View Full Version : lexie and her worm pills..........advice plz

06-09-2003, 08:30 PM
Just wanted a little advice, gave lexie her worm pill this morning,and that was a big hassles, the old pill in the mince trick did not work this time, anyhow she has just come inside upstairs and vomited, i can tell the pill has been thrown up as their is this like browny -yellow stuff, its a liver tasting pill, i also noticed a big blade of grass in there, so i think thats why she brought it up, my question is should i re-worm her, as i guess its not in her system now, i hope it was not the pill that made her sick, they are a brand i have not tried before. so am just wondering, any advice much appreciated , thanks BTW its around 2pm here now, when this happened, dosed her at 8 am.

06-09-2003, 08:46 PM
Ive just been thinking , the worm pills can effect their tummies, maybe it was making her feel nauseated, so she had the blade of grass , which in turn did the trick she vomited it up, what shall i do , try again in a few days time, or get another brand pill.:(

06-12-2003, 09:17 PM
Poor Lexie! I hope her tummy is feeling better!
I think that perhaps you should go back to the original brand of pill. Maybe this one is either too hard on her tummy, or possibly there could be some ingredient in there that just does not sit well with her. I am quite sure that was the reason why she ate the blade of grass, to soothe her tummy, by getting rid of what was bothering her. I would figure that she has spit up most of the medication, if not all of it.
When I had to give Sammy his meds, I used the Pounce kitty treats, because at the end of them, there is a little "pocket" you can make by squeezing the ends together. I would do that, then just put the pill inside, then squeeze it back together.
He just loves those treats, so he'd gobble them right up.
Maybe Lexie will love them too!
Hope you feel better Lexie! Nose kisses & ear scritchies

:D :D