View Full Version : Day #3 as a volunteer...just another day in paradise

05-14-2003, 12:36 PM
Well, I THOUGHT it turned out to be a good day. I clipped 5 cats nails, groomed and loved them and was leaving.

WAIT!! I'm not finished. As I was leaving, there were these two women talking to the director of the shelter. One was holding a box with a mama and kittens. The kittens were old enough to be weaned.

IT GETS WORSE! Not only did they have THIS mama and kittens, they had ANOTHER box in their car (covered with plastic) with another mama and 6 kittens who were too young to be weaned. :mad: :mad: :mad: The director kept asking the women about fixing their cats. STUPID, STUPID, STUPID PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

"Why haven't you fixed your cats???" she kept asking. Those stupid, idiodic, *&^%$#@ women just stood there with the most (I want to swear so bad, I'm SO furious) blank looks on their face, like they didn't understand English, saying "Yeah" :confused: :confused: (they were of Hispanic origin). The director said she cannot take all the kittens, and only took the weaned kittens and mama.

I had to walk away (all the time thinking how I could rearrange my apartment to accommodate the other litter). I can't even begin to imagine what is going to happen with that other litter. I don't want to think about it. I don't know if I can do this. I'm just not a very strong person when it comes to PEOPLE'S STUPIDITY!!!. As they left, I must sat in my car, on the verge of tears. I ended up saying al little prayer for the other mama and babies. I hope to GOD they don't end up on the side of the road or in a lake somewhere. I have a bad feeling about this. I wish I had taken down the license number of the car, for what it's worth.

I just pray that they have the common sense to go to the Humane Society or somewhere else. My gut instincts tell me differently. After all, stupid people do stupid things. And I'm sure they'll be back again in the fall with MORE mamas and kittens.


05-14-2003, 12:38 PM
I'll pray for those little kittens as well. Hopefully they will wait untill the kittens are old enought and bring them back to the shelter.

05-14-2003, 12:46 PM
What stupid people. :mad:

But if they went to your shelter which took one mum cat & kits, it is very likely, they'll take the remaining cats to another shelter. If they wanted to dump them, they won't have tried any shelters.

Try not to worry.

You can't take in all the cats that need help, it wouldn't be fair on your herd and that is what the shelter is for !!!

Just keep telling yourself what a good thing you do helping out at this shelter, many people including me don't do that much.

I do donate cat food to charity boxes but I am far too softhearted to work in a shelter. I still worry about Sooty, a cat I spent 5mins with at a local shelter weeks ago...Silly me.

Snuggles from me to your shelter kitties, bet they love seeing you. :D

05-14-2003, 12:47 PM

You are stronger than me Donna.

I pray for the kitties.

05-14-2003, 03:38 PM
I could not do that, for that same reason, but you make a difference there, helping to educate the MORONIC STUPID people!
is there any info on her, I mean when people drop off animals, do you take any info? maybe if so then you could call her and take the kittens, to foster?
it bothers me too, I just can't and never will, understand people that do those things... I just turns my stomach thinking about the poor animals! I have to not think about it somethimes.

05-14-2003, 05:53 PM
I was talking to my landlord tonight. When I told him about the other mama and kittens, know what he said???


I just about fell over! But, it's a little late now. I'm just praying they're okay. When I go in tomorrow I'm going to check and see if they got a name or phone number.

Will this stupidity never end???

05-14-2003, 10:20 PM
Prayers are on the way for the mother cat and her kittens. I sure hope you can get some info about the women so that you may be able to foster them. Please keep us updated.

05-14-2003, 10:34 PM
What a horrible circumstance .... I would have felt just as you do! I'm so sorry you had watch them be turned away from the shelter!!!! Fingers crossed that you will abe able to locate the woman again!!!

05-15-2003, 03:33 AM
Good luck in locating the 'Stupid People'.

Keep us posted

05-15-2003, 11:28 AM
Prayers on the way that you will have new additions to the family soon. It's unfortunate but these things happen every day everywhere. People just don't understand. I think as volunteers it's our job to do the best we can and if we can educate 1 person about the benefits of spaying and neutering we've gone a long way to helping out the situation.

Years ago I used to volunteer at my local SPCA - never again! I was the cat groomer and while the other volunteers worked on the kitties that were up for adoption, it was my job to care for the sick and injured. They were tucked away in their own room with almost no human contact. Every Saturday I would go and brush and love each one of them. I remember my favourite little orangie guy (can't remember his name now) but he would tuck his two front paws around my neck and give me the biggest hug ever - until one day he was not there. I quit the very next week and cried for weeks. It was just too hard to do. The shelter I work in now is a no-kill shelter for the Humane Society and rewards are phenominal. I applaud you Donna.

05-15-2003, 11:58 AM
Oh Slick.

05-15-2003, 01:05 PM

I'm so sorry to hear about your little orange buddy. I'm glad to say that these guys aren't put down unless they are very sick or aggressive and are a danger to someone or themselves. I can only imagine how you felt when you came in and saw him gone. That would've left a hole in the pit of my stomach. I probably would've quit too,

The thing that really got to me was I had to keep my mouth shut with those two imbeciles!! I wanted so badly to tell them exactly what was on my mind. But I had to

I have GOOD news, though. I went to the shelter this morning to pick up some Revolution for Fawn. I talked with the director. She took in BOTH mamas and kittens!! :D :D She said she was afraid that these women would start handing out the kittens to people who wouldn't spay/neuter them, thus adding to the pet overpopulation. I breathed a sigh of relief!!

Fawnie girl is doing great. She gets lonesome though. She wants out of that room so badly. Unfortunately, I can't let her out till her earmites and URI are cleared up. The last thing I need is to have my cats get sick. But she is a sweet little girl. I just wish I could get her to eat more! She really needs to put on some weight. Hopefully I'll be able to let her out of the spare room in a couple of weeks.

05-15-2003, 01:07 PM
That's wonderful news. Hopefully you will be able to keep an eye on them?? Give kisses to Fawnie for us.

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-15-2003, 02:14 PM
I really can't express how much I admire your strength and courage - you are a lot stronger than I could ever be - to volunteer at a shelter. I'll help with T-N-R, fund raising, whatever, but I dont even go into the kitten house any more - I always come away crying!

May God hold you in the palm of His hand and protect you - you are an absolute angel looking after His creatures like you do!

Ally sends Kitten Kisses

Best Wishes


05-15-2003, 06:50 PM
I am so glad your local shelter took the second mummy cat.

Now you can help them grow up and by rehomed. :D

05-15-2003, 09:14 PM
Ally Cat's Mommy,

Thanks for the encouragement. I'm really not a strong person when it comes to animals. I'm a real marshmallow. :p As long as I'm fostering Fawnie, I know I can go in, love them to death, an leave. She was the one that was stressed out the most.

I took a respite day today and will go in tomorrow to do it all over again. I know I can't bring them all home. I just want to get busy with adoption days so they can get more exposure than they're getting now, and find furrever homes for them. One cat at a time.


It was a huge load off my mind to know that the shelter took both litters. I'd have felt absolutely awful and partly responsible if they were found abandoned, or worse. :(