View Full Version : *Ragdolls pictures*

05-16-2003, 09:30 AM
Hello !
Here's some pictures of the cats I saw last week-end at a little ragdolls cattery. I suggest you to read this message as they load. ;)

Actually, these cats are not registered. But that doesn't bother me. The cats don't know it, and they still behave and look like they were "real" ragdolls. They have however true ragdolls origins : the breeder said he bought the two females at Montreal, but he was to neuter them if he wanted to buy their registration certificate. And for the male, he bought him at a pets store and he have no ideas of his origins. At the pets store, they just confirmed it was a Ragdoll. So he sells the "illegal" ragdolls. :eek:

As you can see, these cats are gorgeous. Particularly the kittens !

I haven't heard a single "moew" during my short visit ;) These cats are very calm. The kittens were just sitting on the sofa and they were looking at us with their ocean-blue eyes. When we held them, they became very relaxed in our arms. We can hold them like they were babies, they easily roll on their back. :) The adults were more active but also very "zen" :eek: and once you touch them they start to purr for a long time. They also follow their owner everywhere and they're curious. Many says that they're very easy to train (walking with a leash, grooming, etc....). I'm totally in love with these cats. They fit perfectly with an urban life. I think a Ragdoll can bring me a lot of joy without too much complications.

Since my friends have left me because of a serious conflict, I need more than ever a companion. A Ragdoll would make a good companion.

I have reserved my choice on the next litter of Pondy, which is supposed to be born July 12th or 13th. That means the kittens will be ready about one week before I return to school. I will have the first or the second choice. I would like a male, mitted or colorpoint... But the bicolors are also very cute !

Habitually, the Ragdolls are expensive cats (the only 2 other breeders I have found sell their cats $800... :() But the breeder I am talking about is a real cat-lover and he sells his marvels for "only" $200.

I would like to have your comments...

Have a nice day;)


This is the first female, a seal bicolor, Panda, sleeping with a cute baby.

And now, I have the honour to introduce you the other female, a seal mitted, Pondy, with an other cute baby !
Here's the father, Rama, a seal mitted.

And, finally, the cute babies !!!!!!!!!!!!!!



05-16-2003, 09:44 AM
Oh my gosh!!! Cuteness overload! Cuteness overload!!!! *turning to mush* They are ALL so adorable. But I think papa kitty is darn handsome! :D (but i love em all!)

05-16-2003, 09:47 AM
I just LLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE ragdolls! Too bad they are so pricey! I see them from time to time at the pet stores and they are just GORGEOUS! While I don't agree with breeding, at least this guys is willing to sell these beauties for a reasonable price - and if we didn't have breeders, we wouldn't have these adorable bubbies!!

K & L
05-16-2003, 10:48 AM
If I was going to buy a specific breed...this is one is my first choice!

05-16-2003, 12:05 PM
Cuteness overload for sure! Love the little spotted noses on the kittens - I have a thing for freckled kitty noses :D

05-16-2003, 12:09 PM
AW AW AW!!!!!
Those are just the cutest babies ever!
I LOOOOVE the two in the last picture, those pink little noses!!!
They're irresitstable!!

05-16-2003, 01:08 PM
AWWWWWWWW! I just love the last picture.

05-16-2003, 02:21 PM
Well, I think you appreciated the kittens' pictures. :rolleyes: I have tons of ragdolls kittens pictures. ;) I'm pleased to share other pictures with you !

As you can see, there's 3 possible patterns for Ragdolls :
- Bicolor (with an inversed "V" on the face)
- Colorpoint
- Mitted (colorpoint but with white mittens on the paws , and sometimes a white stripe in the middle of the face)

The two most seen colors are seal (dark brown) and blue (a special grey).

This is Pacha, a blue bicolor :
This one is Kitsy, an other blue bicolor:

The next three pictures represent Noah, a seal mitted male, as a baby and then as a "teenager".




I can't wait to own a Ragdoll !

I'll send you tons of pictures of my little baby cat when I get it ;)

05-16-2003, 05:26 PM
O-M-G!!!!!!!!!They are adorable! I want one so badly! I'm sooooo jealous of you!!!!!!!! I love that pic of Kitsy! Be sure to show us lots of pics when you get yours!

05-16-2003, 07:11 PM
WOW! These guys are way too cute .. can it get any better??? :D

05-17-2003, 03:10 AM
I too am in totally in lOVE with RAGDOLLS, after seeing them at the cat show recently, but these pics are just the best, they are the CUTEST i have seen, oh i do envey you getting one, cant wait to c your new baby, they are so ADORABLE.:) :)

05-17-2003, 06:35 AM
Complete and total cuteness!!! My fiance loves ragdolls!:)

05-18-2003, 12:26 AM
They're all so adorable. I can't wait to hear and see pics of your new Ragdoll baby. :D

05-18-2003, 01:07 AM
omg, those are the cutest, sweetest! wonderful pics! thanks so much for sharing them with us!

05-18-2003, 12:35 PM
WOW, I have always loved ragdolls too! When I saw one of those pics, I thought I was looking at my baby Gwen!

I just assumed Gwen was a Himmie.... but maybe she is actually a ragdoll? Whatever she is, she is my cutie pie! :D

Here is a picture I took of Gwen Today!

05-18-2003, 12:37 PM
another pic

05-18-2003, 12:38 PM
One more

05-18-2003, 02:56 PM
Gwen is so sweet !!!!!!

Kim, this is definitely not an Himmy ! :)

Himalayans have flattened faces, and very long, silky coats :

Gwen could be a tortie-point Ragdoll ;) ! Like this :


05-18-2003, 03:01 PM
Kath00... I can't see the bottom picture.

05-18-2003, 03:02 PM
Yes, the more I look at Gwen's pictures the more I think you're the proud owner of a tortie-point Ragdoll !


Congrulations ;)

05-18-2003, 04:11 PM
Thanks, she is one of my rescue babies! ;)