View Full Version : Room temperature?

06-17-2003, 05:45 PM
my 2 months (n a few days) old kitten Momo is now sleeping beside the sliding doors; the temperature outside now is about 24 degress celcius, with moderate wind. Will Momo catch a cold? If she feels cold, she would walk away and sleep at another location right?


What is an appropriate room temperature for kittens/cats? do they tolerate warmer climate? or should i set the A/C at certain temperature?


06-17-2003, 07:14 PM
I'm sure that if Momo was cold, she would move away from the window. She is probably quite comfortablewhere she is sleeping.
And she also has a fur coat on too.:)
Cats are pretty picky about their own comfort, and would probably try their best, to move themselves to a comfy spot.
I can understand your concern though. I think that cats will get used to whatever tempature is comfortable for you in the house.
Often times Sammy and Romeo will be laying right in the hot sun in front of the window, taking a nap. I will think that they are crazy, because I think it's very warm in that spot, but at that particular nap session, I guess they want to be warm. (afternoon temp here is about 90 degrees, with insane humidity!)
Other times, they will lay in the shower, where the tile is cool, I suppose, and take a nap in there. :)

L. Wayne
06-18-2003, 05:45 AM
LOT, cats are more tolerant than humans of cold or hot weather. I wouldn't worry about making your place comfortable for your pet, more so than for you. Cats simply get up and move to a more comfortable place in order to sleep away the day. When they are too hot, they will often sleep in a dark cool place. I remember one summer in central Calif., when the daytime temps became so hot, that my furkids began to pant. Temps were around 107 deg. F. (42 deg. C). They still slept the day away under a tree's shade -in the heat, even though I had my swamp cooler going on inside the house, which kept the daytime temps around 82 deg. F, ( 27 deg. C). They preferred to sleep outside.