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View Full Version : A question for Daisy's Mom or any Basset Hound Owner

03-01-2001, 05:54 PM
Hi, I have a beagle/basset hound cross who does this crazy thing with his food, I have a beagle and she doesn't do it so I thought it might be a basset hound thing.

I give him his dish of food, he will eat alittle bit of it but then he flips the dish with his nose, pushes the food in a pile and tries to cover it up. He does this everytime I feed him and I end up cleaning it up because if I don't my beagle or my mothers German Shepherd will.

My mom has seen him do this and she says he looks like a little pig digging for food, but the people I took him from had him tied in a pigs pen so I don't know if he is doing this because he saw the pigs doing it or its just something bassets do ?

Im afraid he might not be eating a good amount before he tips it.

So anyway :0) is this a basset trait or a nother problem he has because of the abuse he went through before I got him ?

Daisy's Mom
03-01-2001, 06:20 PM
Hello ILoveHounds. I don't think this is a Basset trait. Daisy doesn't do that. I really have no advice on what to do about it either, you'll have to wait for the advice of some of our more knowledgably Pet Talk friends http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif But no, this is not a Basset trait. Good luck with your hound!