View Full Version : Some new members to our family.

Aspen and Misty
06-01-2003, 02:00 PM
LOL. Sorry I havn't been on latly. I had finals all last week and have been busy with the 12 new members of our lovly family :rolleyes: . LOL

Well, What happened was My sister had a fish in her frog tank and when all the frogs died she had the fish left. Well her x-boyfriend came to pick up the tank and said he was going to kill the fish, Gus, so I ended up saving the poor guy. We went out and bought a 10 gallon tank, a heater (tropical fish), rocks, filter and fish food (only cought us 30 bucks to). We went to the pet store to see if Gus was a cominity fish and if he was we wanted to get him friends. Well it turned out he was so we got him so friends. 2 Dalmation Molly's named Pongo and Pirty ( :D ) They are soo pretty. 2 MALE Guppy'S (not named yet) and 1 FEMALE Guppy, Princess (We found out on the way out they were 2 diffrent sexes, better check the tanks better next time) and one very very lovly fishie James, the sucker. Well we were enjoying our litte guys till that night my fav fishie (one of the male guppies) was found dead floating on top :( We kinda thought nothign of it because they were new fish. The next night saw Gus Grab Princess by the tail and try to eat her :eek: So I took him out right away! I put him in this little dish till the next night when I could buy him his own 10 gallon tank ( :rolleyes: can we say spoiled?) Well I woke up the next morning and found out Gus had jumped out of his water and ended up dieing. :( So last night we went to a Fair and we played to win goldfish, lol. We ended up winning 4 of them and then found out the need a diffrent PH level then our tropical fish so off to Wal-mart we went! We bougth another 30 dollar set and now we have 2 very lovly fishie tanks in our kitchen! One with pretty tropical fish and one with very lovly Gold Fish :D I'm just as happy as can be!

So our Fish count if, James, Princess, 1 Male Guppy and 4 gold fish. :D We are hoping to buy 3 more Dalmation Molly's .


Ash :D

06-01-2003, 02:11 PM

I can't have fish, they die on me lol...I had a few goldfish and an oranda, but they all died except one that I gave to my aunt..This was a couple years ago and it's still alive :rolleyes: Figures...

06-01-2003, 05:14 PM
I can't have fish either! They die on me as well... :( lol, but that's great that you have all those fish and know how to take care of them so well!! :D

Aspen and Misty
06-01-2003, 10:16 PM
LOL. I love mt fishies :D Can't stop talking about them for one moment. I'm a proud new momma of 8 :D

Hee hee
