View Full Version : Do you let your cats sit in an open window?

07-17-2003, 01:44 PM
Just wondering because here in my neighborhood, I see so many cats sitting in open windows now, and it always makes me a bit shiver inside...

Personally I don't allow this; when I have to open the windows (when I'm cleaning them or just open them to get fresh air in the summer), I'm making sure Luna is in a seperate room and the door is CLOSED! Wonder if this is getting more complicated with two cats (you know, I plan to get Lily).

Of course Luna can't stand it being locked up in another room, but I think it's better to be safe than sorry, especially since a friend of mine has lost her cat that way. And I know my Luna can be a clumsy girl sometimes...


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-17-2003, 01:49 PM
I let T & P sit in open windows, but we have screens on them, and only on the first floor. I know screens aren't common in Germany, so I'm assuming you mean "open windows with no screens." I would never open the window with no screens on with the T & P around because I just know they'd have to inspect....and get out! So yes with screens and no way if there are no screens. :)

07-17-2003, 01:50 PM
The only way that I allow my cats to sit in a open window (with a screen on it) is if I'm in the room w/ them. I also only open the window a little bit...enough to get some fresh air in the house, but not enough for them to escape if the screen was to fall out somehow . I also only open it a little bit so that if another cat happens to walk by the house when the window is open, that it can't go after one of mine.

07-17-2003, 01:51 PM
Yes, I mean windows with no screens - you're right, we don't have them here.


07-17-2003, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by Lerah021399
The only way that I allow my cats to sit in a open window (with a screen on it) is if I'm in the room w/ them. I also only open the window a little bit...enough to get some fresh air in the house, but not enough for them to escape if the screen was to fall out somehow. I also only open it a little bit so that if another cat happens to walk by the house when the window is open, that it can't go after one of mine.

Luna is very relieved to hear her Jack and his sister are in such a safe place! :)


07-17-2003, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by Kirsten
Luna is very relieved to hear her Jack and his sister are in such a safe place! :)


I had to start making sure that I was in the room w/ the cats after I realized that my RB Cat Twinkle used to push the screens out of the windows in order to get outside...he was such a sneak!! :eek: :eek:

07-17-2003, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by Lerah021399
I had to start making sure that I was in the room w/ the cats after I realized that my RB Cat Twinkle used to push the screens out of the windows in order to get outside...he was such a sneak!! :eek: :eek:

Yes, sometimes a smart kitty can be everything else but a blessing! :)


07-17-2003, 02:49 PM
I only open windows that have safe screens. I have one window that I like to open sometimes that does not have a screen but I put one of those expandible screens in it. but since I do not trust that as much as a fully attached screen, I only do this when I am around to supervise.

07-17-2003, 03:04 PM
Without screen: absolutely not! I'd be terrified!
With screen: I guess it depends on the cat, but Minion is not at all the type to try to rip up the screen to get out, so almost all summer I have windows open so he can sit on the ledge and check out the outdoors. The only time I close the windows during the summer months are the days that are so hot that we need to crank on the A.C..

I don't blame you for being fearful of kitties in open, screenless windows. I'd not like to see that either.

07-17-2003, 03:21 PM
I have 6 sets of windows, all with safe screens and my Katie and Mooky just enjoy sitting in the window watching what ever is going on outside.

Open windows with safe screens, a big YES. :)

Open windows with No screens, a definite big NO NO. :mad:

07-17-2003, 03:28 PM
Here in Germany, many people let their cats sit in open windows - without screens - and I'm often told I'm overprotective that I won't let mine! :(


07-17-2003, 03:37 PM
As our kitties are inside/outside.... To them windows are just higher doors ;)

Milo prefers the kitchen window. :D

They also play a strange game with the low and very long living room window, which has a solid middle glass panel and two side opening windows.


They take turns going out of window A, pause and sit at point B outside window, re-enter house at Window C and pause again at point D inside the window. I have seen Milo go around and round several times in a row...I have VERY strange cats !!!

But while we have the kits house bound and as Tigs has managed to jump up to the kitchen window, all window are shut until the kits are older.

07-17-2003, 03:39 PM
No Kirsten, you are not being overprotective. It just proves to us how much you love your furbabies cause you want to keep them safe from harm.
Not all cats are light on their feet. My Mookers would never be able to sit in an open window(not that he would be allowed to anyway) as he is one clumsy kitty. When he would jump onto my dresser, everything went flying whereas my Katie girl was so graceful that nothing would be out of place.

So it is best to be safe than sorry, and good for you for not allowing your kitties to sit in an open window.

07-17-2003, 04:27 PM
Ron actually fell through the window once. He was laying on the window sill (sp?), and next thing you know, he was outside in the bushes. He actually broke our screen! We weren't looking at the time of the accident, but I am assuming he forgot in his sleep where he was and tried to roll over. Luckily, we live in a one story house. If I had a 2nd story, I wouldn't allow my cats to sit in the window.

07-17-2003, 04:28 PM
Kirsten, I have all my windows protected and would never let a cat sit in an open window. I have screens against the flies but as they are not very stable I allow them only there when I'm in the room. I have a net around my balcony (there is a cat shop here, they sell and put in these nets -very professionally and it works well even after 7 years now). Our windows can be tipped (so that they just hang on the bottom) and then I have these metal "Kippschutz" so that no cat can fall in the gap. (Sorry technical terms in English are above my level).

I agree that here are many people who think cats can always fall safe -which is not true for any height and a cat falling from the first floor can have more injuries than one that falls 15 meters. Tigris human parents lost a cat that fell from the roof garden among 10 m deep -since then there roof garden has a fence.

07-17-2003, 05:24 PM
When I first moved in this house with Leroy (RB) he sat in the kitchen window all night. My Dad screwed the screen on so it couldn't be pushed out. Now there is a garage where that window used to be. Kelcee likes to sit in them to get the sun, not a cool breeze.

sasha the cat
07-17-2003, 07:45 PM
mew-mew my KatMa opens the screened window just enough for me to smell the flowers. Under the windows in the bedrooms KatMa has a chair just for me. I sit in the chair and look out the windows. Now, since the bedrooms are not all on the same side of the house, I see different things. Mew, purr-purrr this works great.

KatMa and Paw-Paw are very careful to make sure little me does NOT ever get outside without supervision 'cause I was a lost & abandoned kitty who was pregnant with I connected with my KatMa. They don't want me to ever get out -- KatMa told me I am not allowed to trust people unless she checks them out first. If my purrents think the human is okay then they get to meet me.

KatMa & Paw-Paw would snap and end up in straight jackets if I ever got out and lost!

So our vote is: screened windows open a crack, OK
open windows, doors rate a big NO