View Full Version : A new approach to Micah

07-27-2003, 02:59 PM
After a ton of research, we've decided to take Micah to a homeopathic vet. I'm going to call for an appointment on Wednesday after I get back from seeing my niece born. (yay!!)

I've learned so much about feline IBD, wanna know more?

*IBD is brought out by annual vaccinations!! Basically, most vets vaccinate and don't bother take titer tests to see if vaccinations are really due and end up over vaccinating. :( If a cat has a compromised immune system from ANYTHING (even allergies!), vaccinations are a huge culprit.

*Most food, even my beloved Royal Canin, is not good for cats with IBD because it contains grains. Science Diet is a hundred times worse. :( (That's what we've been giving Micah for a little over a month)

*The ideal diet is the Raw diet...one called Feline Future ( a mix of organic meats, organ meat, bones, fiber (not from grains) and suppliments) has been proven to stop the symptoms of IBD and in some cases almost CURE it!!! (Too bad I can't go on it as well...hee hee ;) )

*If the raw diet doesn't work, or isn't something I want to do, IBD cats should only eat WET food. (no grains at all, only human grade meat, no byproducts, etc.)

*The surgery my vet wants to do on Micah is to look for lymphoma. I'll be talking with the homeopathic vet to see if its necessary. I don't want to put him through that if its not.

*Steriods, the leading/only treatment for IBD (in people too) are not necessary if food works (YAY!!)

That's just a little of what I've learned. I joined a yahoo group for people with cats that have IBD and am learning so much. So many people have fuzzies that are just like my Micah and I'm willing to try ANYTHING to make him better. Even if that means getting a meat grinder and making his food for him. (ewww!!)

We went to a local pet store searching for Innova. They are getting some in next week, so we bought an equivelant, "Wellness" until that comes in. He'll get some this afternoon and I'll let you all know what happens.


07-27-2003, 03:19 PM
I'm sitting here reading all the paperwork we have on Micah and I saw that he had FOUR vaccinations on 3/13/03...the day after he arrived at the shelter. Poor thing!!

I also found the breeders name!!!!!!!! I'm reporting her now.

07-27-2003, 04:03 PM
OMG Kelly! That is wonderful that you are finding out so much about IBD in cats! That is definitely an area where I know nothing! I think you are doing the right thing! I never would have thought that Science Diet would be so bad for him! :eek: Wow! It's great that you have some new food suggestions. It's amazing how vaccinating cats can sometimes just be the worse thing you can do! Poor Micah! He's in good hands with you, Kelly, what a great meowmie you are! :D **hugs**

I'm glad you were able to find a homeopathic vet in the area. I will be curious to know what that is like! :) That's cool that you can find that food. I sure hope it helps!! Let me know what happens.

I'm also glad that you're reporting that nasty breeder! It's disgusting that she's breeding cats with health problems, and dumping them off the vet with she's "done" with them! :mad:

07-27-2003, 04:33 PM
Thank you Karen! :)

I know this in an unconventional path to take, but the sad fact is, most vets don't know more than they are taught about feline IBD other than what they learn when they were in vet school.

Many people may not agree with feeding cats a raw diet, but that is what they were made to do. Its kind of yucky to go out and buy chicken hearts...ewww...but if it'll make Micah all better, I'll do it.

Vaccinations work the same with humans. If you're sick, you don't want a flu shot or something like that. Its contributing to your compromised immune system. Since IBD is an autoimmune disease, vaccinations are a horrible thing. :( That's kind of scary, but makes me glad he's an indoor cat and is all set for at least three years right now. (wont have to worry about that for a while...or have to make a dicision on whether to vaccinate him again)

07-27-2003, 04:44 PM
That's true. There are a few members here that do feed their cats raw diets, so maybe they could offer up some advice! At least it's only for one cat, right? LOL It's worth a shot...especially if it means Micah will be feeling better for it! :D

07-27-2003, 08:14 PM
what a wonderful fur-mom you are :) I am a firm believer in holistic health and raw diets, but sadly, can't afford full raw-diets for my babies any longer. I actually tried a bit of raw with Minion but he's one picky little eater. It's amazing, for a stray that was starving and dehydrated, he sure is finicky with foods. I tried several natural foods, and Min only likes Felidae, so I chose to keep him on it.

the dogs were on raw for several months, close to a year for Graham, and their health is/was just amazing. With my research, I found out that having animals on raw diets can fix things from allergies to diabeties to epalapsy (sp). I also am a firm believer in keeping an animal's immune system in check threw natural health, as opposed to over-vaccinating.

it's so nice that you are doing your homework to help your little boy :) he sure was lucky to get you as his mom!

three cheers from leslie and her furgang :)

07-28-2003, 12:32 AM
Kelly, I'm so glad that you're able to learn more info about IBD and share your info with us. I'm also glad to hear that a raw diet will be able to help Micah. I think that SAS was also feeding her cats this way so maybe you could ask her for more info on it. You're also such a good cat Mom and I'm so glad that you're able to help Micah. :D Please keep us updated on his progress. He's such a sweetheart.

Ally Cat's Mommy
07-28-2003, 06:05 AM
Thanks for sharing the info - you really have spend loads of time doing research.....don't you sometimes wonder how on earth we managed without the internet???..........

Hope it all goes will at the Vet (BUT if a "standard" vet is a "white coat", what will we call a homeopathic vet??? Perhaps an "organically grown unbleached calico coat?????)

07-28-2003, 06:26 AM
Great job on the research. It sounds like you have certainly done your homework... and this is yet another reason for us to question the use of vaccines!!! UUGH!!! :rolleyes:

Please keep us posted on sweet Michah progress....and good job for reporting that "breeder'!!!

07-28-2003, 06:54 AM
My two cents here.

I think you all know that I am not feeding Juni dry food anymore and VERY rarely canned food. I buy her very fresh chicken, and other kinds of meat. I give her raw meat only immediately I bring it from the supermarket (the best supermarket in Chisinau :) ), otherwise I just boil it and give it to her. I add carrot and other vegetables she likes from time to time. My Juni-baby is so much happier now and she even put some weight on. I think all these preservatives and E. series additives are not very healthy. I have to spend 15 minutes every morning getting the breakfast ready for her, but I think it is a small price to pay for our furkids' health.

I bought her some dry food not so long ago to give it to her when I am out of town or when I know I'll come a little later that usual. She vomited it every single time she ate. This was her favorite food that I've been feeding her for over a year. Of course, this convinced me that I made a good choice when I switched her to natural food.

I hope Micah will get well only with his new food and he won't have to go through the surgery. Poor boy, he's such a sweety :)

07-29-2003, 12:15 PM
Thank you so much for all your support. :) I was wondering how everyone would feel about this subject.

The diet Micah will eventually be on will be completely balanced as he'll be having a ton of needed supliments as well.

When I get home, I'll post a link that tell how to prepare, why to prepare and all that good stuff. :)

Take care :)

07-29-2003, 01:25 PM
This is very interesting, and I can't wait to learn more about it. Bassett's diet has to be very special because it cannot contain hardly any fat. Also, Tilly seems to HATE cat food unless it's weight loss food, and Tilly doesn't need any sort of diet. And Nutmeg is starting to tub-up - she's a little piggie!!!

Because of Bassett's special needs and Tilly's plain ol' weirdness, I wonder if a natural diet would be better for my kids? The only thing I wonder about is, Tilly and Bassett have never really liked people food - meat included. I am really interested in this.. looking forward to your links :)

07-29-2003, 04:02 PM
When I first got Max and Specks, I tried to introduce them to a raw food diet.

"Excuse me.....servant.....what the *** is this??" "Do you really expect me to eat this??" "This is fit for the pit!!"

Well, that was the end of that. I, too, am looking forward to learning more from you.

Steffi N
07-29-2003, 06:33 PM
A raw diet may be what cats evolved to eat, but there is so much contamination by salmonella and other bacteria in our food supply, especially poultry, that I would be very cautious. Please choose your source of food very carefully.
Please do keep us updated about Micah

07-30-2003, 12:42 AM
I'm going to bed soon and will post those links tomorrow. But...wanted to address something I learned. The only contaminent cats can get is e.coli, but if the meat is handled correctly and cleanly, its OK. Cats are not affected by salmonella at all. Interesting, huh??

Be back in the morning to post those links. :)

07-31-2003, 02:37 AM
Well...I guess its morning somewhere....actually, its almost 1:00 AM here! ;)

Here's some links:



The "Wellness" seems to be much better for Micah. He has SO much energy and he's much more loving....if that were possible. ;) He's such a huge lover boy anyway, he just seems happier already. I'm going to go get the Innova tomorrow and see if there's a difference.

Also calling that homeopathic vet tomorrow. Things have been crazy with my new neice and my interview I had today. Finally, it'll be Micah's day tomorrow.

07-31-2003, 02:38 AM
Forgot to mention. Those first two links are from the main person at the yahoo feline IBD group I joined.

07-31-2003, 02:50 PM

07-31-2003, 08:15 PM
Just got off the phone with the homeopathic vet. Micah has an appointment on Monday at 10:00 a.m. :)

He told me to give Micah some plain, unpasturized yogurt as a snack. Micah will LOVE that! ;)

I'll keep you all updated.

07-31-2003, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by Ally Cat's Mommy
Hope it all goes will at the Vet (BUT if a "standard" vet is a "white coat", what will we call a homeopathic vet??? Perhaps an "organically grown unbleached calico coat?????)
ha ha! I just saw this. :) I'll be sure and let you know what he's wearing on Monday. :)

08-01-2003, 11:19 AM
This is so interesting to me. My very first love-cat, Sugar, was fed only very basic and especially inexpensive cat food. It was all that I could afford at the time. He lived to be 18 years old.

Look how specialized all of this has become over the years.

My limited knowledge of a raw diet - has been that the cats loved it and thrived.

As for the surgery - Kelly - personally, I just could not do that to Rascal.

I have had the same vet for years - the same vet who administed chemotherapy to Mr. Magic (r/b - baby).

But if Mr. Rascal ever gets sick, I definitely am going to get a second opinion from the homeopathic vet I know.

I will be following this to find out the results of your Monday visit.

08-01-2003, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by gini
My limited knowledge of a raw diet - has been that the cats loved it and thrived.
That's what I've been hearing too. Now, I'm just trying to see which one I want to feed Micah. There are many companies who will send you the food frozen, or will send you the suppliments where you just add the meat. I'll ask the vet on Monday what he thinks.

As for the surgery - Kelly - personally, I just could not do that to Rascal.
I CANT allow Micah to go through this. I got two opinions from "regular" vets and it never sat right with me. I know the vet Micah is seeing on Monday wont recommend that and I'm so glad.

I have had the same vet for years - the same vet who administed chemotherapy to Mr. Magic (r/b - baby).
How is chemo administered? Is it done through and IV? How did you know Mr. Magic had cancer?

But if Mr. Rascal ever gets sick, I definitely am going to get a second opinion from the homeopathic vet I know.
I agree, homeopathic vets are always a good route in my opinion. Natural is the best thing for what I have, cats deserve the same if they have something chronic. I mean, I was WAY skeptical about homeopathy, but the regular vets are way too evasive. This sure warrants at least a try.

I will be following this to find out the results of your Monday visit.
Thank you Gini. I really need this type of support. My cats are my children and it hurts me to know he's hurting. I want to find out what will work and get him all fixed. :) Thanks again.

08-01-2003, 01:41 PM
Micah is in my thoughts and prayers.

08-01-2003, 08:20 PM
Has Micah tried the Innova yet? Is this like dry food but with natural ingredients only? LOL I admit I know absolutely nothing when it comes to the topic of diet, but I may actually corner my vet and ask him about IBD in cats! Yesterday, he mentioned that he is really into nutrition in animals and really believes cats do well on what he considers a "natural" diet being birds and mice and grains since that is what the would eat themselves! :eek: LOL He also said something about beef being bad for them, because when do you see a domestic cat bringing down a cow?! LOL So, fish and birds (turkey, chicken count) are good natural foods for them. Maybe I could get some insight about feline IBD and what he thinks on that subject! I will ask when I go into work next Tuesday!
Let us know how Micah is doing! :)

08-01-2003, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by wolflady
Has Micah tried the Innova yet? Is this like dry food but with natural ingredients only? LOL I admit I know absolutely nothing when it comes to the topic of diet, but I may actually corner my vet and ask him about IBD in cats! Yesterday, he mentioned that he is really into nutrition in animals and really believes cats do well on what he considers a "natural" diet being birds and mice and grains since that is what the would eat themselves! :eek: LOL He also said something about beef being bad for them, because when do you see a domestic cat bringing down a cow?! LOL So, fish and birds (turkey, chicken count) are good natural foods for them. Maybe I could get some insight about feline IBD and what he thinks on that subject! I will ask when I go into work next Tuesday!
Let us know how Micah is doing! :)
Howdy! :)

Innova is canned food. IBD cats can only have canned food without grains. I guess its hards to make a kibble without grains. Too bad..Micah LOVES crunchy food. But he's also liking this wet food thing.

Yes, Micah loves his Innova. He gets about a can and a half a day. Plus, a scoop of yogurt "flavored" with acidopholis, digestive enzymes, taurine, papyaya juice and cranberry juice. (I got that bottle at PetSmart - all organic)

As far as the standard cat diet, yes, beef wouldn't be considered their normal diet, cause they WOULDN'T be out there hunting in cow pastures. hee hee :)

I know the diet for IBD cats and normal cats is a bit different in that they need digestive enzymes, good bacteria, NO GRAINS, high quality, organic meat and chicken bones.

I'd love to hear what your vet would say about Micah. Thanks so much for asking. :D

Love, Me

P.S. How's my Tobias...um...I mean Sergei???

08-01-2003, 08:51 PM
Wow! Sounds like Micah is getting some tasty treats! ;) LOL I'm glad he likes the new food! How wonderful! I really hope it helps. I will be sure to talk with my vet about it on Tuesday. I'm really curious as to what he'll say now! :)
Sergei is doing well! He's wearing his little red harness and sending along some purrs for auntie Kelly and Micah too!