View Full Version : Please Help Save Jasper

06-02-2003, 09:41 AM
A friend here at work has the most gorgeous cat and he's quite ill. Please help if you can. Pass it along to other cat lovers. Thanks in advance. Help Save Jasper (http://www.colettetheriault.ca/index.html)

06-02-2003, 11:07 AM
Quote from website
[Jasper]... might have cancer. No one seems to know what is wrong with him but he needs surgery.

How can they operate before they know what is wrong with him ?


06-02-2003, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by PayItForward
How can they operate before they know what is wrong with him ?


I agree. Should Jasper at least have a biopsy to confirm?? What procedures have been done?? Where is the cancer?? If you can provide us with more details perhaps we can assist.

BTW Welcome to Pet Talk.

I Love Brian, Forever <3
06-02-2003, 11:51 AM
Maybe EXPOLRATORY surgery?

06-02-2003, 03:57 PM
Jasper has a mass on his colon. He has had a biopsy already and the results are inconclusive (the veteranarian internist said it might be because she might not have gone deep enough into the mass for the sample). He has an inflamatory disease which might be the cause of the mass. Removing it will relieve his distress and also may help with the inflamation.

If 2,000 people donated a dollar each....I'll be donating
Thanks for the welcome as well.

Help Save Jasper (http://www.colettetheriault.ca/index.html)

06-02-2003, 11:17 PM
Im curious has anyone helped jasper, i am touched by his story, i dont use a credit card online, and being from nz, can anyone advise me the best way to send a little money over, it wont be much, but as she says every dollar helps.

Miss Meow
06-02-2003, 11:52 PM
It's hard to tell if this is for real.

There's nothing on Hoaxbusters yet http://hoaxbusters.ciac.org/ but anyone considering donations to strangers via the internet should check this or a similar site before handing over credit card details.

Jasper's owner has already gone to the trouble of setting up a PayPal payment link on the web site, with all payments being made to her personally, not the vet clinic. If this is genuine, Elle_w, can you please ask your friend to post the name, address, phone and payment details of the veterinary clinic so if people wish to donate, they can with a little more peace of mind. Thanks.

06-03-2003, 12:06 AM
Thanks miss meow, that was what i was worrying about, if indeed its genuine, i dont not want to give just because i think that, and Jasper miss out, but i would be happier to donate it to the vet too.

06-03-2003, 06:01 AM
I would rather donate money to our Bassett.

I too think this website is a con.

06-03-2003, 07:00 AM
I know you all don't know me from Eve, but I do swear to you this is not a con. If you knew how much she loved her little boy, you would not question this. Not that I blame anyone for wondering. Its sad in this day and age that you can't trust people but I do understand why.

I will ask her about having payments made straight to the vet. I don't see why she wouldn't agree. This is all about him being saved, not her making anything out of it.

Jasper is having his surgery this morning, so perhaps there will be an update tomorrow.

As for me, here is a picture of my little baby - Madeline


Miss Meow
06-03-2003, 05:40 PM
Elle_w, no offence was intended by my earlier post. I make a point of checking out any requests from unknown people based on past experience. Hopefully your friend can relay more information about the vet's details so we can help out if we can.

06-04-2003, 06:31 AM
Thank you Miss Meow. There was absolutely none taken. I do completely understand why you all would be suspicious and I don't blame you for it one bit. Far too many stories like this go around and good people wanting to help get taken advantage of.

Yesterday after reading the posts I mentioned having payments made to the vet directly...she said she was just going to put the surgery on her credit card....soooo...I don't know where anyone wants to go from here.

Update: Jasper had surgery yesterday. Check out the Update (http://www.colettetheriault.ca/Updates.html)

06-04-2003, 08:22 AM
Won't give a vet name, address...Sorry but this site just sounds suspious.

IMO I would recommend people keep their cash or give it to a real charity like their local cat shelter.

06-04-2003, 09:50 PM
Hi everyone. I'm Colette and Jasper is my cat.

First, thanks SO much for your avid interest in our plight. It means so much to us that there are people out there who care about animal life as much as we do. A really special thanks to Elle, too, whose thoughtfulness has meant a lot to me. THANKS ELLE!

I certainly understand your skepticism. It's an unusual thing for me to do and I would never have thought of asking strangers for donations if the vet bills weren't more than I could handle. I reasoned to myself, though, that whatever I would have to go through, it would be worth it to save the lives of both my cats (Jinx just had surgery too).

Jasper is currently recovering at Morningside Animal Clinic in Toronto, Canada. The tel number is 416-284-9205 and the address is 4560 Kingston Rd. I haven't discussed my web site with my vet so if you ask her if it's a hoax or not, I doubt she'll have an opinion but I'm sure that anyone at the clinic will give you an update on Jasper's condition. And as Elle explained, I had to pay for the surgery on a credit card; unfortunately, the vet isn't setup to accept donations.

Please visit http://www.colettetheriault.ca for details and pics. I went to visit him today and he's doing well. Also, feel free to write me at [email protected] if you have specific questions or want to discuss further.

Again, thank you just for thinking about Jasper.

06-05-2003, 03:55 PM
we are not coldhearted, but we don't know you. if he is already having the surgery, didnt you have to pay some money first? or am I wrong? maybe if your vet knows you well you didnt have to...anyway as broke as I am I would donate a few dollars, but not til I knew it would go right to the vet clinic.

06-05-2003, 04:50 PM
I send my most heartfelt prayers and wishes that your beloved Jasper will have a swift and complete recovery and return asap to his loving Mom.:) Get well soon, dear Jasper!

06-05-2003, 06:07 PM
I'm sure Colette will update a bit later, but the news is Jasper went home tonight! He was doing very well at the clinic. He passed food without problems so he gets to go home to recover.

I myself do understand the hesitance expressed here. If it were the other way round I would be cautious as well. Too many stories like this turn out not to be true. As for the clinic, all the ones I have ever dealt with usually let you pay when you pick your pet up. I've had a couple of cats operated on because they swallowed elastics and I got to pay for that after the fact.

Thank you though for your kind thoughts.

Get well Jasper!

06-09-2003, 12:11 PM
When these things are set up, it gives more validity to the site and to the story, if the vets name address and phone number are listed for verification. Have your friend make these revisions to her site. Also for some reason, I can not read Jasper's full story. I click on the first page and it just tells how Jasper was found, but not anything of his medical history.

06-09-2003, 01:28 PM
I'm so glad to hear your dear Jasper is doing well!!:) Prayers continue for his full recovery!