View Full Version : Visitors Coming

06-27-2003, 03:23 PM
My sister is coming from California to visit and bringing her four furbabies. Here is a picture of her granddaughter and the kids:

(l to r) Christina (human child); Scruffie (schnoodle); Phoenix (cocker); Lucky (american eskimo-with hair cut); and on the back of the couch is Cubby (american eskimo-with lion cut)

My house will be full beginning Wednesday of next week. But what fun - all those furbabies together. They came last year and everyone got along famously.

We just have to watch my sister and her boyfriend. We'll be checking their suitcases when they leave. She's threatened to steal Max (Max loves his Aunt Judy-a lot. She takes naps and gives him chewies-his two favorite things) and her boyfriend Ralph keeps threatening to steal my Molly (he was there when we brought her home for the first time last year and hardly ever put her down).

06-27-2003, 03:33 PM
How fun!!!! LOL, love the lion cut!!! Chester says he like it a lot and wishes he had fur that Mommy could cut like that! :D Sounds like you guys will have a wonderful visit! Make sure and keep an eye on Max & Molly, though! :eek:

If these were my sisters dogs, she'd have to be very careful or she might end up one or two dogs short also!! :D :D

oh, one more thing....

We want pics!!!

07-10-2003, 08:01 AM
Never could get all of them in the same shot, but we did have 10 dogs in the back yard. Here are some of the shots I was able to get. Never mind the humans, I'll name the furbabies.

Cubby (Am.Eskimo); Scruffie (schnoodle); Rory (mixed); and Lexi (mixed)

Luckie (am.eskimo) and cubby (am.eskimo)

Cubby (am.eskimo) and Lexi (mixed)

Rory (mixed); Lexi (mixed); Cubby (am.eskimo) and Scruffie (schnoodle)

Rory (mixed); Luckie (am.eskimo); Cubby (am.eskimo) Lexi (mixed); Scruffie (schnoodle) and Molly (yorkie)

Cubby (am.eskimo); Lexi (mixed) and Scruffie (schnoodle)

Never could get Max near any of them and we kept Muffin close because she kept getting run over. Phoenix and Carly just ignored the whole thing and stayed hidden.

07-10-2003, 09:31 AM
Looks like a great time was had by all. :D Great pics! Thanks fro sharing. I bet your house is quiet and seems empty now. :D