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06-18-2003, 06:37 PM
I went to the dentist today preparing for the worst..which is so sad..I mean a dentist appy and I was worried..anyway, no cavities or anything (whoot!) BUT..gotta get my wisdom teeth out -cries- I've heard ppl say it wasn't bad, and other say its tough..I think its the -being put under- part that scares me..but I'm not getting it done unless they put me under -will kick and scream- So I'd love if you can tell me how you felt (even if it was really bad..I wanna know the truth..other ppl are prob just trying ot make me feel better..) Thanks lol

06-18-2003, 06:45 PM
My sister had hers taken out a while ago and I personally think it was bad. Every couple of hours my mom had to change the gauze from her mouth because it was so bloody....and for a week she couldn't eat solid food:ice cream, jello, etc......I don't know what else to say except, don't feel too scared, and I hope that when you do have them taken out, it doesn't hurt that bad :)

Miss Meow
06-18-2003, 06:50 PM
All four? :(

I've had three out, all separately, and if I had my time again, I'd NEVER do it like that!

My second wisdom tooth took more than two hours to remove, I had 13 injections to numb the pain but they didn't work. I couldn't have gas as I had cried so much I couldn't breathe - it was just an awful experience. I went to a specialist for the third one and he gave me sedatives (which didn't do a thing) - that took ages and the tooth split in half from top to bottom, so I needed two extractions to remove it.

If you have them done while asleep, the surgeons might be a bit rougher, and you'll be sore, but at least you only have to put up with one recovery process :)

06-18-2003, 07:05 PM
All 4 :( I wanna get it done all at once or I know I won't be able to go back..my friend got hers out and she was fine..my sis got a bad infection..god I really hope its ok for me..I'm SO scared..

06-18-2003, 07:18 PM
My sis got back from a dentist appointment yesterday and they mentionned her wisdom teeth were comming in but were groing in crooked. She went to get X-rays done and they told her she would need to have surjery for them to pull them out. (they're growing in sideways so they'd have to cut up her mouth...yuk!) I'm scared for mine. My cousin had hers pulled a few years ago and I can still remember how much pain she was in. She couldn't talk for awhile. Anyway I'm sure you'll be fine :) hehehe ;)

06-18-2003, 07:24 PM
Im sure with all the latest dentistry techniques available these days, your discomfort could be kept to a minimum, i do hope so, there is always intravenous sedation, works very well, with some procedures ,and laser dentistry which is considered to be painless, whether its done for wisdom teeth, im not sure, but check out all options before you go ahead,and dont be too scared, no surgical procedure is pleasant, but im certain things wont be near as bad as youve been hearing, times have changed and things are usually much better these days , heres hoping.

Miss Meow
06-18-2003, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by slleipnir
All 4 :( I wanna get it done all at once or I know I won't be able to go back..my friend got hers out and she was fine..my sis got a bad infection..god I really hope its ok for me..I'm SO scared..

All surgery has its risks, but wisdom teeth is comparatively low risk so I'm sure you'll be fine. It sure beats the never-ending pain if they are trying to grow out of your gums, or are pushing into your other teeth.

06-18-2003, 07:55 PM
i had all 4 of mine out at one time, 2 were impacted and i had no problems at all. the dentist started an iv line in my arm, count backwards from 100...99...98...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. i woke 2 hrs later, my brother took me to my moms' house for the week, but i didn't need all that time to mend. i ate soup, yogurt and soft stuff. the only problem was on the 3rd day, when the taste in my mouth was bad. otherwise i was fine and lived to tell the story. hope yours is as easy.

Gone Doggin'
06-18-2003, 08:11 PM
hey me too, i have the iv needle thingy put up the back of my hand....i only have 2 wisdom teeth though - both on the bottom, lol well they also said to count back from 100 and u'll fall asleep before u reach 90, ...i didn't count though, i told myself that i was gonna stay awake! haha i opened my eyes sooo wide and tried looking around the room, then....i woke up lol, it was all so weird, and i didnt' feel anything, and my hand was numb from the needle and i tried to move it around and it didn't hurt :p
After..all i had was soup, and sleep and more sleep
good luck on urs :D
hope it doesn't hurt :)

06-18-2003, 08:12 PM
My experience was IDENTICAL to joycenalex!!!

No pain, no swelling ............ just soft food - fingers crossed yours is the same!

06-18-2003, 08:17 PM
Audrey, if all 4 of your wisdom teeth need to be removed, go ahead and get them all done at the same time. I had all 4 of mine taken out April 2002.

Don't mean to scare you, but they hurt like heck when it was all done! My face was blue and swolen like a chipmunk for a whole week. I was out of work that week and lived on Strawberry smoothies and water! When I wasn't on pain killer, the pain was too much. But those pain killer knocked me out. My oral surgeon said he didn't have to put me under but highly recomended it. I took it! Don't think I wanted to be awake for it.

On the other hand, my brother's girlfriend and many other people I know had their taken out and no problems with the. Guess it just depends on how your body handles pain and how fast you heal!!

06-18-2003, 08:18 PM
My brother was in so much pain after getting his done. Just make sure you have someone put frozen peas on your cheeks [ the peas form to your face unlike regular ice pack] and pain meds.

Here's bro after getting his pulled [Nala isn't included!]:

06-18-2003, 08:20 PM
I had all four done at once. Two were impacted. The doctor suggested putting tea bags back there (instead of gauze). I got the sorta medicated kind from the health food store, they made me sleepy and calm.... I'm glad i used the tea bags, because when I would go to spit I wouldn't notice the other yucky colors, just tea. I wouldn't want to do it again, but it wasnt the worst experience I've had!

keep us posted

Gone Doggin'
06-18-2003, 08:20 PM
hey Kfamr does ur bro have a name? *wink* *wink* ;) ;) lol

06-18-2003, 08:22 PM
Yes, He also has a girlfriend who is a member of Pet Talk.

06-18-2003, 08:51 PM
The experience is different for everyone. My sister's cheeks swelled so much she looked like a chipmonk for days afterwards ... she had all four done at once, (before they came in) they put her under to do it. She ate only soft food for three or four days.

Same doctor, same hospital, when I had mine done, she was looking forward to paying me back for all the teasing I did to her. But when I had mine done (all four at once, before they came in or got impacted, as with my sister, there was just no more room in my jaw for four more teeth, and they were aimed diagonally at the roots of other teeth ...), my cheeks did not swell at all! I was a little sore for a day or so, was ready for chewable foods after one day, and that was it! She was soooooo disappointed that I didn't get chipmonk face! ;)

06-18-2003, 09:05 PM
I had all 4 of mine done at the same time. I had a lot of pain, but it only lasted about 3 days.. I figure that's better than the months of pain I had been having with the wisdom teeth pushing and shoving everything else in my mouth!! :)

I was nervous too, but it really isn't that bad. Just think.. one week out of your life, tops - and you NEVER have to worry again! :)

06-18-2003, 09:32 PM
I agree, it is different for every person. I had all four of mine removed at once and I was put under for the procedure. Let's face it - it just isn't all that much fun. But in a day or two you should start to heal nicely. The tea bags are a good idea...I personally hated the guaze.

I don't know of anyone who has exactly jumped for joy over the news that their wisdom teeth needed to be extracted but the option is to do nothing and invite an abscess - and with those having my head removed was my request. They are so very painful.

Good luck...we are all here to listen and support you. I don't think it is ever as bad as we anticipate.

06-18-2003, 10:15 PM
Not to burst your bubble, my experience was the most unpleasant. I had the procedure done around one & a half months ago & I am still in need of more surgery. Was supposed to be a simple "pull two & get out" Now I have a misaligned jaw due to dry socket that occurred after vomiting from a reaction to the medicine. Ugh...the muscles retracted (or something) and one actually tore & is now healing incorrectly. I cannot open my mouth more than an inch. Eating is tough...but I know it will be ok in the end..... Sorry I had to contribute to the "nay" end of the spectrum...but it's a sore subject for me! I pray your experience is FAR better! Good luck!

06-18-2003, 10:18 PM
Oh ash0113 ...... you poor thing!!!:eek: :(

How terrible - fingers crossed you get better REAL SOON!!!

06-18-2003, 10:20 PM
I know lots of people who've gotten theirs taken out. No one likes it, but they don't hate it either...Excpet my stepmom...kind of a scary story, so I won't tell unless you want me to...lol

06-18-2003, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by joycenalex
i had all 4 of mine out at one time, 2 were impacted and i had no problems at all. the dentist started an iv line in my arm, count backwards from 100...99...98...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. i woke 2 hrs later, my brother took me to my moms' house for the week, but i didn't need all that time to mend. i ate soup, yogurt and soft stuff. the only problem was on the 3rd day, when the taste in my mouth was bad. otherwise i was fine and lived to tell the story. hope yours is as easy.

My story's exactly the same. The best piece of advice is to make sure that someone puts the ice on your cheeks for 15 mins, then off for 15 mins. Makes all the difference in the 'chipmonk cheeks".

06-18-2003, 11:00 PM
Thanks everyone..except Ash..I'm going to cry now..lol..I don't mind 'pain' once I'm home..but..yeah..I didn't finish reading Ash's story cause I really don't need to know that right now..I want to what happened but not to that degree..long story..My bottom ones are coming through and it hurts SO much sometimes..I'm almost WANTING them out..I figure if it hurts this much now, it might as well hurt that much after only it will go away. I'm nervous about my top ones cause theres like no room between my jaw and other teeth..how do they get them out? Now I'll like up like Ash...I hate being a worry wort..I sware I have an ulcer...-scared- I know I'll be in soo much pain now..Ive have 10 teeth out at once before and it was all gums for the longest time..like only one back molar (I think it never falls out?) and that was painful suprisingly..It was worse by FAR then 4 adults I got out..I know I'm going to break down and cry as childish as it seems, but I'm just terrified...I wouldnt be suprised If I cry AT the dentist and he thinks I'm crazy..I'm such a baby..I almost want it to be happen now to get it over with..Ive been worrying about this for like 4 yrs atleast..

06-18-2003, 11:26 PM
I am so sorry! I really don't want to upset anyone! it's just a harsh subject with me & I was surprised to see a thread regarding it! I can almost promise you you're experience won't be near as bad! I am sorry though! Best of luck!

06-18-2003, 11:33 PM
Audrey, don't let Ash's story scare the daylights out you. Getting your wisdom teeth removed is a very common procedures. Complications like Ash's don't always occur. She just had a worst case senario. Poor thing!!

06-18-2003, 11:40 PM
It's pathetic but I can't remember exact details......I *think* I had 3 out...2 on the bottom, one on top. I also had a crown done. I think the one on top was impacted.

I was completely scared to death also, but it turned out not nearly as bad as I had imagined! I wasn't even put out, just had a bit of that lovely gas hehe. It was hurt and swollen for a few days, but healed quite soon! Good luck! :)

06-19-2003, 12:24 AM
had 3 taken out, and it was no big deal.

Sara luvs her Tinky
06-19-2003, 12:45 AM
I actually had a VERY pleasant experience. And I was just like you... SO SCARED to be put under but that was the ONLY WAY they were getting in my mouth!!!!!!

I had all four wisdom teeth removed and two molars.. all at once, and the two molars had cracked and were breaking apart. Everyone told me all kinds of horror stories...

They gave me some gas wich got me real *high* and then put the i.v in and told me that I would feel some burning and tingling before I went to sleep... and I was trying real hard to feel the burn or tingle and the next thing I knew I was waking up and it was all over.

The only bad part was the antibiotics were REAL strong.. and that and not being able to eat made me feel nausious... But the pain killers are pretty strong too... and I pretty much slept most of the time.

So... don't worry too much... I am sure you will do GREAT!!!:)

06-19-2003, 02:29 AM
Well, this is coming from a gal that's had 12 teeth pulled, braces three times and jaw surgery. My wisdom teeth were a piece of cake. I had all four taken out when I was 16. I was put under for it and did fine. I went to school the next day.

I think a lot of it depends on how impacted they are and the skill of your oral surgeon or dentist. I bruised a little but didn't swell up at all.

Good luck and let us know how it goes!

06-19-2003, 08:43 AM
Be thankful you can have yours taken out.

Mine ache every now and then, but cannot be removed because when I was a child, my orthodontist had my 12 year molars removed claiming the wisdom teeth would come in the place of them. :rolleyes:

Well they are coming in alright... crooked. :mad:

There are days I want to rip them out myself. :(