View Full Version : My Pet Talk Gift!

08-15-2003, 07:31 AM
It arrived las week, but had been lazy :o.
Sorry Jenny, hope you are not going to kill me! :)

The notice had been in the mail box for two days according to the date on it, but we are on holidays and nobody cares to pick up the mail. :rolleyes: Oh well, as soon as I got the notice, got very exicet and went to the post office ASAP.
It was a big box ;) and couldn't wait so when I reached the car open it inmediately. Oh my! the pressies (aussie expession ;) ) were nicely wrapped with a beautiful shiny wrap paper, thought it worth a pic or two.


Guess who came firts to check in.....Piula!


Needless to say I got help unwarping...

08-15-2003, 07:32 AM
Uhm....a new smell ,mom ...

..and here is what we got :D

A "Cacht the mouse" that has been a blast !!! Little Pericot and Piula had been playing with untill they were worn out !:D. Ginjol and Paloo joined the fun later.


A cute kitty figurine, that looks to me like it's purring :p

Pericot wanted to chew on it :rolleyes:


Moussies....of course....they like them. I save them for later, but Pericot help himself and unpacked the moussies out of the plastic box .He is very good at "selfsevice".


A leash for Magda. How nice from you to remember Magada :) .At first I tohough you mistook Magda for a bunny :o. But you are right it will be a great leash when Magda grow up a little (...some greens away..)


08-15-2003, 07:34 AM
A photo frame in a shape of what ?.......
You gessed it right ! :p


I like it soooo muuuuch !! :) I couldn't dcide wich kitty was going to get his picture there , because I love all them the same. I think a pic of lil niece will be fine when I get a new pic of her.

The kitty frame, now, "lives" here.


Four tansparent noisy balls with figurines inside

( See pic above)

All in all , we , the kitties and me, especially Little Pericot and Piula; are very happy with the pressies and...

THANK YOU AGAIN JENNY !!! and Payforit too on the way! :p

Alll in all ....when is the next Pet Talk Gift Swap? :cool:

PS: I think I forgot something! :confused:

08-15-2003, 07:51 AM
Looks like you got some great gifts. I can't wait to get my gift swap package.

08-15-2003, 08:14 AM
Awesome gifts!!! I love that kitty picture frame. :D

08-15-2003, 10:34 AM
Looks like everyone had fun!! :D

08-15-2003, 11:23 AM
I am so glad you like your pressie's (UK word too !)

I love the photos, thankyou for posting them.

I'm glad your cats love the 'chase the mouse' toy...mine take turns in pairs batting the mouse around and around.

LOL. I know it is a strange thing to buy your Magda...a rabbit lease. But my local petshop owner ensured me this rabbit lease is commonly bought for reptiles, as it is very very adjustable. As it covers a small G-pig to a large rabbit and hopefully your Magda one day.

Love Jenny

Ps. I don't think you forgot anything.

08-15-2003, 11:44 AM

I love this! It's look like Tibby's personality in Corkscrews body. Jenny were do you find that? I would love to have one for my coffee table.

08-15-2003, 11:53 AM
I have a confession to make, I actually bought one for myself but I could not find a place for it to go in my little house. So it is still wrapped in the bubblewrap I bought it in.

So if you are serious about wanting a pottery cat, PM me your address and I'll ship it over to you. :D

08-15-2003, 02:13 PM
Great stuff. I love that picture frame!

Miss Meow
08-16-2003, 02:57 AM
Wow, it's Christmas in Catalonia!!!

Looks like Pericot had a great time; he's not so little any more, is he! :)

I adore that photo frame. It's going to look so cute with your niece's picture in it :)