View Full Version : Micah's latest update (6/10/03)

06-10-2003, 01:03 PM
Micah's last vet visit was last Saturday (May31st), she gave him two weeks worth of Tylan powder to get rid of the bacteria in his intestines. After that, she recommended endoscopy of the entire digestive tract.

I am worried because of the cost (I just quit my job), but can figure that out...I think they allow payment plans. But I more worried that they'll treat him with steroids. I have the more serious form of IBD and steroids are only used to calm an attack and then maintence drugs and diet are used to put the body back in remission. The vet didn't mention maintenence drugs at all. I'm concerned that the steriods will add a whole new round of illness. :(

I brought this up to Hermoine's vet last night. (Micah goes to a "cats only" vet, while the rest go to a regular vet due to lower costs and Micah's need for a specialized vet.) And he gave me a homeopathic medicine to try. Its called Defend-O1, I found it on the web at: Defend 01 (https://www.unicitynetwork.com/storefront/item_detail.asp?fv_item_number=4005&Session_id=124215937&item_group=&Site_Id=&tab=1) Its for humans, but the vet gave me the correct dosage for Micah. He said that if this works, Micah wont need to have steroids or even the edoscopy at all. He would just need to take this all the time. Luckily, I can open the capsules and mix it with his food, and he LOVES it.

What do you all think? I have some information that I want to bring to Micah's vet's attention as far as maintence drugs that I found online (thanks, Russian Blue!!). Any other ideas? He's on Hill's Science Diet Z/D, a low allergin diet.

06-10-2003, 01:26 PM
I'm no help in ideas, but I do hope Micah gets feeling better soon.


06-10-2003, 02:15 PM
It sounds worth a try. You can always go the drug route, if it doesn't work.

Get well Micah

06-10-2003, 02:50 PM
I am personally a little reluctant regarding homeopathic drugs but there are cases where they seem to work. It's anyway worth to give it a try.

My mom used to go to a homeopathic vet with their RB dachshund because of the back problems and it really helped quite well.

06-10-2003, 11:34 PM
Kelly, I sure hope that this will do the trick. Please get well soon Micah.

Sara luvs her Tinky
06-10-2003, 11:43 PM
I will be praying for sweet little Micah..
I'm just gonna be believing for a miracle... :)

Hang in there boy....

06-11-2003, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by ramanth
I'm no help in ideas, but I do hope Micah gets feeling better soon.


ditto :(
but double hugs to all of you!

06-11-2003, 12:56 AM
Thanks guys!! Some good news....every tiny bit helps. :)

I cleaned out the litter boxes and only found Micah's normal flat poop in one box, when I know he goes in all five!! I think that's really good. He seems to be feeling a tiny bit better today.

Please keep praying and sending those good thoughts.

06-11-2003, 06:06 AM
My first thought is that this "cats-only" vet may not be any better than your "regular" vet. (but that is another topic)
All I can really say is best of luck and if there is a treatment you wish to avoid (like steroids) do not be afraid to speak up and ask for alternatives.

p.s. love the new signature

06-11-2003, 07:34 AM
I went to a 'cats only' vet, and while they were nice..didn't do anything at all for Tex. My normal vet did. So, explore, explore, explore alternatives. Good luck and prayers on teh way.

06-15-2003, 01:50 PM
Sending more prayers for little Micah!!