View Full Version : Whoooooops!

07-15-2003, 10:36 PM
I'm so embarrassed! I had my 2 foster cats and Skylar at the vet today (we spent 4 hours there.. grrrrr). Turns out my 2 beautiful gray and white girls are actually................. BOYS! :o I realized that I had never even checked them. I just took the woman's word that they were girls. OPPS!

I cannot believe how those two sweet boys turned into WILD ANIMALS at the vet. The had no problem with the needle, it was being restrained that made them go nutty. They had Nadia (well I gotta rename them now :o ) out first and as soon as they scruffed him, he went insane! He screamed bloody murder and kicked his legs so hard, all sorts of things went flying to the floor. There were a few drops of blood scattered on the table after he did a couple fits like that. I'm not sure if it was his or the vet techs' :( It took 2 people to hold him down and one to draw the blood. I had to step out in the hall for a minute because I started crying :eek: I was just really stressed today and I felt really bad that he was stressed out. People on the other side of the building could hear his screams!!!!!! The shots were a lot easier than the blood drawing because they didn't have to restrain them tightly like the do when taking blood. The other brother (with the mostly gray face) was not nearly as big of a handful.

Skylar had his next set of booster shots and he was an angel as usual. He's really sore now though and just wants to sleep under the bed. I check on him every 20 minutes to make sure he's not having an allergic reaction. The 2 boys ended up getting sick on the ride home, but I think that was car sickness, not an allergic reation. They seem fine now and are resting in their beds. THEY TESTED NEGATIVE FOR FIV/FELV YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!! They ended up having ear mites, tapeworm, and all that other fun stuff that comes with stray cats. So they sure do know how to break the bank :eek:

All 3 boys will be neutered this Sunday. On Saturday, I'm taking up my 2 foster boys to Petsmart for adoption day. They will be adopted through a rescue group I'm now volunteering for (yeah, like I needed one more group to stretch myself across, hehe).

Let me know if anyone has any name suggestions for these silly boys with girl names :D

Skylar is up to 3 pounds now and he just turned 3 months old today :) The other boys are 4 and 5 pounds. I've put a lot of weight on the poor starving things this week. I was right in guessing they are around 5 months old. No clue why there's such a weight variation between the two. They seem to be closer in size.

Here's Skylar resting under the bed:


Shiloh making fun of everyone since she's the only cat in the house who didn't have to go to the vet today:


See the next post for pics of the boys :D

07-15-2003, 10:38 PM







07-15-2003, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by aly

Left (mostly grey face)
Emeril (short for Emerald~~ just look at those eyes!!!)
Stache (short for moustache~~ only one I could think of!) :o

07-16-2003, 12:08 AM
Aly, I'm sorry that they were such a handful and that they have some parasites but at least everything is treatable. I sure hope that they get adopted soon. At least you now know there true gender. :) They sure are cute. How about Lucky and Chance as names since they are both very lucky to have you as a foster Mom and you're also giving them a second chance at life. :)

07-16-2003, 03:22 AM
I am so sorry for the stress you had with these beautiful boys. I just love them:)

Good news: Did you know that in Russia Sasha is a boys' name? It's short for Alexander. So if you want to stick with Russian names how about Wanja for the other one (it's short for Iwan which is John in Russian). They for sure have the style of Russian princes.

I find myself hoping that it takes a little time until they are adopted. I would miss their handsome faces and gracious poses. However I hope they will end up at 7 or 8 pounds:) (If you look at Nakita you can see that they are not meant to end up at 13 lb.)

07-16-2003, 04:58 AM
What handsome kitties!!! I like ther one with the more white ......... very nice face!

Sara luvs her Tinky
07-16-2003, 05:20 AM
The pictures are sooo cute. You would never know they had a bad day at the vets!:D

I bet those two cuties will scooped up in a heartbeat.. they are so cute!! Maybe someone could adopt them together.:cool:

07-16-2003, 06:55 AM
I like the mostly grey one so much( Emeril); what a sweetie!

07-16-2003, 07:14 AM
Love the "goatee" on the white boy and the "mustache" on the gray one! Both are very handsome -- good luck to their futures!

07-16-2003, 09:35 AM
He-he-he, I thought they look like boys :)

I agree with Barbara on name Sasha, and maybe Vasea, or Vasya for the other.
They are sooooooooooo cute. If I lived closer, I would have adopted one, seriously. I especially like the one with more grey on his little cute face :) I wouldn't worry about them being nawtee at the vet. I used to run from doctors when I was a kid too :D

07-16-2003, 10:12 AM
What cutie pies! :D

07-16-2003, 10:18 AM
I still love them! I like the one with the most white on his face.

Kona & Oreo's mom
07-16-2003, 10:32 AM
I love the picture of the boys looking in the sink at the mousie--"You get it--no, you get it!" And the grey kitty's BIG stretch. How cute!

I vote for the Russian names, too. How do you pronounce Wanja? Is the "j" like a "y" or "h" or "j"?

07-16-2003, 11:10 AM
AWWWWWWWWWW I just love these two SO MUCH...
I am sorry they gave you such a hard time at the vets. Mishka is exactly the same way. You'd think he was getting skinned alive - and it's just the holding him down part that seems o upset him so much too!
No surprise that they're boy cats! I though they looked more like boys - full of mischief - just look at those faces!
I would just love to take them but I don't think I could take both due to my allergies - I think it would just be too much, but AWWWWWW!!


07-16-2003, 11:20 AM
It's the third time today I am checking these cute little faces.

The j in Wanja would be a y, so you could write it Wanya or Vanya.

Vio: it is good you cannot take the grey one (I also like him a little bit better than his cute pink-nosed brother). Because Juni would fall in love with hime and what would Filou do then?

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-16-2003, 12:35 PM
Wow, what a stressful trip to the vet! But at least everything is treatable and they are negative, which means basically healthy kitties. Yah! :D

Unfortunately I'm bad with names, so can't help there, but they sure are cute. I love the pic of them both looking in the sink at the mouse. It's as if they don't know what to do with it - reminds me of Eddie and how he didn't/doesn't play. Must be a trait of strays/street kitties. :( It's like they're too busy surviving that they really do need to conserve their energy. :( But thankfully they have you now, Aly, and I know they will live long wonderful lives in their new furrever homes....as soon as they find those homes that is. ;) :D

07-16-2003, 12:53 PM
Oh, they are both gorgeous!:) I wouldn`t be able to choose between them, I would just have to take them both!:D

07-16-2003, 02:39 PM
Thanks for all the name suggestions! I love them all. I am keeping them all in mind along with a few more I've thought of. What do you guys think of Andrei and Nikolai ? More Russian names :)

I am most definately going to try to adopt them out together. I think they will be snatched up very quickly!

07-16-2003, 02:54 PM
YES YES YES to Nikolai :)

I like Andrei too but I keep picturing Andre the Giant, that wrestler who was afriad of snakes!! :o :D

07-16-2003, 02:58 PM
I love Andrei and Nikokai - AND Vanya.
That is why I named Mishka with a Russian name too!! My parents sometimes call him Vanka (it's a version on Vanya ~ we all speak russian)
Anyway Aly you SHOULD adopt them out together if they're bonded but if for some reason you don't or
cannot - please, please keep me in mind - I would love to take either, I just couldn't take both (not that I wouldn't LOVE to though!)

07-16-2003, 03:25 PM
I definately will let you know if I split them up!!! :D

I saw a cool ad in Cat Fancy and just went to check out this pet transport service. They don't fly them. They just do ground transport and give your pet a lot of individual attention. It sounds so great but it is E-X-P-E-N-S-I-V-E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


07-16-2003, 08:12 PM
BOYS???? Awww....that's too funny Aly! :D

Gosh, I wish I had room, I'd love to take them.

I like Nikalai and Mishka....cute!!!