View Full Version : PetTalk Australia Meeting: Gini Comes to Australia!

Miss Meow
05-26-2003, 03:49 AM
It wasn't quite as big as the Findly Park meeting last weekend, but very fun nonetheless :)

Gini's itinerary with Trafalgar Tours had her in Melbourne for three days. I'm not sure what constitutes a day in Trafalgar Tour Meridian Time but she arrived at about 10.00pm Saturday night and had to be ready to leave on the bus at 6.30am Monday morning. Maybe they've invented some sort of time accelerator so people get the most out of their holidays!

I got a call Saturday night from Gini, who had just finished making a voodoo doll of the tour guide who wasn't letting anyone off the bus until they ticked the boxes for their tours the next day. The afternoon's tour was a nine hour bus trip to see the penguin parade. I let Gini know that the penguins don't waddle around for long and most of that nine hours was going to be spent on a bus - we decided to meet at the Westin Hotel's martini bar instead, far better choice! For anyone going to Gini's barbecue in July, never, ever mention the word 'bus' again ...

Captain and I tried to co-ordinate but unfortunately Michelle didn't receive my message until too late. We have learned from this and are now organised to the minute for any visitors in the future that you don't even have to tell us you're coming :)

So after downing a very refreshing martini, we went for a stroll around the city and had dinner. Shane and I walked Gini back to her hotel and were still talking, talking, talking. She is such an interesting person and we learned about her life in LA, Rascal and her porch kitties, different types of martinis, the girl on the holiday who has a very clean horse (you can ask Gini about that) and so many other things. The time flew by and afterwards it felt like a surreal experience. I wish we had enough time to bring her home to meet the kitties, but we are too far from the city to make this possible - NEXT TIME!

She's now on a bus to the airport, a plane to Sydney, a connecting plane to Cairns, a plane back to Sydney and a plane to LA (with a few days of relaxation squeezed in there somewhere!) I estimate that she'll have spent about 38 hours in the air (and I daren't guess how many on a bus) in the two weeks so I'm sure she'll see the latest movies a few times!

Gini, thanks for spending so much of your time here with us. We feel honoured. And thank you so much for dinner and the armful of cat toys - they love them!

(see, I didn't write all the stuff that REALLY happened ;))

Miss Meow
05-26-2003, 04:06 AM
Here's a few pics taken by Shane. Gini has some more on her camera.

Gini and me at Southbank

I don't know how many flies I swallowed with my mouth open that wide :rolleyes:

Gini admiring an oversized piece of papier-mache

Miss Meow
05-26-2003, 04:09 AM
Yay, new cat toys from Aunty Gini!

Get lost, Pickles. This one's MINE!

Give me the toy, or I'll give you a left hook!

Former User
05-26-2003, 04:10 AM
Awww, sounds and looks like you had plenty of fun!
I'm sooooo happy to "meet" Gini finally, wonderful to be able to see her pic ;)
and the cats seem to love the new toys :D

05-26-2003, 04:57 AM
Thanks for the pics, Miss meow!! I am so happy too, to finally know how Gini looks like! Now I know what face I will be looking for in July ;) ;) . I cannot wait to meet you, and all the others then, Gini!! I promise I won't mention the forbidden word :eek: :p :p

05-26-2003, 05:42 AM
Many thanks Nicole - great posting - so nice to 'meet' Gini at last!
Her itinerary sounds a bit hectic to say the least. Don't those furkids of yours look so happy on the pics., - wonderful.


05-26-2003, 11:20 AM
What a great meeting!!!!!!!And such happy faces (cat and human)

So what REALLY happened?;) :D

05-26-2003, 11:39 AM
wow, looks like you had a wonderful visit!
and the cat standing up on it's back feet, that is the cutest pic!
thanks for sharing your pics!

05-26-2003, 11:51 AM
Great pictures!! Sounds like you had an awesome time!!
Seems like we're having a lot of PT meetings lately--what can we say--this awesome sight brings wonderful people together!!:D

Felicia's Mom
05-26-2003, 11:57 AM
Thanks for sharing the pictures.:) :D

Russian Blue
05-26-2003, 12:42 PM
Great pics! Your so lucky to meet a fellow Pettalker!

I know what Gini is going through since I went on a 30 day Contiki bus tour through Europe. Many early mornings and long bus rides!


05-26-2003, 01:17 PM
Wonderful pictures ~ Wonderful people! :)

05-26-2003, 06:26 PM
Hey, you two look great!
Who could belive.....a PT meeting in Australia? :p

Captain and I tried to co-ordinate but unfortunately Michelle didn't receive my message until too late. We have learned from this and are now organised to the minute for any visitors in the future that you don't even have to tell us you're coming
Nicole , don't give me bad ideas.! I always wanted to know how is to be "Up side down" (childish, I know)

So what REALLY happened?
You see, we are know cuirous !:confused: :D

PS: Forgot, still in love with Tabasco :)

Miss Meow
05-26-2003, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by koxka
PS: Forgot, still in love with Tabasco :)

You can have him! He urinated on the computer desk last night, had a fight with Jasmine, had a fight with Pickles, then stole the packet of catnip that Gini gave them, ripped it up and spread catnip all over our bedroom floor :rolleyes: And to think I said they grow up too soon!

Thanks for all the nice comments. I can't wait for the rest of Gini's pics and the stories from her trip :) One thing I know is that she has a little gift for a certain PetTalker from New Mexico ... :)

She is planning a terrific day for the 20 July meeting in LA, wish I could be there!

05-26-2003, 07:34 PM
Thanks for the update Nicole .......... now I know what you look like too!!

Gini - I am so sorry I could not meet you. Perhaps one day ....... *sigh*

Nicole and I have sorted out the communication methods now - we have each others PHONE numbers!!! This won't happen again - beware fellow PT's who visit Melbourne, you will meet 2 Aussie girls at ONCE!!
.................... hmmmmmm, martini bar ................ that is up the road from where I work in the city .......... think I might go there for lunch ......... :)

05-26-2003, 07:39 PM
By the looks of it you two had a great time:) Thanks for the pics!

Wether it be a big meeting or a small one, it's always fun to meet fellow PTers!

05-26-2003, 10:42 PM
Thanks for posting the great pics. It sure looks like you had a lot of fun. :D It's always great to meet other Pet Talkers. :)

Mr Meow
05-26-2003, 10:53 PM
Mr Meow is NOW hopefully online.....??

05-26-2003, 10:57 PM
Yes indeed!!!!!!!

Hi Shane :p

05-26-2003, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
I can't wait for the rest of Gini's pics and the stories from her trip :) One thing I know is that she has a little gift for a certain PetTalker from New Mexico ... :)

:D :o I can't wait for her pics either!! (and the story about the clean horse :confused: lol)

:D :o How very, very, VERY sweet of her!!!

05-27-2003, 06:34 AM
There are not enough of us! We need more Aussies on these boards! :)

05-27-2003, 07:52 AM
I think this is wonderful!! Imagine a Pet Talk meeting, so far away!! It was so exciting when Carrie got to meet Karen, and Lut and Niina got together! Now we have gotten to "meet" Nicole and Gini, together!!! :)

Thank you so much, Nicole and Shane, for sharing your pictures and your visit with Gini! It sounds like it might have been the most relaxing part of her trip!!! :)

05-27-2003, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
You can have him! He urinated on the computer desk last night, had a fight with Jasmine, had a fight with Pickles, then stole the packet of catnip that Gini gave them, ripped it up and spread catnip all over our bedroom floor :rolleyes: And to think I said they grow up too soon!

She is planning a terrific day for the 20 July meeting in LA, wish I could be there!

LOlL , He is walking in the wild side :D, or just a teenager?! :D .Send him to me at any time and Koxka will put him in line.:D

On this part of the world, Little Pericot,now Pericasso, is on the same line of "Help You Self" . I picked the moussies under the furnitures, gave them a couple and put the left in a plastic bag holding at the closed door ,he ripped the bag up to get them all
:eek: I pick them again all over the house put some in a new bag ... and he did this again.... in the midle of the night of course. The same with the treats' bags. AMEN ! Can't help it , I like cheeky ( smart) kities. .P

05-31-2003, 05:29 PM
I just got home this morning. My Calif. clock says 3:15 pm Saturday, but my watch tells me that it is really 8:15 am Sunday in Australia - the time I am currently (not functioning) on.

EVERYBODY on the B-- (nope, not going to say THAT word) wanted to know about my meeting with Nicole and Shane. Sorry, but there are now a bunch of Americans that know all about you both and your new house! I think they were all jealous of my being able to spend a wonderful afternoon off of that damn B__.

It was such a special afternoon with Nicole and Shane and I deeply appreciated their taking their Sunday afternoon to come into Melbourne to visit me. I tried to soften the meeting with those martini's (ha ha)!

My suitcase is banging around the house with very dirty clothes inside saying LET ME OUT! I am sitting on a chair but weaving back and forth slightly from all of the B__ rides and the 13 1/2 hour plane ride home.

So I will elaborate on the very "clean horse" (you just had to bring that up didn't you Nicole) later.

:) :D :) :D :)

I encourage everyone to visit Australia - but especially to visit with Nicole and Shane (Nicole has found a "keeper" in Shane).

I am just a bit dit-dot right now, so I will post later with more.
And I still have to do my homework on Phred's Photo Posting 101
before I can promise pictures.

It was just the best visit with you both...........and absolutely a highlight of my trip.

I have to share that I - just yesterday - was petting a seven month old Wallaby who licked my hand. I died and went straight to heaven!

Miss Meow
05-31-2003, 06:02 PM
Welcome back!!! :D

Wallabies are more furry and user friendly than penguins, so glad you got to meet one ;)

If you have a problem with pics, mail me a CD with your pics and I can upload for you. Or e-mail them to my work e-mail (my home is dial-up and oh so slow). Let me know if you need the address.

Glad you got home safely :) The cats are still obsessed with their new toys!

05-31-2003, 06:46 PM
I just unpacked and Rascal was all over me and a certain package.

I just had to stop and take pictures of him with his new mousie and cheese.........and his feather mouse.

He said to say Thank You very much! He just loves them.

I will hang up his other toy later, after he gets done playing with these two.

Thanks Nicole, for the offer of help. I was thinking that I should have them downloaded to a CD before I make a mess!

However, I have a lot of pictures..................you sure don't want them all.

Hi to Shane!

05-31-2003, 07:13 PM


05-31-2003, 08:19 PM
Yippee! You are home again!

Rest up, then we want LOTS of details. Wallaby? Clean horse? Did you see Tobasco, and Jazmine and the other darlings?

05-31-2003, 11:54 PM
WELCOME BACK GINI!!! I can't wait to hear more about your trip and see some pictures too. :D

06-01-2003, 06:53 AM
Welcome back, Gini! :)

Thanks for sharing the pics, Nicole & Shane. At last we got to see who Gini is! It looks like you had fun - apart from the unmentionable B.. rides. :D

We missed you Gini, but rest up now - and then tell us all about your trip!

Dakota's Mommy
06-02-2003, 09:09 AM
Great pics! LOoks like fun was had by all!

06-03-2003, 11:57 AM
WOW, I missed this?!

Darn work :mad: But, my boss is going on a 3-week holiday and with a DSL at the office, I'll be able to stay more here.

Girls, you look fantastic. An those kitties too. Pickles is a real cutie :)