View Full Version : calling anyone from Toronto and area...

06-10-2003, 12:01 PM
I am looking for a referral to a place where I could board Mishka for a week without having to worry to much about him going trough any stress (aside from being abandoned by me....:(
I've never done this with any of my cats so I have no idea where to begin.
Can anyone recommend a place where he would be treated lovingly, and not be caged?
Any recommendation or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

06-10-2003, 12:34 PM
If you don't get a response from someone in the toronto area, I would suggest calling your local vet, pet store, etc., for some references. Maybe even a doggie day care..they might know a facility. Then, go visit it a couple of times and see how you feel. Or, you might find someone to sit in your home.

06-10-2003, 02:56 PM
I have the same problem as you . My parents have usually stayed at my house to pet sit but as they live out of town for part of the year I don't know what to do either. How about checking out the pet sitters that come to your house to feed and spend time with your pet. Leaving him in his own environment would be less stressful. I'm in the Toronto area but can't recommend any as I have not used their services yet. ( I don't travel much anymore:( )

Russian Blue
06-10-2003, 03:23 PM
I'm also from the Toronto area but never had to use a boarding service. I would start by checking with local vets and see what they recommend.

Most people prefer to have a pet sitter come by the house, so that the pet is not stressed from being in a new environment.

Here are two links for a pet sitter in the Toronto area:

Pet Services Toronto (http://www.dogwalkersrus.com/)

Paws 'R' Us (http://www.pawsrus.ca/)

And here is a pet boarding service located on Spadina:

UmbrellaPets (http://www.umbrellapets.com/boarding.html)

Just found this website with more links to boarding and pet services:

Toronto Pet Network (http://www.torontopetnetwork.com/directory/)

Hope this helps!


06-12-2003, 03:45 PM
Thank you everyone for your help and suggestions - especially Kass!.
Well, yesterday I went on line and started looking at the "Toronto Pet Network" and ended up on a message board. I found someone talking about a great boarding place for cats - no cages, a playground etc. It had an e-mail but no phone number. I e-mailed right away requesting more info and a phone number I could call. I got a reply almost instantly. To my surprise the reply was from a familiar name! As it turns out it is the same woman I picked up Mishka from in March! She was his foster mommy (for less than a day as I grabbed him as soon as I met him)
What a small world!! She remebers both of us very well!
She is a foster for Abbey Cats and she also has this "cat hotel". I am just so thrilled because I've been to her house and I have seen how lovingly she and her whole family treat cats.
I am so happy - a huge weight lifted off my shoulders and so I had to share!
So - for anyone who lives in Toronto or area - if you are ever looking for a truly happy place to board kitty - here is the link to their website (it's still under construction)


06-12-2003, 04:16 PM
Glad to hear that you found the perfect place to board your kitty:) Thanks for telling me the site, I think we might be away this summer too for a little while, and I know just the place to bring Blueberry. Its great that you found Mishka's foster, now you know that Mishka will be in good hands.:)

06-12-2003, 04:48 PM
All the Toronto people seem to be here and not here:

:D :D