View Full Version : What a scare!Advantage

06-03-2003, 01:38 PM
I put advantage on my baby today and within seconds she started flippin out and drooling excessively!.. I ran like for my phone book, grabbed the vets number and called til it rang (first few times was busy). I applied it to the right area, but she obviously is very limber and either got a lick or he said maybe shes like some cats who just cant stand something on them. Can you cat ppl help me tho...
He asked if it was a orange tube or a yellow tube. If your cats under 9 pounds and you use advantage, What color is the tube?


06-03-2003, 01:39 PM
Don't you still have the tube? Didn't you just apply it this morning? Is your cat doing any better? Is she still drooling? Maybe you should take her in to get looked at.

06-03-2003, 01:45 PM
I just did it and the tube is orange, but i want to know whut color y'alls tubes are if your cat is UNDER 9 lbs.
Shes not droolin like she was.. Shel

06-03-2003, 02:33 PM
I don't use Advantage, but I know that when cats get a taste in their mouth that they don't like, they will foam up at the mouth. When Jack was a kitten, we had to give him medicine that he absolutely hated. He used to foam at the mouth and make his tongue bleed from trying to get the taste to go away.

06-03-2003, 06:32 PM
poor kitty! I hope he is feeling better now! The advantage in the orange tube if for "kittens 8 weeks and older and 9 pounds and under"" the purple tube is for cats and kittens 8 weeks and older and over 9 pounds"
I'm sure the little guy must have manage to lick some of the product off, which of course tastes gross, I'm sure!
BTW, the package says the "product is bitter tasting and salivation may occur for a short time if the cat licks the product immediatley after treatment"
I use advantage, and I beleive it is a good product. I live in Florida where the flea problem is wicked, and I think that it works great! Matter of fact, my Sammy was totally infested with fleas
when I got him at 8 weeks ( he and his brother's and sisters were on their way to the pound, the owner could'nt be bothered anymore:( ) which of course explains why the poor baby was infested! After 2 treatments, the flea were completley gone.
However, advantage does'nt kill ticks, so if your little one will be spending some time outside, I would use Frontline.
I hope this helps you a bit:)

06-03-2003, 06:49 PM
Frontline doesn't kill ticks. You have to keep an eye on your cats and groom or manually remove ticks.

06-03-2003, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by PayItForward
Frontline doesn't kill ticks. You have to keep an eye on your cats and groom or manually remove ticks.

I didn't know that about Frontline, I'm not familiar with that product, Thanks!:)

06-04-2003, 12:33 AM
I also use advantage and since I've been using it there haven't been any more fleas. :) A few times my cats have also managed to lick some of the advantage and they also started drooling and running around like crazy. I knew it was because it tasted bitter so I wasn't worried. I also gave them some water in a syringe to help to dilute the bitter taste. I'm sure your kitty will be fine. Good luck. :)

06-04-2003, 12:43 AM
I use frontline on everyone. I get it off of EBAY really cheap. No problems so far. I'm glad your kitty is ok!

06-04-2003, 12:44 AM
On the dogs we use "FrontLine Plus", it kills fleas, flea eggs & ticks. Kills ticks including those that may transmit Lyme disease and is waterproof. Now that's just what the box says. Not sure if it really kills ticks or not. Hopefully we won't get any. But for the kitty, Kelcee, I use Program. I had used Advantage and her hair fell off after several months at the application site. I give her a Program every 3 months. The "FrontLine Plus" is every 3 months also.http://www.frontline.com/
I sure hope your baby is feeling more like herself by now. Keep us posted.

06-04-2003, 07:33 AM
I too want to prevent ticks from landing on my cats. Even though they don't go outside, because I live in the country, I can easily bring a tick into the house or fleas etc. Every now and then a cat will take off out the door so I use this stuff in the summer time only.

So far so good!

06-04-2003, 07:54 AM
Frontline doesn't prevent the ticks from getting on the animal, but once it attaches itself, it will die. That's better than having them living on our pets, I guess. Just the other day, I saw my Lilly messing with something on the floor, and it was a dead, fat tick. :eek: But at least it was dead! We have already seen quite a few ticks this year, and all of my cats and dogs are treated with Frontline Plus monthly. But, we do have to watch ourselves too, because SAS is right and we can bring them inside just as easily as the animals can.

06-04-2003, 09:06 AM
I use Revolution and highly recommend it. It kills fleas, flea eggs, ticks and earmites!

06-04-2003, 12:40 PM
Ever since Bella's bout with Lyme disease I have an almost irrational fear of ticks in the house and on me! I wonder if I should have my hubby squeeze some Frontline on the back of my neck too! :eek: :p

K & L
06-04-2003, 12:52 PM
When we just recently went through our flea fiasco, we had 2 cats that reacted to the flea medication like this. They foamed at the mouth and ran around a little crazy. It only lasted for a few minutes and they were fine afterwards.