View Full Version : I Am In *SHOCK*....Absolutely HORRIBLE!

06-01-2003, 05:21 PM
I went to a fair and they had a tiger place where they performed and stuff, and my parents and brother thought it might be pretty cool, so she went over to watch.
Well, when we got there it smelled like cat urine, very heavy cat urine. So, we were kind of skeptical to begin with. Well, it began and the guy was beating on the tigers and they had cubs as well they were beating on. Whenever the tigers wouldn't do what the guy said RIGHT AWAY he would beat them harder. A few times the cats got in a position to pounce on the guy, and I was hoping they did! I can't believe they could treat such gorgeous animals that way! :(
And then, we saw where they were kept and they were kept in crates. DOG CRATES! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
My Goodness...I am *so* mad at him!

Aspen and Misty
06-01-2003, 05:28 PM
Yea, thats the life of a travling cat. Anything shows that moves that has animals are not a good idea. I personally do not even go near them. Poor animals. :(

There are some good people with lions and stuff out there like Sigfread and Roy (sp). They treat there cats wonderfully! But thye also do not travel.

Ash :(

06-01-2003, 05:30 PM
Call your local police department right now. Report the abuse, tell them the location of the fair currently, have hem send animal controlo over to investigate.

06-01-2003, 05:41 PM
The fair was in Vermont a while ago, I *think* they got kicked out of the fair, and I do know one of the fair administrators called the police. But I think the fair should have made sure who was playing at their fair before they hired anyone to 'perform' :rolleyes:

06-01-2003, 07:48 PM
Tigers are indangered and they cannot be treated like that, call the police. :mad:. such abuse is horid and unhuman, thoughs Tigers should be in rehabilitation centers and let free into the wild, not kept in small dog pens :mad:.

06-01-2003, 08:53 PM
Chloelove, where in Vermont was the Fair you saw this at?
Was it the Champlain Valley Fair in Essex Jct?
That one is usually at the end of the summer the week before Labor Day.
I have gone there many times in the past years, but not so often in the last few years.
I don't think I have seen Tigers there except for maybe once, so maybe it was only a one time thing?