View Full Version : Odd friends

Aspen and Misty
05-20-2003, 07:02 AM
Well, as some of you know I've been trying to convince my dad to let me get a rabbit. I finally got him to say yes to a rabbit, Coco, but he said only cause he can't stay where he is, it's just to nasty. But if I want a diffrent rabbit then I will have to wait :rolleyes:

So For Julian's sake I have been thinking long and hard about other fun thigns that could be his friend :D The stuffed animal didn't work cause after it didn't talk to him he grabed it by the ears and pulled it down so that it was laying on his face (such a sweetie). The rats aren't much company cause when Julian goes near there cage they all run to that side and "hiss", spit and kinda lunge at him (as he sits there and laughs) so I gave up trying to find him a friend. So he and a wonderful other women in our house made friends.

This weekend 17 of my relatives came over to my house, being a cat Misty took refuge in the only safe room with a closed and locked door, My room. So we moved her in there with her litter box, food and water up high so julian couldn't get them. I wasn't sure how Julian would take to her being in his room but the first thing that happened was he sniffed her then she jumped on the bed layed down so he jumped on the bed and layed down. The rest has been history. It's been 3 days now and they are one very happy (strangle) couple :D

Ash "Proud Momma of a Bunny and Cat friends"

ps: Misty IS declawed and is 7 years old and doesn't chase even flys any more, she just sleeps :rolleyes: