View Full Version : Ferrest and Rabbits

Aspen and Misty
06-07-2003, 02:10 PM
Well, there has been a great discussion around my house weither Rabbits and Ferrets can be friends :rolleyes: I say no, and everyone else says yes. What are your thoughts?


06-07-2003, 02:28 PM
One of my good friends had a rabbit & two ferrets. (The rabbit has passed away, but she still has the ferrets). They all got along okay, but for the most part they just ignored each other. That's about all I can tell you though, sorry I couldn't be of more help :)

06-07-2003, 05:08 PM
Don't people use ferrets for rabbiting - ie sending them down rabbit holes to kill the rabbits and bring them out? By this I don't mean pet ferrets as such but the ones kept by people for hunting with.

I also found a web page which said that rabbits are the main prey of ferrets (wild ones I assume) surely keeping them together would be like keeping a zebra and a lion in the same enclosure.

I have never heard of them "getting on" and it seems strange to me to keep a carnivore with a herbivore like that.

Aspen and Misty
06-07-2003, 08:41 PM
Thank you :D

Ash :D :D

06-10-2003, 08:32 AM
No, No, NO!!!!!! I was in the vet's last year and a woman was crying...it turns out her ferret had "suddenly" turned around and attacked her rabbit after they had ben "Friends" for quite some time....the rabbit didn't make it. This is not the first attack I have heard of by a ferret.

Ferrets are fine as a pet but they are a predator to rabbits and the two should not be together at all....I wouldn't even trust having them in the same house but in 2 separate cages.....sooner or later that's an accident waiting to happen.

06-10-2003, 09:47 AM
Yes, ferrets were origonally breed to kill rabbits & rats. A ferret can easily kill a cat and it has been know to happen. And just like any animal they can turn at any time and go after anything that they may have been friends with before.

Ferrets have never ever been a wild animal, they descend from from other wild animals (minks, etc..) but have always been a "man made" animal.

I have 3 ferrets (today will be 4) and 8 rats, they all get along but of course I do not ever leave them alone & when they are together not for long. But especially Chaos loves the rats, he will climb right in the rat cage & hang out with them, they all cuddle up together & groom each other. I also have a dog that would love the ferrets as a treat but again they are never ever together unsupervised.
I do know quite a few people that have ferrets & rabbits & cats & they all get along great.
It all boils down to being responsible, taking precautions & having common sense.

Aspen and Misty
06-10-2003, 12:15 PM
Thanx :D

I was just wondering because my sister wants me to and I said that I can't because of Julian and she said they could be freinds and I said no they can't the ferret will kill Julian. She didn't beleave me so I deced to ask you guys. Now I don't want a ferret although my sister thinks I should get one just for her to play with, LOL.


06-10-2003, 01:40 PM
I would not get a ferret or any other pet if you do not want one or are not ready for one. They are quite time consuming & quite expensive. They are great pets but they are more difficult to keep than a rabbit or rat (they are great pets too). I would say a ferret is more like a dog, they need shots & regular vet visits & good food (which is more pricey than my large dogs foods), need a good cage which is not cheap, they are very curious therefore get into tons of stuff they aren't supposed to & are known for health problems later in life which consisit of costly blood tests/surgeries. They need a lot of excersize too. thats just the tip of the iceburg. I'm not trying to talk anyone out of getting one but research before getting any pet is a must. A good book is "ferrets for dummies"
I also would not get one just to keep the rabbit company, how about another rabbit?

Aspen and Misty
06-10-2003, 03:12 PM
I'm not getting a ferret??????

My sister was just kindding when she said I should get one so she can play with it? I would never just go out and get a pet. I do think I could handle a ferret though, I have my own dog, cat, rats, 2 10 gallon fish tanks and bunny, all which I take care for. I don't and wouldn't ever get a pet unless we wanted it and were well knowledged on it. I did like 4 months of research before even coming to my parents and asking about getting a bunny, that was in October and I didn't get Julian till the end of December, after X-mas I beleave. We did TONS of research. I also did research about rats before getting one, I talked ot owners, got books, talked to my vet, I did tons of thigns to prepare myself. At the moment my rats live in a large Ferret cage and I have a ferret cage outside for Julian to roam around in, so I do know how much those cages cost. I also know that all animals take tons of work, no matter how small. Even a Fish needs the PH right, the chlorine taken out of its water, a filter, a large enough tank to fit them all, and some time a heater, all animals no matter what they are need alot of care. The only animal I even considered putting Julian with besides another bunny was a Guinie Pig and I talekd to owner of Guinie pigs about getting one for a rabbit as a friend and they said that rabbits can kill them and stuff so I deced against it, although I just love Guinie pigs and would love to share my life with one I would much rather get something Julian and also enjoy with me. I do not plan on getting a Ferret any tiem soon, and ot be honest, I think they are scary. The only ones I've been around were mean and bitey and since those are my only experinces, I find them to be very scray little animals.


06-11-2003, 09:49 AM
Sorry, I half misunderstood your post & half just warning. You are a responsible owner therefore understand that there are a ton of people out there that are not. Unfortunatlly I do not have magical powers yet to determine who is & who is not a great pet owner LOL. Therefore to be on the safe side I like to inform people as much as possible. Others were reading this post too so it may be helpful to them well.
Sorry all your encounters w/ ferts have been bitey. They are quite nippy when kits (just like pups) & if raised improperly, my gang is so sweet & kind. They really are great pets.

Aspen and Misty
06-11-2003, 12:15 PM
I wish I could meet your gang and let them change my mind :D

it's ok and I totally understand. I just didn't want you thinking I would go out and buy and animal cause it was cute and fuzzy :D and I'm glad you inform people about being resposible owners! I know I do



06-11-2003, 06:50 PM
Ferret = Predator

Rabbit = Prey animal

The fact that some people actually try housing predator and prey together blows my mind. 0.o

06-14-2003, 02:16 PM
i never knew that! i always wanted a ferret but now that i have cami i dunno if i want anything to happen to her because of my stupid decision to get one and that ferret is the predator.. Yet i cant get a bunny because my mom said just by the bark of a dog they can have a heartattack!! great no ferret or bunny for me :(

06-14-2003, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by CamCamPup33
Yet i cant get a bunny because my mom said just by the bark of a dog they can have a heartattack!!

That's silly, rabbits are NOT that fragile! If the dog was in their face harassing them I can see a problem, but a barking dog will not cause a rabbit to die of a heart attack. ^.^