View Full Version : I can't keep bettas ALIVE!!!!!!

I Love Brian, Forever <3
06-11-2003, 09:02 PM
I just got a betta about a week ago and put him in an old betta vase, clear vase, 2 gallons. The previous betta had no problems with him, whatsoever, he just died of old age. I changed his water this morning, because it was realllllyyy cloudy for some reason... so I changed his water and put him in there. He was doing great. So, I went back to him, cause I had forgotten to feed him and he was at the top... floating. :( :( I used room temperature drinking water. I don't understand why I can't keep these poor bettas alive?!?!?!

Does anyone have any clue?? :confused: :confused:

06-11-2003, 10:04 PM
probably b/c u forgot to feed it. :rolleyes:

sorry though. :(

I Love Brian, Forever <3
06-11-2003, 10:07 PM
No, I fed him all week long. It was just, I feed the bettas everytime I give them new water, because there is nothing on the floor that they can eat, so I make sure they have food in there. It was only about 2 hours after I changed him that I remembered that I had to feed him. Trust me, he was fed, I bought new betta bits just for him.

06-11-2003, 11:23 PM
Did you use water straight out of the tap?? Tap water's chemicals can be very harmful to fish, you should always condition the water before you put your fish in it. If you can let the water sit over night it also helps. Temperature could also be a problem, bettas do best in water that's between 77 & 80 degrees F. If you frequently clean the bowl then I doubt Ph & ammomnia are a problem, but you should check that anway.

I Love Brian, Forever <3
06-11-2003, 11:57 PM
Thanks, RubyMutt! Nope, I didn't use tap water. I used Aquafina drinking water, which is what I first used when I first got him home. I made sure that the water sat in my room overnight before I changed him, so it would reach the same temperature as what he was in then.

Thanks for your help. :) :D

06-11-2003, 11:58 PM
RubyMutt is right about the water, but in my case we have well water and the PH right out of the tap is high. I don't know where you live but just in case you might have well water.....check the PH. Some well waters have low PH some high like mine.

Also did you happen to have a plant in with the Betta, I had problems with one Betta when I put the plant in with him. Within a day he died. I found out that you have to wash the plant really well, just in case there is any clems. on the plant. I washed it but I guess not well enough.

Sense I got rid of the plant, my Betta has lived for a year now.

One more thing, did you clean the bowl with soap, if any soap was left on the bowl the Betta wont make it. Belive it or not, Bleach is better to clean fish bowls with if you have to clean it. Rinse it well, but even if there's a little bleach left, they are more likely to survive it then soap.

I Love Brian, Forever <3
06-12-2003, 12:03 AM
Wow. :eek: I never knew about the whole bleach and soap thing. I'm too chicken to use soap, in fear of killing the fish... so I just rinse the bowl with EXTREMELY hot water.

Yes, I had a plant in there, but it was a fake one.

Nope, I don't have well water.

Thank you very much, Fo, for the help and information. :) :D :D

06-12-2003, 02:47 PM
I read that beta's can't live in a current. The water has to be as still as possible......

That's how my beta named Buka died.


06-13-2003, 02:01 AM
Was he rubbing himself on the decorations or the bottom at all? That can be a sign of parasites.

Did you test the water with a test kit to determine ammonia and nitrate levels and such? That would help determine if a spike in one of those killed him.

Bettas nowadays are very inbred and tend to have poor immune systems. It's possible that the stress of the water change so quickly following the move to a new home killed him.

What was the temperature in the tank? Bettas need tropical temps, and often don't do well without a heater.

My betta just recently jumped out of his tank after living fine for two years. The crazy part was that I had a lid on the tank, and he managed to find the teensiest opening... :(

06-13-2003, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by WolfChan
Was he rubbing himself on the decorations or the bottom at all? That can be a sign of parasites.

Did you test the water with a test kit to determine ammonia and nitrate levels and such? That would help determine if a spike in one of those killed him.

Bettas nowadays are very inbred and tend to have poor immune systems. It's possible that the stress of the water change so quickly following the move to a new home killed him.

What was the temperature in the tank? Bettas need tropical temps, and often don't do well without a heater.

My betta just recently jumped out of his tank after living fine for two years. The crazy part was that I had a lid on the tank, and he managed to find the teensiest opening... :(

Yikes, my beta jumped out a few times too....my Marble Mollies do it also, but we always catch them.

WolfChan, I saw your signature...are you on the Path of the goddess?


06-13-2003, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by CattleDogMom

WolfChan, I saw your signature...are you on the Path of the goddess?

I've seen her say she was pagen before, I believe :)

06-14-2003, 10:20 PM
Yes indeed. ^.^

06-14-2003, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by WolfChan
Yes indeed. ^.^

Well, in that case....

Hail, and Well Met.............

I am a Priestess in British Traditional Wicca...

Here (http://www.witchvox.com/trads/trad_kingstone.html) is an explanation of my Tradition.