View Full Version : NEW PET CATALOG

09-19-2001, 05:52 PM
Has anyone looked at this catalog? It's called "New England Serum Company" It says for pet care professionals but I sent in an order and no problem. The prices are great. I bought a ton of Christmas things for our family dogs. for instance, six holiday tennis ball for 1.99, plush christmas toys for .99, I got some plush reindeers which play "jingle bells' and the santas which play" santa claus is coming to town" they were 6.98 each, last year I paid 12.98 each.
Anyway the catalog on line address is http://www.neserum.com

09-19-2001, 06:04 PM
By getting a subscription to Dog Fancy, it seems I also get every other dog catalog there is! :eek: :rolleyes: New England Serum does seem to have some of the best prices, though I don't think I've ever ordered anything from them. :)

09-19-2001, 06:06 PM
I think their merchandise is very nice, the Christmas things I got were great, did my shopping for the six Schnauzers in our family, however you have to read the fine print if you don't order 50.00 worth I think there is a surcharge, before you order anything read the shipping page.

09-20-2001, 12:00 AM
I receive that catalog also and the prices are very good altho I haven't ordered anything from them either.

karen israel
09-20-2001, 07:13 AM
I've ordered thru the mail and over the internet and had great service. Since Cody is so powerful with his mouth and ruins the squeaker in all his toys within hours, I ordered double squeakers for $1.99!! They are so much more expensive elsewhere! I think I got around 6, gave a few away as gifts but will definitely reorder. I didn't find the rawhides cheaper, I got a great deal in bulk from RC Steele. I do a lot of comparison shopping with the catalogs cause I always order so much stuff! Anything for my Boy! ;)

Dixieland Dancer
09-20-2001, 09:07 AM
I get a ton of pet catalogs too! My favorite is a unique catalog called Puttin on the dog. It sells dog stuff usually not found in any other catalog. Here's the link:

09-21-2001, 01:40 PM
Yes I get that one. It's really good and has excellent prices. I can't remember if I've ordered out of it yet though.

[ September 21, 2001: Message edited by: ShepherdLover ]