View Full Version : Sunburnt ears???

06-01-2003, 06:55 PM
Cassy got loose outside yesterday for an hour or so when I went to get the mail. At one point he was hanging around the swimming pool (too fast for me to catch at that time). Last night and today his ears have been a much deeper pink than is normal for him.

I know how uncomfortable sunburns are for humans. Is there anything I can do to make him feel better?

Edwina's Secretary
06-01-2003, 08:10 PM
Oh Amberlee...the picture I have in my head right now......

There's Cassy (is that a Speedo he is wearing?????) reclined on a lounge chair at the side of the pool. Did he just wink???? Now he's getting up. Look at that!!! He did a half gainer off the diving board!!!! Not a splash as he gracefully slices into the water.

He's returning to the lounge chair...he is putting sun block on his ears. Hope it is not too late Cassy....but if it is...perhaps a touch of calamine lotion?

06-01-2003, 08:45 PM
heh, heh, heh! It was almost exactly like that...

If he licks calamine lotion would it hurt him?

Note: He just strolled across the keyboard a few minutes ago and his ears are almost back to normal. Maybe I'm going nuts... (they did look really deep pink earlier, I swear!)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-02-2003, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
There's Cassy (is that a Speedo he is wearing?????) reclined on a lounge chair at the side of the pool. Did he just wink???? Now he's getting up. Look at that!!! He did a half gainer off the diving board!!!! Not a splash as he gracefully slices into the water.

He's returning to the lounge chair...he is putting sun block on his ears.

He slowly glances to the left and sees that Amberlee has spotted him! Trying to remain calm, cool and collected in front of all the girl kitties by the pool, he slowly puts the sunblock down, grabs his towel from the chair, casually drapes it over his shoulder and saunters towards the cabana at the other end of the pool. Occassionally he discreetly glances over his shoulder to judge the advancement of Amberlee. Noticing that she is closing in, he picks up his pace a bit, nodding to the cute calico on the last lounger as he passes. He gets to the edge of the cabana, once last glance over his shoulder to make sure he is out of site of all the cuties, and he dashes madly into the nearby bushes and is gone! Amberlee rounds the corner of the cabana just as his tail disappears into the bushes......"Drat! Cassy, you get your butt back here right now, or no treats for you tonight!" The little calico looks up in surprise and quickly glances away as she sees the fury on Amberlee's face. She'll remember that suave sophisticated tom, and hopes he'll be back at the pool tomorrow so she can get to know him a bit better.

:D :D

06-02-2003, 05:19 PM
**blush** You were there! You saw, you heard!

That calico was a darling, wasn't she?

:eek: ;) :rolleyes: