View Full Version : anyone have trouble sleeping?

05-29-2003, 03:25 AM

i was just wondering if anyone other than me have trouble sleeping??????its 4am here and i can't sleep i'm wide awake.i've been like this for a long time now.but before i was drinking nothing but coke:rolleyes:

now i've cut down on the in take of coke because of my kidney stonesand a few weeks ago i was dehydrated thats when i woke up in real bad pain and the doc said it was kidney stones.i still have em.

i had an sonagram and the results came back negetive:(so now i'm going to see a doctor who specializes in kidneys.just hope she can help cause i'm having pains and can't take it anymore i just cry and worry.

anyway does anyone have trouble sleeping ?if so what do you do to help it?all inputs are very appreciated:)thanks and take care:)


05-29-2003, 04:46 AM
Hi Marylyn
I usually am not online this late, but here I am at 3AM az time.
welcome to pettalk! as for not being able to sleep, try reading or watching tv? heres some sites that you might like.. let me look them up and then I will post them...but first, try looking thru this section of pettalk, and in dog general, if you haven't already.
there's a joke thread, and in the general section, theres a thread called thursdays. also, one called "test". and ther are several posts by people on here of their cats and dogs, and other pets those are always fun to view. how about just looking at past cat of the day, dog of the day and pet of the day?

ok I will find those links now...

05-29-2003, 05:12 AM
I couldn't find the other 2, they don't seem to be on the internet anymore.. but I have alot of others I can post tomorrow.

have you tried relaxing in a hot bubble bath, that should help you sleep.

05-29-2003, 05:15 AM
Hi Marylyn - Big Welcome to Pet Talk - sorry to hear you're having trouble getting a decent night's sleep. Things that I have tried over the years - and that appear to work are:-

Having a big mug of hot chocolate!
Eating lettuce - don't laugh - this really does work!!
A nice warm bath with lavendar oil - light candles if possible and turn out the main light - sooooo relaxing.
Sprinkling lavendar oil on your pillow.
Don't lie there worrying - get up and do something - I normally go downstairs and talk to the cats while brewing a cup of tea - sometimes I think it's just looking at sleeping cats that works!!!
Read a really boring book!

Hope one of these might help - but remember if your upset and worrying I doubt you'll manage to sleep - try a bit of relaxation.
Good Luck hope something works.


05-29-2003, 07:05 AM

I have trouble getting to and staying asleep. But I attribute it to the bit "M" (menopause).

I try to read when I can't get to sleep. Works everytime! ;)

Miss Meow
05-29-2003, 04:43 PM
I am the queen of bad sleep, so here goes: :)

No more coke or any caffeine after midday! Even one can of coke can keep you buzzing past your bedtime so try to give all caffeine a rest in the afternoons.

Don't exercise too late. A lot of people who play sport or have training at night are too hyper to sleep and take time to wind down.

Have a light evening meal so your body isn't still digesting food and working while you want to be sleeping.

Clear your mind before you go to bed. If you have any issues or problems, try to deal with them before you go bye byes.

If it's your bedtime and you don't feel like you'll get to sleep quickly, stay up and read (not a page-turning blockbuster, but something more relaxing!) and try going to bed a bit later. It's better than tossing and turning in bed and stressing out that you can't sleep.

Try to differentiate between mental and physical tiredness. You know that tiredness you get if you've been studying or concentrating all day - that's mental tiredness and doesn't help you get to sleep. But physical tiredness from exercise or outdoor work or running around between classes will help you sleep. Keeping active during the day is a great thing.

Good luck :)

05-29-2003, 04:58 PM
Wait until you hit Menopause.......

05-29-2003, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by moosmom

I have trouble getting to and staying asleep. But I attribute it to the bit "M" (menopause).

I try to read when I can't get to sleep. Works everytime! ;)

I agree with everything Moosmon has just said! Not knowing your age, of course we are guessing about the Big M theory. I also read when I can't sleep. It usually works, but if it doesn't I don't keep tossing and turning. It is best to just give up and get out of bed and do something until you are tired. There is nothing worse than looking at the clock over and over and knowing you should be asleep. It adds anxiety which adds to the insomnia. I find if I put on the TV I go right to sleep. So much of what's
on these days is boring and just makes me yawn....

05-29-2003, 07:10 PM
Ohh I can relate! I go to sleep around 2am on school nights and about 4 on weekends. I don't think coke has TOO much to do with it for me. I've been drinking coke for a VERY LONG time and I drink at least 3 cans a day. It's an addiction to caffeine and the drink itself. I did a research essay for english class on caffeine. After consuming caffeine for a long period of time, your body will automatically get use to it. So 3 cans doesn't do anything to me but 7 will. I've done about 7 cans, a 2 litre bottle plus another half a litre in the choir class party. BOY! It affected me big time. I was so hyped up..I asked all my friends if they wanted to run around the lap with me..I was just too energetic. And then, I pulled out one of those really small bouncy rubber balls and threw it in the halls trying to chase it...omg....Try to cut on the coke. If you're as addicted as me, I know it's really hard. One thing that makes me very sleepy is....agg....crying. I know..I hate saying that I cry because it makes me sound like I'm an immature teen looking for attention. Another one, is reading. I read a really good book and just can't put it down for a long time...but I get REALLY sleepy and I get LOADS of sleep...at least 10 hours. One other one...is tv or singing. Something to kinda keep me busy but exhaust me at the same time. And a final one...is lying in your bed planning out your day or just thinking about something...but not thinking too hard! Just..something like...I wonder how tomorrow will be? or something...Pleasent dreams!

Steffi N
05-30-2003, 12:42 AM
Hello fellow insomniacs. Its twenty of two here in New Jersey.
There is a rule that you are supposed to use your bed only for sex and sleep. I love to read in bed so I can't follow that (no boyfriend either). I do think the point about caffeine is good, it sure can keep me up.

Marylyn, I am sorry that you are suffering so and hope the new doctor can help.

My boy Lovable is awake too.

05-30-2003, 01:29 AM
I saw this yesterday and didn't answer, although I could have! :o

Here I am now.......it's 2:30 in the morning and I'm not sleeping either. :(

05-30-2003, 01:36 AM
Usually it's not a matter of "can't sleep" for me it's a "won't sleep." :rolleyes: It's like I simply *cannot* go to bed without first staying on the internet until *at least* midnight. Pathetic.......sometimes I'm reaching past 4 a.m. on weekends...

Usually once I actually get out of my daze and turn the darn thing off (maybe I should do that now lol since it's past 12:30 am) I can get to sleep pretty easy.

Sometimes I have a hard time sleeping in the summer though, I find it so much easier to sleep when it's cold outside. If it's cold, you can cuddle up in warm blankets. When it's hot, I just toss and turn and be miserable.

05-30-2003, 02:16 AM
Ok, so it may sound like I'm making this up, but I'm not. Use a purring cat as a pillow. Works for me every time. Elvis is quite accomodating. He sleeps on my pillow and lets me put my head on him and he just purrs constantly. Ahhhh. It's making me sleepy just thinking about it!

05-30-2003, 05:24 AM
i also have trouble sleeping.listening to the radio softly while lying in bed w/the lights off helps,as do sleeping pills which i dont usually take.