View Full Version : umm a goofy problem

05-31-2003, 10:38 PM
see happy knew sit very well, and I later tought her stand(for measuring and grooming) well the good news is she has a very good stand:D the bad news is she forgot how to sit in the prosess :confused: now how do I go about reteaching her sit, without loosing her stand in the prosess:confused:

06-01-2003, 09:37 AM
I would go back to square one and teach her sit again, then see if she still knows stand. She should still know it unless your hand signals or commands are very similar and confusing her.

I was just doing sit/stands in my obedience class I teach yesterday morning.

06-01-2003, 12:23 PM
Yea..Just try reteaching sit the way you did before. Once she gets it, get her to sit then stand, sit then stand..on and on. I did this with kai except it was shake (his right paw) and other paw (left paw) I just kept switching and went shake, other paw, shake, other paw..and he got it.