View Full Version : I can't find Chester!

I Love Brian, Forever <3
06-19-2003, 09:35 AM
I checked on the rats this morning and CHESTER IS GONE!!!! WHAT DO I DO? HOW DO I FIND HIM? HELP!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Love Brian, Forever <3
06-19-2003, 09:50 AM
I found him....er....Zoe did. She smelled him under the couch and kept wagging her tail, looking under the couch in the den. Chester escaped and had chewed the wiring around his cage off. So now, Chester's in Riley's little hamster cage, which isn't *too* small and Riley, I'm going to find a box for, until my mom buys a new rat cage today. I coaxed Chester out with soem Cheez Its crackers and (I know this is the wrong thing to do...) I grabbed him as quick as I could, without hurting him... of course making him jump, then I had to like do a dive to get where he was at on the kitchen floor and once again grab him WITHOUT HURTING him and he screamed a whole bunch, probably because I scared him. But right now he's in Riley's cage for HIS safety.


I Love Brian, Forever <3
06-19-2003, 09:51 AM
Ooh! Chester got me good! I'm bleeding on my hand now, a lot for a little rat. I guess he scratched me? I didn't notice it until I looked at it. :rolleyes: :D

06-19-2003, 02:04 PM
naughty little rattie! I'm glad you found him and that he's back where he belongs now.

06-19-2003, 03:43 PM
Naughty Chester!!! Good thing you got him back safely! :)