View Full Version : Boxing and Tug of war

Aspen and Misty
05-25-2003, 07:22 PM
Does anyone elses rabbit LOVE to box??

When I hold Julians Car keys (baby keys) above his head and rattle them he will stand on his back legs and Box with them. He hits them really fats and with both paws. It's soooo cute!!!!!

Julian also loves tug of war. Where I will dangle his Carrot toy that has a string hanging off of it and dangle that above his head, he will grab the string and pull and pull. LOL. I think he just wants to the toy but he LOVES to play this game. Anytime I get that toy out (he is not allowed to have it all the time because of the string hanging off, little legs and string don't match) Well anyway, anytime I get that toy out he comes running!!! LOL

Anyone else have unusual games that they play with there Bunnies?


05-25-2003, 08:34 PM
I bought my ex-friend a baby bunny, which grew into a french lop & was bigger then their tabby/bob cat mix. Oreo (rabbit) HATED paper. We would hold up a sheet of paper infront of her & she would go psycho on it tearing it to nothing. Oreo, used her front legs & her hind legs while attacking the sheet of paper. & Damn was she ever fast.