View Full Version : pics of DAISYLOVER'S bunnies!!!

05-24-2003, 06:12 PM
Aren't these guys too cute?! :D

Gracie and Noah -- "Gimme a kiss!"

Maple, Noah, and Gracie

Maple, Noah, and Gracie

Daisylover is an awesome photographer--her pics look MUCH better in person than what I've scanned... sorry about the quality on the last one. :o I think it's time for a new scanner!

05-24-2003, 06:41 PM
How old is Gracie? She's a teeny carmel-colored baby - like a certain bunny was when we got her. Gracie looks like a Netherland dwarf, is she?

05-24-2003, 07:31 PM
Gracie is such a darling!! What a sweetie!!! Give her some scritchies for me... :)

05-24-2003, 09:31 PM
OoOOh!! Daisylover, your bunnies are soo adorable!!! And I love the name "Maple" :)

Aspen and Misty
05-24-2003, 10:10 PM
Your bunnies are to cute! Just look like cuddle bunnies!!


05-25-2003, 09:36 AM
Cute Pics!! Gracie is too cute!!

05-25-2003, 10:52 AM
Aww they are sooo adorable! :D

05-25-2003, 11:42 AM
Awwww! great pics! They are so cute!

05-25-2003, 02:18 PM
goodness! too cute!! I just adore buns. Cant wait till I move out (hopefully this July!) and can adopt one! (or two!) Ive had a total of 8 in the past, but my parents dont think we have "room" for one right now.. Whatever mom.. lol

05-26-2003, 01:23 PM
they are soo cute thnak you for sharing :)

05-26-2003, 01:26 PM
awww, what cuties :D thanks for sharing the pics :)

05-26-2003, 02:19 PM
What a bunch of cuties! :D :D :D

05-27-2003, 02:14 PM
Thanks all for your kind words about Gracie, Maple and Noah, and thanks Zippy for posting them...someday I'll break down and find someone here at work to scan things in for me!

Gracie is growing very fast and if she is a particular breed of rabbit, I have no idea what it would be. I rescued her from a field May 1 and figured she was 3 wks old then which would make her 7 wks old now..... Her mom and dad are about 5 lbs so she will be on the small side too. She has easily doubled in size and tripled her weight. When I got her she had head tilt, a very, very bad sign and an infected eye, but the bunny doc got her on the right meds the next day and I am pleased to report the head tilt is gone and the eye cleared up beautifully. She is a rich carmel color and has a blackish smudge on her nose....cute, cute, cute!!!

She is pretty funny right now....I have hardwood floors with scatter rugs and every once in a while she go over by the front door and do a little dance...she sort of jiggles back and forth and jumps (not hops) up and down and then spins around....not quite a real binky yet, but getting close. The boys adore her....never once questioned her presence or tried to put her in her place.....she is very obviously the boss. However Chocolate and Emma are NOT thrilled to have her around and so I think bonding the 5 of them together is going to be a bit of a challenge.

THank you for reminding me how lucky I am....I will post a message shortly about my very bad day today....