View Full Version : Help, why can I not see some peoples pictures

07-14-2003, 03:11 PM
I am very new to this forum and most of the time I can see peoples pictures but for sometimes I can not.

For instance the thread " Baby Lily (pics)" and "Want more pictures of Lily" .....I can not see Lily's pictures.

I want to see them so bad. :confused:

Like I said I'm new to this and somewhat stupid with computer settings. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



07-14-2003, 04:27 PM
Hi Meg! First of all - welcome to Pet Talk! :)

I have no idea why you cannot see Lily's pictures. :( Did you try several times? Could be the web server of my provider has been temporarily down, even though I didn't notice that.

Which browser do you use? Would be interesting to know, even though I don't think it has any effects on the pics. Maybe they will show up when you hit the reload button of your browser? Just worth a try...

Try the links I've posted below in my siggy, like Purrsonalities or Luna's page. These pages are hosted on the same server, so if they work for you, Lily's pictures should show up as well.

Good luck,
