View Full Version : A cat behaviorist is coming out to the house!

07-16-2003, 08:15 AM
I called my vet this morning to talk about my problems with Miley and Ti. I was referred to a behaviorist - and she is coming out on August 7th, to observe the situation and give me advice. It will be expensive, but not any more than I have already spent on those silly diffusers!

I will have to fill out a questionaire first, then she will visit for 2 hours. I am so happy - and hopeful. The vet's office said that this woman works miracles with cats and HAS in the past, repaired fighting cats...cats that poop at the sight of the other one....and that is my situation too! I am so, so, so hopeful!

Love and thanks to all of you.

I am so tired of this situation and now there is light at the end of the tunnel!


07-16-2003, 08:20 AM
Best of luck to you, SAS!

07-16-2003, 08:21 AM
SAS you surely do love your kitties . Hurry up Aug. 7th. Major hugs to Miley and you. How's Juni faring in all this ?

07-16-2003, 08:22 AM
This sounds great. I am very very curious what she will say. Please note every single word and give it to us. (ok.....I know....) I also have been thinking about this beahvior -I never have seen something like this.

Hey there is some hope in that story:)

07-16-2003, 08:29 AM
Sorry to hear about your situation with Miley and Ti Sallyanne, cats can be expensive pets can’t they! I really hope it helps.
Did you ever see the Osbournes and their pooping dogs? They had some sort of dog psychiatrist in, but it didn’t seem to work very well, they just kept on pooping on the expensive rugs anyway. Hope she helps more than theirs did! We’ll all be crossing our fingers and paws here, and looking forward to hearing a report.


07-16-2003, 08:29 AM
Just another thought. I don't know that much about Bengal's but could the fact that a wild cat is in the mix and not that far back generation wise cause him to have traits that would affect how he deals with other cats. The fact that Miley runs away from him in fear could trigger his hunting instincts and then he no longer has control either. Juni on the other hand wants to play and has no fear of him and so does not trigger the same reaction. Sigh....:(

07-16-2003, 08:38 AM
Maybe if Miley has a gun, it will keep Ti away!

I will take notes when the behaviorist comes out! Until then, the doors will be locked between the cats, in an effort to build Miley's confidence level. Ugh!

07-16-2003, 09:52 AM
Sallyanne, you are my hero! You are going to every effort to make this work and I really, really admire you for doing it. Now, if you can just keep the peace until that behaviorist gets there in August!!!! Having a Miley (in the form of Mimi) and a Ti (in the form of Butter) of my own, I feel for you, every single time you report another episode. I do think that my cats do ok because they can get enough space from each other in the two story house and by going outdoors.

Fingers, paws and claws all crossed here that the three kitties can live in harmony and you can finally relax!!!! :)

07-16-2003, 09:59 AM
Saint SAS, you are an inspiration to us all :)

07-16-2003, 10:00 AM
Maybe she could come over and explain to Moose The Magnificent the benefits of going on a diet! The big fellow now tops off at 25 pounds!

07-16-2003, 10:02 AM
All fingers and paws are crossed here hoping that everything works out. Please take notes and tell us everything she does.

Kona & Oreo's mom
07-16-2003, 10:06 AM
Good luck!

07-16-2003, 10:10 AM
Sas, I think it is absolutely wonderful you are trying everything under the sun. I will be praying the cat behaviorist can work some miracles! I am sure it'll be well worth your money :)

07-16-2003, 11:12 AM
Thats very promising news. I once read a book by a cat behaviorist and they can have the ability to see things that you might not be aware of that can be part of the problem. The fact that you are so willing to stick it out and try new things will be very beneficial. It must also be somewhat of a relief to realize that you are not the only one who has ever gone through this.

I hope this works for you and the entire gang.

07-16-2003, 11:16 AM
Sallyanne, I'm so glad that you're not giving up yet and willing to try a cat behaviorist. :) I sure hope that she can help Ti and Miley overcome their issues towards each other. All fingers and paws are crossed here. Good luck. :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-16-2003, 12:28 PM
What a wonderful suggestion! I'm surprised none of us here thought of that, but thank goodness your vet did. I really, really, really hope she can pull off the miracle you are hoping for.

Can't wait for Aug 7th! :)

07-16-2003, 12:33 PM
Sallyanne, I think you are absolutely wonderful for not giving up on Ti and trying yet again to find an answer. I admire you so.
I will be praying that the behaviourist can and does help. And come August we will have all fingers and paws crossed here too!:)

07-16-2003, 01:13 PM
Maybe we could do a closed circuit TV/video thingie and have Edwina and poor Eduardo participate.

I just cannot wait.

One of our dear Pet Talkers just sent me some web site information to go and look at, and having just peeked, I bet it is going to be interesting to see how long I will need to confine my pets, before they start behaving properly!

I will wait until the behaviorist sends me the questionaire - and probably instructions on what to do before she arrives.

I hope Miley snaps out of her blue funk before August 7th! I will take her to the vet if she is still like she was this morning. She could hardly lift her head without having a pathetic look on her furry little face. Poor baby. Maybe that's her way of controlling the situation. She is the victim. Who the hell knows. I am getting excited to think that there may be a happy ending to this situation.


07-16-2003, 01:20 PM
That's great news! After all you've been through this could be the answer. Congrats for hanging in there as look as you have. Aug 7th is still a couple of weeks away - I pray that's it's a somewhat peaceful wait....

Ally Cat's Mommy
07-16-2003, 01:25 PM
Keeping fingers and paws crossed that it all gets sorted out!

Keep us posted!

07-16-2003, 01:46 PM

Fingers and paws crossed that this helps.

07-16-2003, 02:47 PM
Sas, good for you for trying something new to help your kitties!:)
I never even knew Vermont had a cat behaviorist!(having a single cat I have never needed one)
Hang in there until August 7th Miley! Help is on the way!:)

07-16-2003, 04:14 PM
Best of luck.

07-16-2003, 04:22 PM
Good luck with everything. I really hope the behaviorist is able to help the problem.

07-16-2003, 04:26 PM
That sounds promising, hope she'll find a solution.

I have read a cat behaviourist's book (I think Pamela Johnson-Bennett was her name), and I was impressed how good it was. I took a lot of helpful advice from it when raising Luna - and Luna is a good girl now. :)

Good luck,


07-16-2003, 04:33 PM
Great idea SAS! I can't wait to hear the outcome. :)

Poor Miley girl. Can you give her extra attention? I know with Micah, we can't even yell at him to get off the counter cause he's so sensitive. :( Poor Abys...such sensitive little creatures. When I give him even five extra minutes of attention, his little spirit soars!

07-16-2003, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
Saint SAS, you are an inspiration to us all :)

Took the words right out of my mouth! Oh I hope this will help! (((hugs))) to you and Miley, and Ti and Juni! I am allowing my mind to go wild and am picturing a Miley/Ti grooming session. I know, slap me back to reality! Fingers all crossed tightly here!

07-16-2003, 04:56 PM
Oh! Best of Luck with the behaviorist! I hope she/he has a lot of background to refer to.
Sounds like they wish to be thorough. Can you tape record her visit? (like at a doctors?) It can free up your mind from having to keep notes.

Everything's crossed here!

07-16-2003, 07:12 PM
These three should drive the behaviorist nuts for sure.

I guess my concern is what to do in the mean time. I hope they give me some preliminary instructions.....I guess I will keep them totally apart until August. Actually, that is what I was trying to do anyway, and it was Ti that figured out how to hand on door knobs and open doors, and changed things for a while!

Ijust now read a thread about a person having their dogs studied by a behaviorist. I suspect I will have some homework cut out for me, too. It will be interesting. I have the time, so I may as well spend it in "repairing relationships" mode.....

Right now Ti is howling, sitting outside the computer room screened in door, wanting in...... How lovely. I hope he does this when Lisa, the behaviorist is here!......

07-16-2003, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by sasvermont
I hope he does this when Lisa, the behaviorist is here!......
Is there any way you can get it on tape? Know anyone with a video camera?

I know my cats are notorious for acting sick at home and FINE at the vet...sillies!!

Steffi N
07-16-2003, 07:42 PM
I hope the behaviorist is able to help remedy your situation with Ti and Miley. The poor girl just seems so anxious and depressed.
Paws and fingers crossed.

07-16-2003, 09:11 PM
ohh sas I really hope this works for you!!! :D :D

07-16-2003, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by sasvermont
These three should drive the behaviorist nuts for sure.

Right now Ti is howling, sitting outside the computer room screened in door, wanting in...... How lovely. I hope he does this when Lisa, the behaviorist is here!......

I hope you still have some more wine left in that bottle that you bought recently. It sounds like you might want to pour a couple of glasses at the end of the session. :p

07-17-2003, 12:58 AM
Good luck!

07-17-2003, 03:47 AM
That's good! I liked to watch on Animal Planet the show with the dog behaviorist. They can actually see the problem immediately and the solution too. Let's hope she'll help poor Miley and Ti.

07-17-2003, 07:21 AM
Last night I dragged poor Miley out from under a pile of sweaters and made her face Juni and me. She was ok with it for awhile but soon retreated when she heard "you know who" outside the door. I feel really guilty having left Ti open that door the other day. If I had put that lock on it when I was planning to, we wouldn't be in the situation right now. On the other hand, I would never have called a behaviorist in either, if it hadn't happened again!

Once Juni and I got comfortable, Miley climbed into bed too and snuggled near my arms and put her sad little head in my hand. Juni was on one side of my one arm and Miley was on the other. My heart melted. I didn't sleep much, trying to stay still so Miley wouldn't feel the need to leave and hide. She must have been so horrified that day (Monday) doing the fight thing with Ti on the futon!

This morning when I awoke, still in the same statue like position, both kitty cats were cuddled up, sleeping. Miley followed me into the bathroom, only to have Juni right on her tail! She didn't seem to mind. Progress.

I left Miley behind closed and locked doors for safety reasons and allowed Ms. Juni Rose to play with her big bro, Ti. I hope Miley regains some of her oh so needed confidence, soon!



07-17-2003, 07:36 AM
Sounds like you had a great night. I hope the behaviorist is able to bring peace to your three kitties.

07-17-2003, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by sasvermont

Once Juni and I got comfortable, Miley climbed into bed too and snuggled near my arms and put her sad little head in my hand. Juni was on one side of my one arm and Miley was on the other. My heart melted. I didn't sleep much, trying to stay still so Miley wouldn't feel the need to leave and hide.

Sallyanne, I can picture that so well in my mind with Miley and her "sad little head" in your hands. Oh I do hope she can overcome the events of this past Monday. I am sure she will with the love and reassurance of her Mommy! :)

I think you can tell an animal lover when you see one without even seeing the animal. They are the ones who have spent the night in one rigid position so as to not disturb the furry one on the bed, as you have described, and they are the ones walking all crooked and kinked! LOL!

Oh I just love little Miley so and hope that she can relax and heal.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-17-2003, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by sasvermont
I hope Miley regains some of her oh so needed confidence, soon!

It sounds like she might have already started getting her confidence back as she did not mind Juni's playing ("only to have Juni right on her tail!")

I just can't imagine how scared she must be of Ti. And it's one thing for her to be aloof and hiss at him like she did at first, but to be so terrified that she cowers at the mere sound of him is certainly not good. Poor Miley girl. :( But it sounds like she's coming around again and will be closer to her old self by the time the behaviourist shows up. I'm so hoping the behaviorist can figure out what's going on and bring about some changes....but I know you're hoping that more than anyone.

I'm glad you had a good night with Miley girl. Hopefully things are all uphill from here on. :)

07-17-2003, 10:15 AM
Pam, you said that so well about "how to recognize an animal lover" beautiful :)

07-18-2003, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by rosethecopycat
...Sounds like they wish to be thorough. Can you tape record her visit? (like at a doctors?) It can free up your mind from having to keep notes.

Everything's crossed here!

Wow, just what I wanted to suggest. Can you ask in advance to tape it? I know my memory's not that great any more, and especially when I'm emotionally involved...

Maybe you could even tape Ti and/or Miley between now and the 7th...

Good luck! Fingers and paws crossed here.

07-18-2003, 07:36 AM
I stopped at the post office this morning, and sure enough, there was the questionaire. I haven't opened it, as I am taking 1/2 vacation this afternoon and will read it then.

I will tape Ti's very annoying howling that he does when he doesn't get his way. It is usually when he is waiting by a closed door! Ahem. It is enough to drive you crazy so I can see why Miley gets so un-nerved by his being in the house!

You know, this morning, while playing with Juni and petting poor Ms. Miley, I was thinking that maybe Ti belongs in another house, with other pets. I will certainly give him the benefit of the doubt, but I won't put any money on the behaviorist! I surely hope it works, but Ti is a Bengal and they are quite stubborn!

I will let you know what kind of questions I will need to answer before their visit.

I am hoping that whatever information I can gather, I will share it with all of you and help everyone/anyone who wants to listen!

I am thinking about taping the meeting with the behaviorist, at least the part that I participate in. I suspect she will play with the cats too!

Later - busy day ahead of me.


07-18-2003, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by sasvermont

I will tape Ti's very annoying howling that he does when he doesn't get his way. It is usually when he is waiting by a closed door! Ahem. It is enough to drive you crazy so I can see why Miley gets so un-nerved by his being in the house!
I've noticed that my Abys, past and present, although very active and rambunctious, are vocally quiet cats. They even fight (which they have been doing of late) quietly. You hear the bodies thunking on the floor as they roll around, but rarely are there any yowls, yells or squawks. I've never heard them howl. Bodhi usually communicates with little chirps. Maya meows assertively. I immediatlely respond so as not to annoy my little dictator.

They also don't like noise. We have had a major renovation next door in our semi detached house since November and it's been very, very noisy as they gutted the house. The cats have become very jumpy and I've just about had it too with all the banging and sawing...argh.

Waiting for your update. Poor Miley, poor Ti.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-18-2003, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by sasvermont
I am hoping that whatever information I can gather, I will share it with all of you and help everyone/anyone who wants to listen!

I am thinking about taping the meeting with the behaviorist, at least the part that I participate in. I suspect she will play with the cats too!

Oh yes! Please do! I'm sure your experience can only be a help to someone else who may be facing something similar. Also, if you let us know what questions are on the questionaire, someone here might remember something you had mentioned that might be of help and that you might have forgotten. Just a suggestion though, knowing how we all want to do whatever we can to help this work out for you. You've all been through so much and we just want our Happy Camp Vermont back for you. :)

07-18-2003, 03:06 PM
I took a half day of vacation today. I spent time with Miley, on the bed and re-examined her as I thought she seemed to be limping. Well...... I found a nasty hole in her leg. I called the vet and the vet is not around until the 24th! I will give her some antibiotics I have here and clean the wound! How could I have missed it before? She isn't touching it...but it does look like it is beginning to get infected. I put peroxide on it....and began some meds. I will be home all weekend and will keep a very, very close eye on her. It looks at though Ti yanked a wad of fur and flesh right out of her. Makes me want to give Ti away, like right this very minute!

I rec'd the application/questionaire and it is several pages long. I will have to copy it at work, as I think I have two cats with problems and they sent me only one questionaire for one cat!

I can't tell you how upset I am to find that hole in Miley's hind quarters! Poor baby. By the way, it looks much like the nasty hot spots she has had in the past, except it is obviously a hole rather than just an sore spot.


Thanks for listening.

Off to a baby sitting evening for some friends.


07-18-2003, 03:18 PM
Poor you and Miley. Regarding the hole in her leg. I've seen this before when a cat have been in a fight with another cat. The bite or claw mark heals over so you don't notice it at the time but then festers and pops a week later, removing fur and leaving the nasty hole that you describe.

Sometimes we would notice the swelling from the festering and applied hot compresses to them to get all of the infection out and they've healed up just fine. Only once have I had one that wasn't healing so good (on Sids tail), and I brought him into the vet for some antibiotics. Even then the vet said that it was healing as it should and the antibiotics were merely a precaution.

07-18-2003, 04:01 PM
SAS I know I shouldn't be trying to influence you in any way because the decision you make is one that you will live with and I would hate to be responsible for causing you to act or not to act. That said, if I was in your shoes I think Miley's injury would cause me to throw in the towel. This bothers me even more than the poopie picture of the other day. Poor little Miley! I can't even begin to imagine how the behaviorist could change the climate at Camp Vermont. I think these two are like oil and water - never gonna mix. :( :( (((hugs to Miley girl)))

Steffi N
07-18-2003, 04:26 PM
Poor Miley, I hope her wound heals quickly. Is there an alternative vet you could call if you need to? It looks like the cat behaviorist will have to work miracles. The situation with Ti may be just too much for Miley, she must be miserable. My nephew has a bengal, so I know they can be difficult. Meanwhile, how is our little Junie Rose doing?

07-18-2003, 04:43 PM
It isn't over until the fat lady sings (or the behaviorist visits), may she/he perform a small double miracle in the SAS household. :D

07-18-2003, 04:47 PM
Oh, I just saw this!!! What wonderful news ... I think this is the answer for you, Sally Anne!!! Hang in there!:D

07-18-2003, 05:04 PM
Hang in there Sas. I would just watch Miley's leg and see how it goes.

I am sure the behaviourist can help. I totally believe in miracles :D

07-18-2003, 09:02 PM

I totally agree with Pam on this one. If Miley did suffer another
attack so bad as to rip a chunk of flesh off her leg, it's time to
raise the white flag & re-home one of these cats. The Behaviorist
will surely be able to tell you why this is happening, but change
Miley's mind about Ti? I don't think it'll ever happen. Better give
poor Miley that gun after all. :)

sasha the cat
07-18-2003, 09:49 PM
mew, me-eow you are my kind of purrson! KatMa wishes you success with the purrkids.

Mew, I should talk! No matter what KatMa & Paw-Paw did I refused, absolutely refused to get along with the late Tiggy & the late Princess!!

So, KatMa just separated us. Worked well. The computer is downstairs & so is Paw-Paw's TVroom/office so I always had my very own time with my purrents...

KatMa told me if the house were a bungalow, I would have HAD TO ADJUST, period! Mew, mew KatMa said her plan would be me in one room with a floor to ceiling screen door installed. The other two would free-roam the Palace & we could all spit & hiss until we just accepted each other.

That may have worked, but mew-mew, who knows?

07-19-2003, 05:23 AM
Miley girl I am so sorry that you now end up really hurt. I hope your little leg will heal soon. I am also a little shocked -I also think that Ti thinks Miley is prey and that really worries me.

I also agree: the character of Bengals to me does not seem as defined as it is with an old breed. If I look at our Abys here we all would agree they are different purrsonalities but they also have a common character of the breed.

I wish you all the best and a good time for everyone until Ms. Cat Whisperer arrives. :) :D

And some extrakissies for my Miley girl :)

07-19-2003, 07:39 AM
I found a substitute vet for Miley. Her wound looks different today, and I didn't get much sleep last night, trying to make sure she wouldn't lick it all night long! It might just be a hot spot, I am not sure.

Miley's appetite has picked up, as she was not eating much these past few days. She has been using the scratching post again and seems to be in better spirits. Maybe the antibiotics have helped.

Ti is on my "other" list. Juni is just fine and one happy little girl. She is playing in a pile of clothes to be washed, as I type this! What a cutie pie Ms. Juni turned out to be......And Miley likes her too.

Pam, I hear you! If Ti didn't have such a "Mr. Dumb Dumb" look and appeal to him, he would be gone. He is NOT a bad cat. He listens to me, he loves Juni and I just think he is out of control with Miley. It may never be able to be changed. I have to prepare myself for that. You want him? :D

I am sure Miley will be fine..... I will let you folks know what the Vet has said, when I return in a couple of hours.


P. S. Barbara, the bengal and aby breeders all agree that abys and bengals make good companions. It is not common for bengals to be aggressive. They are shy cats - and Ti is shy. He also has the big bully in him, which is what I am attempting to deal with....... I feel as though I am trying to put a square peg in a round hole!

Free: One Bengal Cat!

07-19-2003, 10:00 AM
After spending quite a bit of time cleaning the wound, the Vet decided to knock her out, put in a drain and keep her for the weekend. I think the Vet could see by the expressions on my face, that I was not a good candiate to do the daily wound washing etc. It was really gross. Lots of infection and dead muscle. I nearly passed out as he was cleaning it and flushing it.

She will be on two different antibiotics, have the drain in....and I will pick her up on Monday morning. He said he thought she would be fine. I feel fine with his assessment too. She was in good spirits, eating and jumping around, so whatever nasty puncture wound she has, it isn't bothering her that much.

The vet said it had absessed...(sp?)......and that he thought sure that it was a bite/wound. I was hoping it was a hot spot.

Juni and Ti will have a fun weekend. I am going to try to relax - and have positive thoughts about Ms. Miley girl.

She was very good for the vet, by the way. They fell in love with her right away. She was clinging to the vet tech when I left her, just like a baby would do, over the shoulder and her paws around the tech's neck. So cute.

07-19-2003, 10:10 AM
:( Poor Miley, my heart goes out to her. I am still trying to remain positive about the behaviourist helping the situation but if it can't be helped you truly will have done ALL that was humanely possible for this situation. Ti is young enough to re-adjust. Miley loves you dearly and will heal physically and emotionally.

07-19-2003, 10:38 AM
Miley has "several' puncture wounds and they have cleaned them all. I will talk with the Vet again on Monday.

Right now Ti and Juni are playing like two kittens. I just don't get this problem except that not all cats gel and it seems that Ti and Miley do not gel at all.

Poor, poor Miley girl. I wonder why I was not able to detect the wounds? Yikes. I feel like such a bad Mom.

I am going to call the original breeder today and talk about this problem. I will again, offer him back to her.

I feel so horrible about Ms. Miley. She is such a sweet thing and to have to go through this is so awful.

Thanks for listening.


07-19-2003, 10:42 AM
:eek: Oh my I didn't expect this and I'm sure you didn't either. It sounds like Miley will be fine at the vets and I am so glad. No wonder they fell in love with her. I am in love with her and have never seen her in person (or, should I say, "in cat") :D

You certainly have put your heart and soul into this whole thing (not to mention your wallet! :eek: ). Maybe Miley will benefit from this period of R & R away from Ti!

Oh my this story needs close following. Never a dull minute! ((((Hugs to you SAS. What a topsy turvey journey you are on!))))

07-19-2003, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by sasvermont
Miley has "several' puncture wounds.
I feel so horrible about Ms. Miley. She is such a sweet thing and to have to go through this is so awful.

Now we know why Miley was so tired and depressed afterwards. That was a real fight! I'm so sorry and know you'll find the right answers.

07-19-2003, 11:04 AM
Do keep in mind, dear heart, that if you need to rehome Ti, I'm sure someone within the Pet Talk family will be able to help.

Poor poor dear Miley-girl. It's sad that while they both love Juni, they don't realize that means they should tolerate each other. Sigh.

07-19-2003, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by lailamara
:( Poor Miley, my heart goes out to her. .

Mine too.

07-19-2003, 06:27 PM
Oh no! Thats terrible. That big bully Ti *grumps*. My heart and lots of lovely healing energy go to you and Miley. I am sure she will make a full recovery. Are you going to see a behaviourist for yourself Sas?

I don't know how you do it! I would be checking myself in for a weekend Vet check.

07-19-2003, 07:54 PM
Sas, I can't believe what has happened at your house this week!:(
I am sorry for everything you are going through with your cats and I am sorry that I didn't see your PM from this morning until now.:(
I see you started another thread about Ti going to a new home tomorrow so I will go read that next then answer your PM.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-21-2003, 01:47 PM
Oh no, poor Miley girl - several puncture wounds? That is not good at all.

And you don't need to feel bad about not detecting them SAS, I've heard that cat wounds often times heal up very quickly on the surface, then sometimes they get infected and do the abcess thing because all they yucky stuff didn't get a chance to get cleaned out before the surface healed over, which must be what happened with the one on her leg that you did notice.

I'm off to see your other thread too......