View Full Version : Robbie, Ottie, Kelly and JJ, A walk down Memory Lane

Aspen and Misty
06-03-2003, 01:25 PM
What does a Squirrel, dog, Fish and a Bird have in common?

They all are dearly Missed..........

Ottie is my sisters fish. He is about as big as yoru hand. He was huge. We all just loved him.
Although he was "just a fish" he dearly touched us all.

JJ is one of our 2 birds. Both looked like JJ. He is so adorable. He was a wonderful pet. We named the two of them JJ and AJ because it ws the first enitel (sp) of our first name, Ashley, Johnathan, (AJ) Joshua and Jerry.(jj)
We all miss hearing them Meow.

Kelly, our first dog. She was a sweetie. We all miss her dearly. She was my older sister Abbey dog. Mna how much we all miss her.
(Abbey and Kelly)

(My 2 brothers and Abbey with Kelly)

And the animal which has most touched my Life Robbie. He was my baby boy. I loved him to death and miss him dearly. I rember him hanging onto my back and just wanting to be cuddled. He was such a spoiled boy. How much I wish to just have him cling to me once more.
I miss him so much :(


06-03-2003, 03:48 PM
Aww, they are all so beautiful. Thank you for sharing your beloved past pets with us.

06-03-2003, 08:37 PM

What a great tribute. Pets are never "just pets". They are very special to us and show their love in different ways.

06-04-2003, 05:53 PM
You're right, pets are never just pets. They all have their personaltities and they have all touched our life in some way. :(
Great tribute. It was really touching. :)