View Full Version : spring wing clipping :eep:

05-20-2003, 02:42 PM
ok I clipped Springs wings for the first time yesterday. it was hecktic. Wolfsoul was the one that cut them while I held spring, more or less she was holding on to me with her beak :eek:.. ouch!!

she bites sooooo hard. we clipped one ofher wings and she got free, she was off balence and flopping around. :eek:. so I grabbed her and got wolfsoul to clip the other wing.

then when she was done we let her walk around.

now heres the catch.

she went onto Tikeya dog wickerbasket bed and smushed herself inbetween the bed and the coushin, she was squiggling her self in deeper like a ground hog digging a hole lol.. then when her head was buries, she stopped "I cant see you, you cant see me".

ha ha ha me and jordin were peting her and she wasnt moving she was playing dead lol.

has anyone eles birds done that befor???

05-22-2003, 05:29 PM
OUCH! that must have hurt! my cousin has a Myers Parrot, and he bites hard too, when they try to clip his wings..poor birdie....:(

I Love Brian, Forever <3
05-22-2003, 05:49 PM
Alright, doesn't that *hurt* the bird?!

05-22-2003, 05:50 PM
Yes, wing clipping is very painful for the bird....that is why i would never have one...i couldnt do it...*sighs*

05-22-2003, 05:55 PM
Yes, wing clipping is *very* painful for the bird.

no no!! :eek:

Golden retreiver lover...

you are WAY off!:eek:

It doesnt hurt the bird at all! its just like cutting human hair! although it could be stressful for the bird isnt tame, but it doesnt hurt them what-so-ever! unless of course you cut waayyy to far down on the feathers, then i will hurt! but they cant really feel it. ;)

LOL TM, spring is such a cutie:D you need to post more pics soon!:p

05-22-2003, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by Jessica12345
no no!! :eek:

Golden retreiver lover...

you are WAY off!:eek:

It doesnt hurt the bird at all! its just like cutting human hair! although it could be stressful for the bird isnt tame, but it doesnt hurt them what-so-ever! unless of course you cut waayyy to far down on the feathers, then i will hurt! but they cant really feel it. ;)

LOL TM, spring is such a cutie:D you need to post more pics soon!:p

Im sorry...my bad:)

05-22-2003, 06:01 PM
LOL.... you said you would get one if you didnt have to clip its wings? well go ahead!:D :p LOL hehe they are the best! you should really concider it! hehe :D

I Love Brian, Forever <3
05-22-2003, 06:02 PM
Ok, could someone please explain to me what "clipping" a bird's wings consists of, then? Thanks!

05-22-2003, 06:03 PM
It just looks painful..but now i know it doesnt hurt them, i like Myers Parrots, there cool birds, so...u never know!;)

05-22-2003, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by I Love Brian, Forever <3
Ok, could someone please explain to me what "clipping" a bird's wings consists of, then? Thanks!

Its just Clipping the Tips Of some of the feathers on the birds wings so it cant fly. ;)

05-22-2003, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
Yes, wing clipping is very painful for the bird....that is why i would never have one...i couldnt do it...*sighs*

OMG! :eek::eek::eek: I can't believe you said that! :eek:

If you don't know, say I DON'T KNOW, but don't go around giving people mis-information! Do you think we bird mommies would EVER hurt our babies? NO WAY! It doesn't hurt them AT ALL. My birds don't make a peep when I clip their wings because I hold them so gently and do it really fast. Wing clipping is no different from us cutting our hair? Is cutting our hair very painful for us humans? NO! Same with the birds. Wing clipping is not clipping the actual wing. That would be a crime. :rolleyes: Its just clipping the tips of a few feathers on their wings so that they cannot gain high altitude when they fly, and its done for their safety (so they don't fly into the toilet or stove or windows, etc.). It does NOT hurt the bird AT ALL.

So now that you know, I'd think you *could* have a bird, since you said you wouldn't ever get one because you couldn't hurt it. Besides, wing clipping is a personal choice and you don't HAVE to clip if you have a bird, so that's not an issue whether to have one as a pet or not. Most people do it for the safety of their birds. A clipped bird can still fly low, but many pet birds choose not to fly much whether they are clipped or not anyway. Birds shed their feathers during molting season, so its obviously not going to hurt them if you cut part of a feather that would fall of naturally anyway when they molt and get new ones. Their feathers grow back and they can fly high again after several months, just like our hair grows back when you cut it. Some birds bite or scream when they get clipped because they don't like to be held that way with their wing held open, but not because of pain. There is no pain, and when its done, they don't even know they were clipped. LOL

Next time say *I don't know* instead of giving people wrong information. Any sane person would know that a loving bird mommy would NEVER hurt her birdies!

05-22-2003, 10:18 PM
Heehee, Spring was being *quite* difficult..:rolleyes: But it wasn't too much trouble...Just had to hear the winces of pain from Jynnelle due to the naughty teeth on that bird! :p

When we got one wing done, she got out of her grasp, and started trying to fly with one wing --- she was lopsided and her attempts were silly :p But when everything was done, she really calmed down, and we could pet and hold Spring quite well :D

The basket stunt was one-of-a-kind! :D

05-22-2003, 10:19 PM
Geez.....i said i was sorry....

05-22-2003, 10:20 PM
Oops, sorry, I didn't read Jessica's response. :eek: I just read your post and was like WOAH! :eek: This girl really needs to know it DOESN'T hurt. LOL

Wolfsoul, WHERE ARE SPRING'S PICS? ;);) Hehe :p

05-22-2003, 10:23 PM
LOL, im sorry for giving out mis information, my cousin has a Myers parrot, and ive seen them clip his wings, he screeches and everything, thats why i said it was painful, im sorry, i should have said i dont know if it hurts or not, your the expert!:)

05-22-2003, 10:25 PM
Yeah, he probably screaches because he doesn't like to have his wing held. :) Most birds would rather have their wings closed than someone coming and opening them. They scream to say *let go of my wing!!* LOL

05-22-2003, 10:26 PM
LOL, hes also just a baby, about a couple of months, so maybe hes not used to it?

05-22-2003, 10:28 PM

Lol, I took a pic of her, Cheeko, and Spanky, but it didn't turn out :( My batteries are low lol..But the next time I go over there, I'll remember to get a good battery! :D

05-22-2003, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird

If you don't know, say I DON'T KNOW, but don't go around giving people mis-information!

This from the person who said that two gerbils wouldn't mate while raising a litter? ^_^

05-24-2003, 12:00 AM
Actually, *this* is what I said.

Originally posted by popcornbird
I doubt they will breed while they are raising newborns, so you might want to put them together for sometime until the pups get older and don't need their dad anymore.....but I don't know.

A BIG difference from the gerbils WON'T breed while raising a litter.

05-26-2003, 10:53 AM
common stop fighting. thanks for the good info popcornbird, now ppl will know that clipping a birdies wings doesnt hurt them :D.

I would take pics BUT my computer is STILL in the shop :mad:, I am using the school computer. ughh!! annoying lol