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06-14-2003, 02:24 PM
and for you younger members, it doesn't count to say, you weren't born yet or , just born! the older members, what were you doing in the 80's?

in 81 I moved in with my boyfriend... moved out in 83.
worked different places
84-89 worked in one of my dads stores.:)
lived in california.
had my own condo, that was nice. shame on me, I did "party" then...

Prairie Purrs
06-14-2003, 02:28 PM
Well, I started out the 80s as a radio news reporter/anchor and ended them as a lawyer. :rolleyes:

06-14-2003, 02:31 PM
yep..I'm kind of a younger person...Born in 1987..hey it's still the 80's lol. I'm sure I was being a pest to my mom.... *Gring* the great terrible two's stage:rolleyes:

06-14-2003, 02:35 PM
I was also born in 1987. So can't say much from this side :rolleyes:

06-14-2003, 02:35 PM
I was born in '84 & went to kindergarden in '89 :D We got our first family dog, Muffy (RIP sweetie), in '87 :) I went on my first vacations to Yellowstone, Disneyland, & Reno!! :D That's about it :o

06-14-2003, 02:41 PM
well thats doing something in the 80's! and wolfsould and binka, so in the 80's you were in diapers and pestering your mothers! lol

06-14-2003, 02:42 PM

06-14-2003, 02:42 PM
cats in Denver
thats a real accomplishment!:D

06-14-2003, 02:43 PM
Yup that was me! :D

06-14-2003, 02:49 PM
1987, thats the year one of my nephews was born...and one in 88 and one in 83, so I became an aunt several times!

06-14-2003, 02:58 PM
In the early'80s I was still in school. Trapped in a VERY small town up here in the Pacific Northwest. By the late '80s I was training for a career in the music industry singin in a band but, was detoured by drugs and alcohol. The '80s are a fog for me. Have been clean for almost 13 years now and am back in the industry although in a different part of it, thanks to my wonderful husband.

My husband on the other hand was playing in the band Roadmaster in the '80s and then went on to be a Promoter and
Tour Manager for many. He's been around the world a few times.

We are both still in the music industry now providing Itineraries and Passes, marketing and Promotion for Rock Bands. So GLAD the '80s are behind me now, but sad that I missed so much history in the music industry.

06-14-2003, 03:06 PM
1980 - born in WV
1982- moved to NM
1983 - we adopted ButterScotch (RB cocker spaniel)
1984 - adopted Tom (RB Tuxie)
1985 - started school
1986 - lost my grandma
1987 - lost my uncle
1989 - broke my foot (broke it again -same place:rolleyes:- in '90)

I Love Brian, Forever <3
06-14-2003, 03:13 PM
Born in 1986.

1989- Lost house in Arizona and lived in car for a while, with cats and dogs. Later, found someone to live with in New Jersey.

06-14-2003, 03:25 PM
1988 born in Houston Texas, Dad joins air force. 1989 got potty trained.

06-14-2003, 03:28 PM
I was born in 81'

84' We adopted a couple of puppies Bear and Sandy.
85' I became a big sister, my brother was born in November.
86' I went to kindergarden and one of my aunt's graduated
from 86' and on I got a kitten named Patches she was a calico,we went on a few family vacations,I lived with my grandma most of the time because my parents worked nights. And well I liked to live with my grandma more. I think after the 80's my parent's made me come back home though.

That is pretty much of what I remember of the 80's oh I remember more but I don't remember what year and such.

06-14-2003, 03:38 PM
In 1980, at the age of four, I moved from Bowling Green, Ohio to Findlay Ohio, with my mom, dad and brother. We moved in across the street from my cousins.

In 1981 I started Kindergarten and in 1982, my younger sister was born.

1984- my cousins moved to Arizona.

In 1986 I started playing softball...I still play today!

1987- my Best friend moved in...we are still friends to this day, even though she lives in St. Louis with her husband and step-children.

06-14-2003, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by CatsinDenver
Well, I started out the 80s as a radio news reporter/anchor and ended them as a lawyer. :rolleyes:

Apparently, I was a decade behind you.....my 90's ended with lawyer-dom

In the 80's...I started out in Junior high...and graduated in '84. I then hit college...and got out in '88. I made it to Seattle, and was there until '91......

06-14-2003, 03:44 PM
i worked in a party store 1980-1982. there was a recession in the US and a lot of people were out of work in manufacturing, and i lost my job b/c sales were down. i collected unemployment for a year, if i hadn't been in a relationship, i'd have likely been living in the streets and for 2 awful weeks, i had food stamps ( i was very ashamed by that and wouldn't use them in them in my own neighborhood). in 83 a temp job as a clerk at the post office came through, and after the year was up, i started college for xray. 84-87, i was a full time student getting degrees and scholarships and working weeks at a time in the hospitals, but i graduated with a degree in radiography (xray) and went on for an advanced one in radiation therapy( cancer treatment). in 1988, my long relationship ended , i moved to another state, found a job, dated, kissed a few toads, met a few nice people, one of whom convinced me to move to move to ohio. which i did in 1989 and i've lived here since.
there were certianly tumultous times for me. sigh. :p

06-14-2003, 03:44 PM
In the '80's I was raising my kids who were born in '74 and '77.

06-14-2003, 04:19 PM
1989 got potty trained.

hey theres big event!! really, thats a big deal to a little kid!
"oh mommy, I went potty all by myself!":)

06-14-2003, 04:27 PM
I started my *work from home* career answering phones and doing secretarial work and bookkeeping for a realtor, a counseling agency, a rug cleaner, and a remodeling contractor. That last client eventually turned into a full time job, still working from my home office, but during the 80's I juggled a lot of balls in the air.

My *Dog of a Lifetime*, Bailey was born in 1981. She was conceived at my house even though I didn't own her mother or her father. Three years later, she gave birth to 7 puppies, one of which was my Tizzie. The other puppies found homes with friends and acquaintences and often came back for temporary vacation stays while their folks were gone.

In the 80's I can say that I finally figured out that living in the company of my dogs was what gave me the greatest joy in life.

Prairie Purrs
06-14-2003, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by marysmerrycats
cats in Denver
thats a real accomplishment!:D

LOL--some would say I went straight downhill! :D

06-14-2003, 05:42 PM
1980- graduated high school
1981-met Charlie
1983-married Charlie and got 1st cat together
1985-started pet grooming and got 3 more cats
the rest of the 80's was boring :D

The Cat Factory
06-14-2003, 05:50 PM
I was born in 1987 :) The only thing I remember from the 80's is my second b-day in 1989 :D

06-14-2003, 06:05 PM
The 80`s were quite eventful for me begining in May 81 when my husband died.
February 82, after being forced to sell my home we, my son and I, moved into a local authourity rented house, where I still live. (Funnily enough today I saw that our old house is up for sale, wish I could buy it.)
September 82, I got a job as a cashier/counter clerk in a what we call a betting shop.
May 86, my son and Jayne got married.
February 87, my first grandaughter, Lianne, was born.
February 2nd 88, my beloved Dobie Max was put to sleep.
March 88, got my Gsd Penny, she was around 6 months of age.
Autumn 89, left my job in the betting shop and took a course learning to type and use a computer (but no Windows in those days so it was no use to me when some ten years I eventually got one of my own!)


06-14-2003, 06:52 PM
LOL. Lets see.
High school 79-83
college 83-87
grad school 88-90

so basically, I spent the 80s in school!

Lived in santa fe, albuquerque, dc, and boston.

Had my first pets that were all my own (cats), had my heart broken for the first time. Lived alone for the first time. Bought my first new car in the 80s. .... It was a busy decade!

06-14-2003, 09:02 PM
Basically the 80's was elementary & middle school. I don't really remember a whole lot from that time. In '82 my family drove across country in a station wagon :rolleyes:

06-14-2003, 09:05 PM
'86 - Being conceived, swimming in mommy's belly, As the moved from wonderful Michigan to horrible Florida.:eek:
'87 - Being born. :rolleyes:
'88 - Made some poos in my Huggies? :o
'89 - Who knows.......;)

Gone Doggin'
06-14-2003, 09:07 PM
what did i do in the 1980's?? i was born in 1987 so i guess i spoke gibberish and rolled around a bit, maybe ate some baby food went to the bathroom, stuff like that

06-14-2003, 09:22 PM
ok kids I didnt want to exclude you but be serious ok? I meant what were the old people doing in the 80s? can we not be crude?

06-15-2003, 01:16 AM
I was born 1978. So, I was kinda young. I was a funny kindergardner. A trend setter. I worshipped Madonna and Michael Jackson. I used to have a black leather skirt, a silver glove that I'd wear on one hand, and a ton of skinny belts I'd wear around my waist. I'd wear that outfit to school like everyday. I'd beg my mom to tease my hair, but she wouldn't. My son is in kindergardner now, so I am getting paid back. He insists on wearing cowboy boots with shorts and that dress shirts and ties go with jean shorts.

06-15-2003, 01:37 AM
1980 still in high school
1981 graduated high school
1981-1982 enrolled in U.S.C. at Spartanburg in Spartanburg, S.C.; my major was nursing; I decided that this just wasn't for me
1982-1983 I moved to California with my family and went to a junior college and took general courses
1983-1986 I moved back to S.C. and enrolled in Winthrop College now Winthrop University; I started out being a business major but ended up being a psychology major
1986 I graduated from college with a B.A. degree in Psychology; I lived in Rock Hill for a while with my boyfriend but later broke up with him
1987 I moved back to California and started looking for work; I found a job at a dental lab
1989 I moved into a condo and I'm still living here

If I could do it over again, I wouldn't have gone to a regular college but a more technical school so I could study one particular thing. I should have gone into something involving working with animals or a computer field.

06-15-2003, 09:25 AM
just wondering... what were pet talk founders Karen and Paul, doing in the 80's? I see Karen's post in the 90's thread, so that made me wonder...?

Edwina's Secretary
06-15-2003, 10:22 AM
When the 80's began I was living and working in Guadalajara Mexico. I repatriated in 1982. I was laid off the summer of 1986....I bought my first house in 1987....

06-15-2003, 10:26 AM
I graduated from high school in 1980 and went to Ball State for a year and then moved home and went to IPFW majored in Geology and after 4 years decided I hated it. Quit school worked as a teller at a bank and a year later went back to school in education. In September '88 I did my student teaching and in December'88 started subbing. I turned 21 in '82 and there went the neighborhood. We used to go dancing and take note cards and study for Physics test on the dance floor (do I need to tell you how I did in that class?)

06-15-2003, 10:40 AM
notecards on the dance floor, lol:D
if you dropped one, would that be considered a new dance step!? j/k :)

actually that was a very creative way to study!

06-15-2003, 10:45 AM
Well the DJ had fun with it, I'll tell you that! lol

06-15-2003, 12:05 PM
early 80's - working in a dead-end job in a grocery store.

83 - realized that I needed something more, so even though I was almost 30 years old, I decided cut back my work hours and go to college.

Its the early days of MTV. No actual shows, just music videos - hour after hour after hour.

84 - while renting a place with my brother, he and I go to the shelter and adopt two kitties.:)

I buy a VCR.

85 - he moves out, but I get to keep his cat.

from 80-87 - my life is sprinkled with the occasional failed romance - I begin to believe that I'm just not destined to meet that special someone - after all, I'm now over 30.

88 - a friend of mine buys me margaritas and convinces me to go out on a blind date with someone she used to date in high school.

I go out on this blind date - will marry him in three years and we are still married to each other today.:D

89 - I graduate from college.

and that is the eighties.

06-15-2003, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by catland

Its the early days of MTV. No actual shows, just music videos - hour after hour after hour.

Wow! I'd forgotten about that! MTV that was actually all music! I remember ditching school to go to Marks house with all my friends to watch the premiere!

smokey the elder
06-15-2003, 03:18 PM
Let's see.

1980-1981: finishing my BS
1981-1986: got a Ph.D
1986-1987: looked for work with said Ph.D, did a ton of gaming (actually, that goes back to 1977. Ow my aching GPA...;) )
1987-1989: Got a job in Milwaukee, met my fiance, saw Pink Floyd, Rush, Kansas, CATS!! (the play) and a Brewer's game.
Sept. 1989: came back east for a new job.

That's the nutshell, folks!:D

smokey the elder
06-15-2003, 03:18 PM
p.s. NO CATS UNTIL 1991!!! (Horrors!!):D ;) :p

06-16-2003, 02:31 PM
1981 started working at Marriott, I'm still there:( Have not won the lotto:( :mad:

06-16-2003, 02:40 PM
Let's see...

1984--Moved to where I live now
1985--Brother was born
1987--Started kindergarten
1988-- Went to Disney World
1989--Started 2nd grade in a Catholic school
1989--Got Jed the beagle
1989--Had to give away Jed

06-16-2003, 02:57 PM
Whew, do I feel old, or what? :o

1980 - graduated from high school and started college at Clemson University

1984 - graduated from Clemson, got my first job, and got married!

1985 - lost my first job due to a massive lay off, and moved to a new locale, where my "then" husband found a job (he lost his job the same day I did).

1985, continued - relocated, and found work in the banking industry, which is where I've been ever since!!

The 80's weren't cruel, but I'm glad they are over!!! :)

06-16-2003, 08:18 PM
In 1981 i had my first child, my son, 14 mths later i separated from his father, and shifted from Auckland City to Hamilton, and have been here ever since, i grew up here from my teens so it was good to be back home, i then continued to raise my son alone until he was ten yrs old and met my present husband, we have a daughter together who is now 10 nearly 11.
The 80s were hard times for me, going it alone, but i dont regret it one bit, but i think the 70s were my fun and party times really

06-16-2003, 11:14 PM
Love the 80s
--born Jan. 1980
--started kindergarden 1984
--watched my first music video when MTV started...still remember it-Micky by Toni Basil-I still love that song
--started dance class in1984 and continued dancing and eventually teaching dance for the next 16 years
--watched Fraggle Rock, Smurfs, Carebears, Jem etc..
--listened to way too much Debbie Gibson, Tiffany and yes...New Kids on the Block and went to the concerts - My Mother must have had the patience of a saint to take me and sit through those concerts.

06-16-2003, 11:56 PM
Hmm let's see

1980- Born in June in fact two days from now to exact.
1984- Had snack taken away for a week in pre-school because I refused to eat raisins...I can't eat dead grapes I'm sorry.
1985-Started elementary
1989-went to DisneyLand for the first time

and other then that not much happened at least not that I can remember. I do however remember a heck of alot of good cartoons, 80's songs I should be to young to remember (2 older sisters) oh and the Minipops.

06-17-2003, 12:43 PM
Let's see, the 80's were definitely better than the 90's:
82 - Graduated high school, moved, and went to university
87 - Graduated University with a pharmacy degree, moved, and moved again (two different jobs)
87-89 - made up for time lost while at university (i.e., did alot of partying).
89 - Changed jobs (but didn't move!!). Met my former partner (see 90's thread).

Only went to university once during the 80's (made up for it during the 90's)

06-23-2003, 10:59 AM
Early 80's: drugs, rock n' roll, booze, motorcycles, women

Late 80's: drugs, rock n' roll, booze, motorcycles, women, jail

Not a successful way to live!

06-23-2003, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by bnormal
Early 80's: drugs, rock n' roll, booze, motorcycles, women

Late 80's: drugs, rock n' roll, booze, motorcycles, women, jail

Not a successful way to live!
Maybe not, but it sounds very interesting!:D :D

06-23-2003, 11:55 AM
ChrisH...too funny!!

I wonder sometimes how I lived through all of it!

Their is a scene in "Fast times at Ridgemont High" where Spicoli says, "people on ludes shouldn't drive"....I defied that statement too many times!

:D :D :D

06-23-2003, 04:55 PM
Early to mid 80's, working in town and living with my sorry-ass ex-boyfriend. :mad:
1987 - left my sorry-ass ex-boyfriend and hooked up with another sorry-ass ex-boyfriend.::mad:
1989 - left 2nd sorry-ass ex-boyfriend and been living alone and happy ever since.:D

06-23-2003, 04:58 PM
born 1982 - started school 1986 - and thats about it hehe

06-23-2003, 07:47 PM
1980 to 1989 - from part way though Primary school to High school.

Had some great 80's school discos. :D

06-23-2003, 09:11 PM
What a neat thread...its cool to see where everyone was during the 80s. :)

Let's see, I was born in 1978.

1981 - Brother was born
1983 - Started school
1984 - Moved to Santa Rosa Valley, where parents built our house
1984-1989 - Lived in Santa Rosa, spent lots of time at the Kings River boating, skiing and camping. Got chickens, a duck, a rooster, two bunnies, a hamster and two dogs. Thus begins my love for furry things. :)
1989 - Parents divorce, move to Moorpark

Wow, that's strange looking back on a certain decade...