View Full Version : Pink Eye in Cats?

06-17-2003, 05:44 PM
:( My son has attracted pink eye. I believe one of my cats has it now also. Is that possible?!?!?!? If so, do I need to get drops for her, or just keep her face clean?

L. Wayne
06-18-2003, 05:02 AM
Dukeofjazzsmom, welcome to the Pet Talk cat forum.

I'm not sure cats "pink eye" is cabable of being contracted by humans. However, it is necessary to wash your kitty's eye off with a wet cloth or paper towel using warm water, and place some Terramycin in it. Terramycin can be purchased from any vet clinic. Failing to combat the "pink eye infection" (clymedia) can lead to loss of the eye(s) for a cat, and especially for a kitten. When administering Terramycin, squeeze about 1/4 inch from the little tube and place it in the cat's eye. Keep repeating this procedure at least once a day, until the clymedia clears up. Some cats may retain the infection for a few weeks during treatments, while others may get rid of it after one or two treatments.

06-18-2003, 08:42 AM
Yup, it's possible for it to be transmitted from cat to human. The best thing you can do is be very diligent about washing your hands. To get the ooky stuff out of the eyes, just take a warm facecloth. The best thing for conjunctivitis is Teramyacin ointment.

06-18-2003, 04:03 PM
;) Thank you so much for your imput. I greatly appreciate it. Now I know what to do.:D