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05-28-2003, 04:44 PM
Hi! I thought it would be nice to have a thread to talk about our cats favorites, and get to know eachothers cats a little more...ok i'll start..

*name: Mayz
**color(s): Cream and Gray
***size: right now she is a kitten....4 weeks old
****favorite toy: well she only has two toys a ball with a bell and a scratch post, which she likes better!!:)
Mayz is a kitten. We got her on Monday. She meows all the time. I think she is afraid of heights. She is SO CUTE!!! She has long fur. Doesnt shed much...well not yet~:D :D

I would love to know more about your cats if u have an info. thing to add just add away!!! ENJOY!:D

05-28-2003, 04:46 PM
I think she meows alot because she misses her family, she is pretty young! Or maybe she is scared? who knows?:D

05-28-2003, 04:58 PM
4 weeks is way to young for her to be away from her mother. Did something bad happen to the momma cat?

05-28-2003, 05:05 PM
Yes, 4 weeks is very young. I got Blueberry at 8 weeks, but I think the best is 12 weeks.
**color:blue point
****Size: Medium, 10 months old
*****Favourite toy: Toy that used to be on a string, but now cut off. Its a little penguin.

Blueberry is a blue point himmy. He's very cute! We got him last year in August something, and his birthday is on Canada Day! He has long hair, and sheds a lot. He's also very crazy:p lol, and LOVES to chase us around the house.

05-28-2003, 05:14 PM
No her mommy cat is just fine. Mayz is doing good to. Its a long story....ok we were gonna get this other cat named snickers but he died the weekend before we went to pick him up and everybody was crying and so my sister had a friend who's cat had kittens and the owner said that they can leave their mother 4-6 weeks so we gave it a try. I know u are probably thinking well u should know better...I know practily nothing about cats, if my dad didnt know how to litterbox train them then our kitten wouldnt be working on it! LOL

any ways

i forgot breed

*breed: mixed
*Looks: looks like a simease, she has gray ears, toes, and tail but a cream body
*eye color: blue, very few cats have blue eyes

05-28-2003, 05:15 PM

05-29-2003, 07:43 AM
4 weeks is DEFINITELY too young to be away from it's mother. Ideally a kitten should stay with it's mom till they're at least 8 weeks old. But at the shelter where I volunteer, they let them go at 6 weeks.

Desert Arabian
05-29-2003, 07:52 AM
Rizzy- Um...she has blue eyes because she's a kitten. They most likely won't stay.

Name: Sammy/Sam
Age: 5 weeks
Eyes: Blue
Breed/Fur: Orange tabby, short & fuzzy
Favorties: Glitter balls, fingers, toes, mice, jingle balls, etc. Anything she can attack and bite she loves!

She goes to the vet again on June 5th. :D

Name: Dudley
Age: 5 years
Eyes: Gold
Breed/Fur: Brown Mackerel Tabby, short & course
Favorites: None really...loves fresh air and catnip

Goes to vet today! :D

05-29-2003, 08:55 AM
Name: Ali
Age: about 10 years
Eyes: green
Breed: Domestic Short-haired
Color: completely black
Favorite things to do: sleep, beg for chicken, play w/ the feather fishingpole toy, get high on catnip
Hates: to be held, rubbed on the tummy, Jack pestering her.
How I came to be her meowmie: my sister bought her from a pet store when I was about 13 and long story short Ali came to find her forever home w/ me and my husband after being shuffled around between my sister and my mom.

Age: Almost 3
Breed: Siamese mix
Color: gray w/ subtle darker gray striping
Favorite things to do: think about Luna, pester Ali, play w/ his feather toys, sleep w/ his meowmie, get high on catnip.
How I came to be his meowmie: My husband and I were looking for a playmate for Ali so we went to the shelter to look for a kitten. The first time that we went, all the cats (even the older ones) were adopted. So I went onto their website everyday until I saw Jack...I went to adopt him that night.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-29-2003, 10:47 AM
Name: Tubby
Age: 17 years old
Eyes: Golden, sometimes Green
Breed/Fur: Black short hair, little angel spot on tummy & chest
Favorites: Sleeping, picking on Peanut, eating, sleeping, eating, snuggling with mom, going outside (on his leash), sleeping, eating, spending time with his sweetheart Samantha and sleeping. :rolleyes: ;) :D
Hates: Being ignored, touching his back feet.

Name: Peanut
Age: 14 1/2 years old
Eyes: Golden, sometimes Green
Breed/Fur: Tortie on white, medium long hair
Favorites: Working with daddy, sitting on daddy's lap when he's on the computer, her micies, her box house, begging for treats and her little carpet condom bed. :D
Hates: Being smooched on by her mom, Tubby licking her head, doorbells, vacuums

06-02-2003, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
Rizzy- Um...she has blue eyes because she's a kitten. They most likely won't stay.

Name: Sammy/Sam
Age: 5 weeks
Eyes: Blue
Breed/Fur: Orange tabby, short & fuzzy
Favorties: Glitter balls, fingers, toes, mice, jingle balls, etc. Anything she can attack and bite she loves!

She goes to the vet again on June 5th. :D

Name: Dudley
Age: 5 years
Eyes: Gold
Breed/Fur: Brown Mackerel Tabby, short & course
Favorites: None really...loves fresh air and catnip

Goes to vet today! :D

LOL........like I said I know practically nothing about kittens//cats! I do know enough to have one and take care of one though!:D

All of you guys have beautiful cats!