View Full Version : what do i do with ozzy now?? help!!

06-06-2003, 04:48 PM
i am totally freaking out, because ozzy just decided to stop taking his medicine- the stuff that's kept him alive so far.

he is horribly stubborn- so i can't shove it down his throat- he won't allow that.
i've been mixing it in fancy feast- and he's been loving that for months...i've tried baby food...mixing it in a tiny bit of milk...anything i can think of that he loves- but he won't take it...

what do i do???? he can't just stop taking this medicine- its keeping him alive!!!

i need suggestions- quick!


06-06-2003, 05:06 PM
Is the medicine a pill?? If so try wrapping Ozzy in a towel, much like a burrito with only his head showing. Sit in a chair and place wrapped Ozzy between you and the arm of the chair with your left arm around him. Now he can't go anywhere. To open the mouth you use the left hand to open the upper jaw and your third finger of your right hand to ease down on the lower jaw. The pill should be between your thumb and second finger of the right hand. With the mouth open, shove the pill in as far back as you can get it, then close the mouth quickly. Rub under the chin or softly blow in the nose and the cat should swallow. If Ozzy licks his lips, that means the pill is down.

At least, that's how I do it. If it's liquid then the same thing applies but you ease the syringe in the side of the mouth and administer that way. A little at a time otherwise he might choke.

Other people will have more suggestions I'm sure. Good luck.

06-06-2003, 05:27 PM
slick- thank you so much for writing!

your technique only works once with ozzy...cuz after that- i can't get at him- to wrap him up!- i figured that out when he had a corneal abrasion and i had to give him eye drops. i still have scars.
he didn't let me hold him for weeks after that.
the first time i was at the vet here- it took the vet, and 2 vet techs to get ozzy to take a pill- and he still spit it out.

the stuff i give him now, is liquid. one is rutin, the other prednisone- both for chylothorax.

he's been doing ok- i don't want that ruined by him being stubborn!!!!! he's gone without 3 doses now...

i do appreciate your help!


06-06-2003, 05:34 PM
You'd have to get him when he least expects it. That's what I do with Speckles. If she ever needs meds it's usually twice a day after meals. After her dinner meal I let her come up on the couch beside me. I pet her a couple of times, then, grab and run to the chair. Works every time.

Also, I find that if you look at them while coming at them, they run because they know what's happening. Unfortunately I think you'll just have to use brute force. With the liquid it's tougher because it takes a bit longer to administer and that doesn't work with a restless kitty. I had real problems when I first got my cats, but I've got it down to a science now. Practice makes purrrfect, unfortunately.

06-06-2003, 05:57 PM
Yup, I agree with slick.....catch them when they aren't on guard! Also, have a heart to heart with Ozzy, explain that the meds do him good, etc, and do it with lots of kissys.

When I give Lucky his meds, 3 times a day, we go in the bathroom together, close the door, he sits on the toliet (lid closed! :D :rolleyes: ) and I make him sit, and I get behind him, put the back of his head against my chest, open his mouth with my left hand and shove the pill popper down his throat with the pills. Then he gets lots of kissys both before, during and after the pills. Also tell him how good he is, even tell him he is going to get a treat (that always perks him up) and praise him for being good. He gets 2 pills at every pilling (3 x day) and yes, sometimes he runs when I call him, but he knows.....also try to give the meds at the same time every day. Make it a routine, and eventually you both will get use to it.

Don't get frustrated, it shows and then he knows it and will react. This will make it harder on both of you. I talk to him during the entire process, it takes him mind off of what we are going to do.

Good luck, and I'm glad to hear that he is doing better, now if only Bassett will get better!! :(

06-06-2003, 06:24 PM
well, it worked this time-
we've done this kind of thing before...ozzy is too smart for his own good. i think i do something, that i am unaware of- to let him know that i'm gonna get him...cuz when i call him for important stuff- he doesn't come.

i always give his meds at the same time every day...this was our routine for the meds i'd mix with his food. i just don't understand why all of a sudden, he doesn't want them??? he used to love this stuff!!

well tonight- i wrapped him up, real calm...i didn't hold his head or anything, but i stuck the syringe with both meds in it, in the side of his mouth. i couldn't shove it all in at once, uz 2 cc's is a lot for a kitty to swallow- but he took it sip by sip...this time. i pray he either starts eating his stuff again- or is more compliant...

my frustration level is at its peak...i admit i get freaked easily, but its hard to control- you know how this can wear on you, and i know he needs these meds. i do my best not to let it show...like i said- he's too smart for his own good.

at least he got one dose today...thanks slick, so much for your help!!!

thank you also, catsnclay!!! it is good he's doing ok...i so want it to stay that way!!! i know you understand!;)


06-06-2003, 06:37 PM
Way to go Tara. :D

I suggest you give him his meds that same way for a while just so you and he can get used to the routine again. Like I said before, practice makes purrrrfect!

06-06-2003, 06:39 PM
i will do my best, slick!

thanks again for your help!!

06-06-2003, 07:12 PM
Another good idea is let him get used to having the syringe in his mouth, let him know that it isn't always bad. Try putting some juice from tuna or some chicken broth or any other liquid that is yummy to kitties and let him drink it from the syringe. So that way he learns that if he sees the syringe it isn't going to always be bad.

06-06-2003, 07:15 PM
Great idea Ubassoon...never thought of that. See? You learn something every day.

06-06-2003, 07:38 PM
that's a good one, ubassoon!
thanks, i'll do that!

06-06-2003, 07:46 PM
Oh dear :( I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner. I don't really have any advice.. Bassett used to refuse her pills but now she takes them with very little fuss. I think she finally realises they are meant to help her. I just wanted to wish you the best of luck :)

06-07-2003, 01:36 AM
all good advice, but I am not good at things like that, I also have trouble. I like the easiest way out... try either a new canned food or new flavor, or, don't let your kitty eat for a few hours, no dry food then he will be hungry and will eat the food with the pill. I have found that minced style of fancy feast or the ones with juice/gravy work best. for mixing in pills. my cats don't seem to like the canned food witht the chunky bits in it.. minced is the best.

06-07-2003, 07:04 PM
Oily sardines - i put the pill (crushed up) into the belly of hte sardine and I tell Bastet its treat time! She goes for it every time. I still have scars from the burrito wrap as well :)

Now she is having ear drops to clean up an ear infection i am having to wear *cat proof* gloves to be able to do that.

06-07-2003, 07:22 PM
this is insanity.
i tried so hard this morning to give him is meds...holy cat fight!!!
its like he was fighting for his life or something, i don't understand why he insists on fighting so...

i called my vet while i was at work...other than keeping him there and giving him his meds- she is also at a loss.
i even kept the cat food away from him while i was at work- same thing tonight...he refused his meds.
in the evening- i have more time to strategize, so i ended up getting him into the bathroom...rutin is everywhere, but most of it landed in his mouth.
i can't do this everytime he needs meds though. eventually, he won't even come from under the bed when i'm here. believe me, he is that stubborn.
this is a cat that refuse to eat for 3 days when i changed his food. the vet swore to me he'd get hungry enough. he didn't.

plus, i don't want him hating me for shoving medicine down his throat. i can't handle the silent treatment.:(

i just dunno what to do...does it have to be a fight every time?


06-07-2003, 07:41 PM
Find out if the medicine can be compounded into a cream that goes in the ear. I know this is done by a pharmacy but do not know if ALL medicine can be administered like this. Sasvermont has some experience with the cream in the ear type of medicine if you want to contact her.

06-07-2003, 08:57 PM
i feel bad for you, because I have been where you are, have been thru the same thing... is there someone that could help you? it takes 2 people , one to hold the kitty and one to give the medicine. of course that will not cure the problem of him hiding,,, hmm then maybe the cream is the only way to go, will he let you rub cream ?

06-07-2003, 09:13 PM
i tried using the cream for another problem a while ago.

ozzy said no.

and once he makes up his mind...that's it. it is so frustrating, i could just spit.


06-07-2003, 11:37 PM
When Goldie was sick I had to give her meds twice a day - some were liquid, one was a human drug that the pharmacist prepared in the smallest capsules possible -- still large for a little kitty mouth. I became a pro at giving her her meds -- It took LOTS and I do mean LOTS! of loving kissies. I would hold her, stroke her, position her between my legs with her head on my chest. I would gently give her the meds, very slowly, one at a time interspersed with lots of kisses (yes on her little kitty lips - they're so sweet) and lots of loving pets and huggies. She never did like taking the meds, but I think she knew they were keeping her alive. Many times the liquid would end up in my hair or all over the bathroom <sigh> but for the most part she did get most of the dosages. Good luck! I know each cat is different and each day is different. Some days she would fight me and towards the end she just let me do what I would do without too much of a fight.

06-08-2003, 01:12 AM
well he has to have the meds to save his life, so then how about kitty prozac or some behavior modification med? first try feliway it really can work.

06-08-2003, 01:16 AM
and once he makes up his mind...that's it. it is so frustrating, i could just spit.
oh do I know that feeling! some months back, I was having to give 4 or 5 cats eye drops, 2 kinds, 4 times a day.. wait 10 mins between one kind and the other.. so we all stayed in the bathroom waiting for 10 mins to go by, looking at watch, trying t amuse them. oh that was FUN!

06-09-2003, 09:30 PM
ozzy says: variety is the spice of life.

i got a bunch of different flavors, and he is now enjoying the turkey giblets, spiked with rutin and prednisone.:D

so next time he refuses, i will know what to do.

thank you all so much, your suggestions really helped!
(not only for ozzy, but i was freaking out, i admit it.:o )

take care!

06-09-2003, 09:44 PM
you gave your momma quite a scare! no more of that ok? be a good boy and take you med, you have to have it. were you just trying to tell your mommy you wanted new food? :rolleyes:

06-09-2003, 09:47 PM
...all he had to do was say so...;)


06-09-2003, 11:10 PM
So glad that Ozzy is taking his meds again. One suggestion I had, if you have to deal with this again ... is to see if the drugs can be administered by injection. Sometimes vets just assume you wouldn't want or be able to give shots yourself. Trust me, it's easier than forcing meds down the throat sometimes!!!

Hope he will continue to eat his spiked food though!;)

06-10-2003, 05:48 AM
Great news. But the injection route is something to keep in mind. (I never even thought of that)

06-10-2003, 08:24 AM
when I first began pilling Tex, he would pick up on my frustrations. This did nothing to the situation. So, first, you need to look at your self in the mirror, and say, " I am not going to get upset. My kitty needs these meds, and it is for his own good". Then, don't get upset. I know you can do it.

As to the pilling, I pick the exact same spot. I always let Tex see the pill first, and I think "you know you need this"...and it is nearly an effortless task anymore. I pill him twice a day, and have for awhile. Now, I will admit, Tex is a very good boy, and very smart, and I have to make sure he doesn't cheek it and spit it out..which he has done.

I read once that kitties don't like to be suprised with the meds...it makes trust an issue. As said else where on the thred....lots of love and praise afterwards...

Good luck, and stay calm. Ozzie depends on you.

06-10-2003, 11:16 AM

my vet said that the prednisone has a similar drug that can be injected- but apparently its better and more effective to take orally- still something is better than nuthin.
but the rutin- which is major- is not available in injection form.

i completely agree, that he picks up on my frustration! i think HE knows that i'm freakin before i do! i try really hard to stay calm- but sometimes i truly don't realize it.
and that trust issue- is my worst fear. he's been cautious when i pet him- waiting for me to grab him. i hate that so much.
but unfortunately surprise is the only way to get him . and i love all over him all the time- when i figure out how to work my pictures i'll post them...he's a big fat black cat- really cuddly:)

he did ok this morning. he didn't eat all the meds- but i was happy that he tried it anyway...

he keeps me on my toes, that's for sure...
i will remember all of these suggestions for next time- definately!!
thanks everyone!

06-10-2003, 11:36 AM
try feliway... it works. it will make him calmer.

06-10-2003, 04:23 PM
what's feliway??


06-10-2003, 06:17 PM
heres a pic

you can buy it at petsmart, or probably any pet store or at a vets . it has a phermone in it that calms them down. it has helped with Callie's peeing problem, and it has helped Charlie and Louise a little too, they are so nervous.. it is used for many reasons.

06-10-2003, 06:20 PM
one more pic

06-10-2003, 09:20 PM
oh wow...
that seems like its worth a try!
when i get paid- i'll go get one...
thanks for the pictures- you must know me...(i work better with visual aids;) )

you are a big help- thank you so much!!!

06-11-2003, 01:26 PM
you must know me...(i work better with visual aids

I know how I AM lol... I would be in the store... now where is it?
WHAT is it... (asks for help, OH right in front of my face! duh!)

good luck I hope it helps!:)

06-11-2003, 01:33 PM
maybe you know,
i figured out how to email pics- but for some reason, i can't cut and paste them onto here.
any ideas?

06-11-2003, 01:36 PM
I think you can get the Feliway by going to www.feliway.com . You certainly don't have to buy it from them (you can get it at the vet's office), but maybe you can learn more about it, anyway. I have heard of people using the spray form and the type that is a "plug in".

Best of luck! :)

06-11-2003, 02:26 PM
I hope you weren't talking to ME when you asked that computer question...:D :eek: LOL, I know NOTHING when it comes to that stuff.

the feliway site is a good idea, but I don't know about the spray, it wouldn't last long would it? the one I posted is a plug in...I included the 2nd pic just so you could get an idea of what it looks like ...

Logan thanks for posting the site, I'm going to look at it now...

06-11-2003, 02:40 PM
i was talking to you...lol...

now i know better!!!:p
(i'm a lil puter challenged also;) )

logan- thanks for the link- i'll check it out!

06-13-2003, 07:10 PM
he's doing it again.
refusing his meds. i can't take it anymore- there is no way i could be more frustrated.
today alone- i have tried every flavor of fancy feast, some 9 lives canned food, even ranch dressing- which he fights for whenever i have it...
he turns his nose up at all of it.
i am not creative enough to keep this up, and to trap him in the bathroom, makes him hate me.
i'll try some more ideas that everyone gave me- i'm not really asking for advice right now- i'm just so beyond frustrated- i needed to vent.
i'm so sick of this.

Cinder & Smoke
06-13-2003, 09:15 PM
Hey Tara ~

Who'z bigger - you or da Kat!? :p

Dad'z not sure WHAT you're tryin ta give him - is it
Pills or Liquid, or both???

Da BEST way is wiff wunna thoze Plastic Pill *Shooters* (or Pill "Popper") things available in most every pet shop for Two to Four dollars...
"Pry" his mouth open, Insert Popper/Shooter over Top of Tongue and start it down his throat.
IGNORE Loud *Gaaak* and *Gurrrrg* sounds Kat will be making!!
Push the plunger an Zingo! Pill is way Down da Hatch an Gone!

Liquid Meds?
Best thing is a Small SYRINGE, but an eye dropper will work.
Load the medicine, again "Pry" open his mouth, insert Syringe
(withOUT the sharp needle - unscrew and throw that away!)
Again - syringe over the Top of his tongue - part way down his throat...
And *squeeze* it in!
Half to almost a full Teaspoonful can go down in :eek: One GULP!
Again - ya gotta IGNORE the unhappie sounds da Kat will be makin...

GOOD IDEA to Practice either technique with either bits of kibble or plain water - gets everyone into the proper *mood* for when you load up the Real Thing.

Depending upon just how badly he resists...
You may want to be seated in a padded easy chair - "Wedge" da Kat between you and the chair arm - that will take his two back legs out of the fight.

With your left hand holding his mouth open - the most he'll do is try to "paw" your hand off the top of his head/face with his front paws. If you keep his nails trimmed, he won't be able to really scratch you (much). :p

Don't *HURT* him - but hang on tight enough that he KNOWS he isn't going to get away.

Worst case?
Get a *strong* pillow case - or a small canvas laundry bag - with a draw string.
*Load* da Kat in - doesn't matter which end goes in first - He'll *adjust* so the Head End is comming out first. Soon as the Head pops out - sinch the drawstring down so ONLY the Head is out.
No Klawz to contend with - Piece of Cake! ;)

The first few times WILL be bad! Rough on both you and the Kat!
But after you prove to him that you're gonna *win* each encounter, he WILL start to let you do it without a big fuss.
Boots now willingly jumps up on the vanity top and sits down to get his morning pill. He usually turns his head away a couple times, but no longer tries to run off. Once I secure a firm grip over his head and *pinch* the back corner of his jaw - he willingly pops open his jaw and *pop* - IN goes the pill. He even gave up making the UnHappie *Gaaak* noises - he figured out they didn't phase me in the least!

smokey the elder
06-14-2003, 08:05 AM
You CAN get a cat used to taking meds. Smokey the YOunger had an eye infection that wasn't responding so I had to give her 4 different antibiotic creams over a 3 month period. At first it was a 15-30 minute ordeal twice a day of "where's Smokey?" Gradually, she realized that she WAS going to get her eye meds and finally made only the token fuss required by the Cat Union. :)

Good luck!

06-14-2003, 07:48 PM
thanks for the suggestions.
i understand the point- but size means nothing when the boy fights for his life when i try to give him meds. i have scars from eye drops from 2 yrs ago.

he takes 2 liquid meds- supposed to be twice a day, although i'll be happy with once at this point.

eventually, he gets his meds- i just hate to force it on him cuz this cat holds a grudge- big time. i don't want him hating me, or shying away when i try to pet him. if only he knew this was saving his life.

truth is, i'm frustrated. i want him to be well so badly, and when he was eating the meds on his own- it was almost like he was ok.
but now that i have to force them on him, somehow it feels like he's not doing as well- he sure isn't getting the doses he used to
so i'm scared his health might start to decline.

i just had to whine, don't mind me.

06-15-2003, 02:57 AM
you may be bigger than the cat, but I think he wins on the sharp claws dept! I KNOW exactly how you feel, I am like you... I was very upset and desparate when my cats, 4 of them needing 2 meds , each med 4 X a day! it was hell! I guess what the others say, if you really hunt him down and force him then maybe he would get used to it... who knows. what does your vet say? he just really might need kitty prozac or something like it. have you tried the feliway? and a drink for yourself after each "medicating the cat" experience! let it go for a day or 2, he will be ok for just 2 days, it will calm him somewhat. then try tuna, peoples tuna, sardines, anything! baby and spoil him, while you get the feliway...?feliway might not work, but I think it will calm him, and if not then ask your vet about behavior modification because if this is a med he needs for his lifetime, he has to have it.

06-15-2003, 07:16 AM
I know what you mean! I had to give Pixel meds for a few days and it was like World War Three!

I just tried the "variation" thing and that worked for her, but she wouold have outstubborned me had it gone on for too much longer.

One thing that might help you a little bit is keeping his claws nice and clipped regularly...though I imagine he doesn't like that either!

06-15-2003, 12:28 PM

Have you considered switching from a liquid dosage form to a pill/capsule? I know that the prednisone comes in an oral tablet form that you can obtain from your local pharmacy. You may have to cut the tablets, but there are pill spliters for that.

Rutin is also available in a solid tablet from you local health food store.

By using a tablet form you can use some of Phred and Boots tricks for getting the medicine down.

Good luck.


06-15-2003, 01:30 PM
Ozzlou: I'm sorry you are still having problems. I really don't know what to suggest at this point. When I was first having problems with Speckles I did leave her at the vet for a couple of days for them to administer the meds but I was so inexperienced and scared too! The cat picks up on that and fights all the more. I really wish you luck and wish that I had something else to suggest. Sorry.

06-15-2003, 08:16 PM
what about chicken liver? get them from the grocery store, in the already packaged section. boil them, then, cut them into tiny pieces, big enough to cover the pill. Freeze them...keep out a few days supply at a time...this is pretty tempting stuff for the kitty..so, it might work.

06-16-2003, 07:12 PM
that's disgusting.

anyway- he takes a 2 liquid meds.
is that something that would mix with liquid?
it sounds so incredibly gross.:p

thanks for the suggestion!

06-16-2003, 07:21 PM
i always appreciate the support.
i'm kind of giving in to the fact that i may always have to give ozzy his meds- the hard way.
as i give in to that, the calmer i am.
like i said before...it makes me feel like he's not doing well, and that he's sicker than he seems. it makes me think about how if i don't do this right, eventually the lack of medication will really hurt him. i hate thinking about what this disease can ultimately do to him.
i am getting better at it. we spend quality time together on the bathroom floor.
my worst fear has always been that he'll hate me for it, and start to not trust me anymore. so, i'm trying to make it as pleasant as possible.
thanks for writing,:)

06-16-2003, 07:27 PM
hi cheryl,
ozzy doesn't take pills.
we tried that one before, and that's why we went to liquid. he likes to eat around it, and leave the tablet...
the vet tried to show me how to use the pill shooter before...lol
2 vet techs AND the vet , and they still couldn't get it down his throat.

thanks though,