :D

08-23-2003, 08:29 AM
AWWW!!! That is SO great! They are getting along so well, and in such little time! WOW!

Hopefully in time my 2 will start cuddling! But for now, its all a big wrestling match! hehe Have your two wrestled much Kirsten?

08-23-2003, 08:56 AM
I'm so glad you got those precious pictures. Those are fleeting moments, and hard to capture for sure.

Those arms around Lily!


08-23-2003, 09:13 AM
You have captured some special moments there! Your two are so sweet together and I am so happy for you. Love those little kitty tongues! :)

08-23-2003, 09:33 AM
HOW Wonderful that they are now so close!! I know how you feel , as I never thought that Pouncer and Scrappy would jget on , but after an adjustment they were the best of friends until Pouncers sudden passing! Wonderful!

08-23-2003, 09:58 AM
They are so adorable! I'm glad they are getting along so well:)

08-23-2003, 10:14 AM
Kirsten, you're so lucky to have your two snuggling like that so quickly. Perhaps in a few years my two will get there; right now they just tolerate each other, although last night Mitzi licked Mishi for the first time. so I have hope that EVENTUALLY I'll have pics of my two like Lily and Luna. Keep those cute pics coming! :)

08-23-2003, 10:16 AM
This just melts my heart!!!

I guess you're one of the happiest people around here right now, Kirsten!!!
Your cats are the sweetest...puuuuurrrrrrrrr....

08-23-2003, 10:19 AM
That is so great. I can't believe how fast Luna has come around. Those pictures are priceless. After seeing them I almost wished I had brought a kitten home for Jazz instead of Scout (a year old). I think Jazz would have loved something to mother and care for. Instead she has a bossy pants stalker her and chasing her. I sometimes think Scout is trying to lick Jazz's head but Jazz is so used to Scout biting her ears that she won't give Scout the chance now.

I guess I can keep wishing.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-23-2003, 04:32 PM
Awwww....I'm so glad they are getting along so well, and are finally cuddling. The 3rd picture is just he most adorable pic in the whole world. :D

It seems that Lily is learning her boundaries (she waited for Luna to wake up instead of jumping on her and being a bratty kitten), which could explain why they're getting on so well. Lily is a quick learner and Luna is a good "mommy." :D

08-23-2003, 04:34 PM
Yes, it looks like they really like each othe r now! :)

ScantyNebula, yes, they also wrestle a lot, but it looks like it's more for fun. :)


08-23-2003, 04:37 PM
Lily is a quick learner and Luna is a good "mommy."

*sigh*, I wish she would also learn quickly not to jump into the toilet and onto the stove! These things are giving me one heart attack after another!

And yes, even though Luna never had kittens and has been spayed at the age of five months, she's a very good mommy and I'm so proud of her! :)


08-23-2003, 04:38 PM
Oh, I'm so happy!!!! Those pictures are absolutly priceless!!! I'm so glad that they are cuddling, and getting along now. I loved the pics, they really brought a smile on my face:)

08-23-2003, 07:07 PM
These pictures are so heartwarming!!!!!!!! You are so lucky and I am jealous!.. Way too cute! I've never said "AWWWWWWWW" so many times in a row before.:D :D

08-23-2003, 07:54 PM
Those pictures made my day. What wonderful friends Lily and luna are becoming. Really, really sweet.

08-23-2003, 08:55 PM
Oh what lovely pictures. This really put a smile on my face and I had to point them out to Dan because they were just too cute. All my kitties cuddle except for Ewok, he is too busy torturing all the other cats. :p

08-23-2003, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by Kirsten
Ahhh, my sweet girls!!!! :) I'm a happy cat mommy over here! :) :) :)
I think I can hear you, Kirsten, purring all the way over here in California! ;) Congratulations on building a loving kitty family!

08-23-2003, 11:59 PM
These pictures are so cute and I also agree that they are also priceless. :D These pics also made my day. I could just sit for hours and look at cats snuggling and grooming each other.:) Luckily in my household Sunny and Cirrus groom each other and have been known to cuddle and Storm and Sky groom each other and have slept close to each other. In fact I have some pics of my own to share. :)

08-24-2003, 10:11 AM
In fact I have some pics of my own to share

So what are you waiting for??? :) :) :) We want to see them! :)


Steffi N
08-24-2003, 10:25 AM
Awwwww. How warm and tender and adorable.

08-24-2003, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by Kirsten
So what are you waiting for??? :) :) :) We want to see them! :)

Kirsten Look under "Bathtime Buddies" in cat general. :)

08-24-2003, 03:06 PM
Okay, I'm on my way... :)
