View Full Version : Describe your cat's purr

07-18-2003, 03:34 PM
When I was growing up on a dairy farm, we had lots of cats and they all purred pretty much alike - sounding the same and purring under the same circumstances. But I've noticed that all 3 of my babies now have very unique purrs, special to themselves.

If I had to use only 3 words to describe their purrs, they would be:

Bo - constant, thundering, snorting

Jazz - delightful, abrupt, spontaneous

Trixie - rare, delicate, silent

How would you describe your cat's purr?

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-18-2003, 03:47 PM
Tubby is like Bo, loud and constant...don't know about the snorting part, but I guess I'd put "snoring like" in instead of snorting. Sometimes I honestly can't tell if he's purring or snoring. :rolleyes: But he purrs constantly - even when begging for treats. :D

Peanut is more similar to Trixie, with the delicate and silent, but it's not rare. She will purr whenever she is on your lap, it's just that she doesn't come on your lap too often. :rolleyes: But she also purrs when I'm playing with her and her mousie on the floor. Sometimes its so quiet, though, that I have to feel her throat to see if she's purring or not. :D

07-18-2003, 03:54 PM
Cleo is alot like Bo, also, except she dosen't snort;) She is loud most of the time, and will even purr in her sleep, just quieter:rolleyes: :p Now Phoebe's purr sounds like a broken chainsaw. Seriously:rolleyes: She only really purrs at night, when she pesters you when you try to go to sleep. She is becoming more and more vocal the older she gets.

Steffi N
07-18-2003, 04:19 PM
Lovable's purr is "rare, delicate, silent." His mother and his siblings have good little motors.

07-18-2003, 04:35 PM
My two's purrs are completely opposite to their purrsonalities!

Mitzi's is very loud, rumbling and sometimes she gets the hiccups and snorts when she is having a "purr-gasm." :D

My Maine Coon Giant Mishi has a very quiet, gentle purr. You have to put your ear to him to hear it. He doesn't even "vibrate" too much when he purrs. Ah what a guy! :p

07-18-2003, 04:39 PM
Luna's purr is silent and rare, often you can't hear it very well.


07-18-2003, 04:40 PM
Jan - delicate and feminine.
Joxer - appreciative. Like you are the best human in the whole world.
Sid - musical. He actually does this sound that is like a closed mouth meow or humming while he purrs.

07-18-2003, 04:48 PM
Minion: he purrs often, but his purr is very faint and delicate. Sometimes I have to put my hand on his neck to actually know if he's purring.

Fawn: not even close to being ready to show me her purr. I can't even touch her yet.

07-18-2003, 04:52 PM

starts off quiet and delicate and ends up loud and purrgasmic!

Bastet almost constantly purrs whenever I am in the room with her. I don't need to be touching her for my little pink motor boat to purr.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-18-2003, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by RedHedd
Mitzi's is very loud, rumbling and sometimes she gets the hiccups and snorts when she is having a "purr-gasm." :D

Yep, I think we've got a new PT word here. Purrgasm, and you can be purrgasmic, like Bastet. :D :D

Ya gotta love this place! :D :D