View Full Version : Odd commands/words?

06-16-2003, 02:41 PM
Does your dog know any odd words/commands? Josie knows a few..
look - she'll start smelling the floor where I point (looking for food)
food/supper/breakfast/eat/hungry - knows shes getting fed
cottage/car - going for a walk
wana go out for a pee? - seems to know it means go outside
Theres probably more I cant think of...she knows other stuff but those are the more odd ones

06-16-2003, 03:13 PM
I've been working with Oz to bark after I say:

"What?!?!? Is Timmy in the well?!?!?"... (You're
gonna have to be a Lassie fan to get this;))

He's getting pretty good at it.


06-16-2003, 03:17 PM
Hmm..Well, It's not really odd, but if you go 'Where's your ball?' to Rocky then he'll run and find his ball. He loves that thing. Lets see. Also, if you go 'Here Kitty kitty Kitty' Then Precious will bark

06-16-2003, 03:30 PM
Well, if you say "You wanna smoke?" to Leather, she'll go nuts barking lol. It was because when she was a puppy, my dad didn't want her to accept smokes from strangers. So her asked her that, and when she went up to it he burnt her on the nose with the cigarette :( Poor baby, but she learned.

The German word for out is aus, and I always say that when I tell Timber to get out lol

06-16-2003, 03:32 PM
I have a cat, Jewel's, but she know lots of words. She knows "Computer", she will run and jump up on the desk.

06-16-2003, 03:42 PM
Cami knows Go watch.. She will go jump on the couch and lean over to the windowsill and look out for intruders. hehe. she knows go pee pee. except go pee pee means to go pee and to go poopie so i dunoo why we dont say Go pee pee and go poopie but i dunno :rolleyes: she knows........................... wheres mommy.. lol.. or go to ky ky's room.. lol.. silly pup.. :p

BTW i love your signature jordan :D

06-16-2003, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by CamCamPup33

BTW i love your signature jordan :D

Thanks! :D Yours is lovely too!

06-16-2003, 04:11 PM
All of our dogs seemto understand alot, but Sadie's vocabulary is frightening. She seems to understand almost anything we say! To move she reponds to, move, excuse me, back up, scootch over, and make room. She knows many people by name, and will go "grandma" , "grandpa" etc.

About 2 years ago we were going on vacation ( we only had Sadie at the time). Ralph sat her down and said "Sadie, Mommy and Daddy are going away, but unfortunatly you can't come." She jumped up and pushed him in the chest. Then he said, "but you are going to stay at Aunt Monica's with Max and Milo" She ran to
the window to look for them, and all was okay :)

I Love Brian, Forever <3
06-16-2003, 04:14 PM
When I say "Pay attention," to Zoe, she'll give me her paw. :) :D

06-16-2003, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by ParNone
I've been working with Oz to bark after I say:

"What?!?!? Is Timmy in the well?!?!?"... (You're
gonna have to be a Lassie fan to get this;))

He's getting pretty good at it.


LOL! Thats what people do to Molly at the dog park....wheres timmy? Grrr.....

Some "odd" commands are..Daisy nows, "walk on the treadmill", "wheres your ball?" (she tracks her ball if he cant find it) and Molly knows people by name, like wheres mom, or dad or go find your frisbee!:)

06-16-2003, 08:13 PM
Ruby knows that "Mocha" and/or "Ride" means she gets to go in the car (she goes with us to get mochas a lot)

... I think that's about the only obscure thing she knows

06-16-2003, 08:44 PM
for alex "kitchen" means get out from under my feet into the next room, "porch" is the outside version. alexs' crate was in the kitchen for years and he would go there during the day. "get in" means a bath and "night night time" means, go out to potty, come in get cookie, then go to bed. kitchen /porch are very useful.

06-16-2003, 09:44 PM
I remember another one lol. When Timber is walking in the room and I don't want her there, and start to go buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh, and I have no clue on earth why?! :rolleyes: :confused: :eek: But she respnds and backs up anyways :rolleyes: lol

06-16-2003, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by ParNone
I've been working with Oz to bark after I say:

"What?!?!? Is Timmy in the well?!?!?"... (You're
gonna have to be a Lassie fan to get this;))

He's getting pretty good at it.


That reminds me of a commersial for something lol like:

"Whats that lassie? Our cars in the well and we need to get a new one?" then later something about "Oh, where would we get that?" Then this person in a really monotone voice said "bark bark bark...dot bark" lmao that always cracked me up

Oh and I was trying to teach Jo to speak when I said "do you want one" I'm strange I know..

06-16-2003, 10:10 PM
Simba knows "Go potty" If he's fooling around outside and i'm in a hurry or something and i want him to go befor i leave i say "Go potty" and he starts sniffing around and goes potty :p

06-16-2003, 10:11 PM
Oh yeah, Audrey ~ I deleted the signatures and put them on picturetrail, is everything allright now?

06-16-2003, 10:12 PM
I won't know for a bit, but it should, thanks :D Dont mean to sound really uptight or anything :(:o

06-16-2003, 10:46 PM
Binx seems to know 'move it'...as I am always saying it to him. I can hardly enter a room without having to tell him to 'move it' to get around him.

06-16-2003, 11:14 PM
Well most of the extra commands that my dogs know are for agility and really that's the only time I use most of them like "jump" and "tunnel" stuff like that. But they also know "turn" to get them to spin, "Side" to get them to my right side "here" for my left side and stuff like that...but once again that's mostly used on course as well.

I'm also teaching Smudge what "no sniff" means so he'll stop sniffing the ground when he's supposed to be focused on me, and Tama is learning "collar" so he'll stop freaking everytime someone tries to grab or touch his collar.

06-16-2003, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
Well, if you say "You wanna smoke?" to Leather, she'll go nuts barking lol. It was because when she was a puppy, my dad didn't want her to accept smokes from strangers. So her asked her that, and when she went up to it he burnt her on the nose with the cigarette :( Poor baby, but she learned.

Accept smokes from strangers? :confused: Who gives cigarettes to dogs?? What do people on the street finish their smoke and just hand it out to a random dog walking down the street? :rolleyes:

06-17-2003, 12:01 AM
Burning the puppy on the nose? :(