View Full Version : Lump??

05-24-2003, 09:54 PM
I was grooming Willow (our new bunny) last evening, and found a lump the size of a pea on one of his front feet. :( I'm rather worried about this. We have a vet appointment (general check up/grooming) on June 3, but I am thinking of trying to bump it up. I do hope it's nothing serious, and trying to keep optimistic.

On a better note, he is really coming out of his shell, and exploring the entire downstairs. He follows me around like a little puppy everywhere I go. He gets so excited when I sit on the floor, he comes running up and tries to hop into my lap. :) He's a real snuggle bug. :)

05-24-2003, 10:00 PM
Ohh goodness! :( Not a bumpie! Hopefully it's nothing to worry about...easier said than done, huh? I, too, would try and push for an earlier vet appt.

I'm so glad he's coming out of his shell! What a sweetie he is!!!

Mr. Piper spent his very firstest night on the big bed. He was a doll (except when he used my head as a trampoline OUCH! lol)

How are the others adjusting to him?

When do we get to see more pics? :D

05-24-2003, 10:07 PM
I'll keep Willow (love that name) in my prayers that the bump is nothing serious. Update us when you know something!

So glad he's coming out of his shell and being a snuggle bun :)

05-24-2003, 10:08 PM
I'll try and get some more picture tomorrow. He has a bit of a strange hair cut right now, and I suspect that it is only going to get worse before it can get better. Right now, it kinda sorta looks like a 2nd grader did a butcher job, :o with all his hair uneven. But he has so many mats, there isn't much of a choice, either. The vet told me that they don't groom for show, but they do shave them to get rid of mats. So I expect that he's gonna look REALLY strange then.

As far as the other pets go, the cat is scared willy nilly of the bunny. As soon as she sees the bunny come out of the cage, she darts for the nearest chair/counter. And Malone just wants to PLAY!! We are teaching him to be "NICE", and we are always there to supervise when they are in the same room. Willow is totally not scared of the dog. If Malone is sleeping or laying down, Willow will hop right up to him and start sniffing him. It's so cute!!