View Full Version : Steam Vacing and Julian

Aspen and Misty
05-24-2003, 11:35 AM
Sicne I have 4 very very Messy Girls in my room, you know them girls are :rolleyes: never able to find soemthing to wear ;) . Well, my 4 rattie grils have made a terrible terrible mess of my carpet by pushing things out of there cage, pooping and peeing out of the cage (don't ask, lol) I now need to steamvac before my carpet is ruined. I was just wondering how long do I wait to put everyone back in there, and how long do I need to wait untill Julian can be in there again on the carpet? While watchign the discovery channel they were talking about how you should never allow your baby on carpet that has been steamvaced recently, but never said when it was safe when the baby was safe to go on the carpet again. Since Julian and Babies are so close to the carpet they inhale alot of the chemicals that steamvacing uses.

Can anyone please help! I don't want to hurt Julian or my ratties!

Ash :(

05-24-2003, 12:22 PM
Maybe if you open the windows and air everything out, wait until you cannot smell the chemicals any more when you push your face into the carpet? I don't know for sure, it probably depends on what chemicals the equipment uses. Perhaps a visit to the steam-vac manufacturers website?

Aspen and Misty
05-24-2003, 12:38 PM
I guess it's a pet cleaner, like if Nova pee's on the floor, that type of thing. I dunno.

A very very wise women told me to just use water. Thats what I want to do. But he doesn't think it will clean as good. :rolleyes: so were going to use the chemicals.

Good Idea Karen. I wonder if I can find a website or something. hmm?

I guess, at the moment Julian will be sleeping with me ( :D :D :D :D ) untill he can be moved back in. We think we will wait a week or longer just to be safe, I'd reather spend 10 nights being scratched in the face by him then him becmoe sick.

But if anyone knows anything we can do (liek opening windows and stuff :D ) please suggest it. We want to clear out the room as fast as possible of the smell and stuff.


05-24-2003, 02:28 PM
I think opening windows is a good idea :) Do you have an air purifier? That's a good idea too, they will atleast get rid of any chemicals that travel through the air :)

Aspen and Misty
05-24-2003, 03:32 PM
Godo Idea! An air purifier! I'll have to try it! Thanx for the idea!

Ash :D