View Full Version : First Agility trial, not a success :(

09-03-2001, 08:08 PM
Iris was nothing like she usually is at her first AKC agility trial on Sep. 1st. I did Novice Jumpers with Weaves and Novice Standard classes.

My family came along to watch Iris do her agility trial. For both jumpers and standard she ran away to my family! I couldn't believe it!

It was pretty disapointing, but that's what you got to live with sometime. :(

09-03-2001, 08:16 PM
Becky, Iris did so well that last time, maybe she is just feeling it's to hot and taking a break. As soon as the cool weather gets here she will be her old self. She is a winner in everybody's eyes here. Just give her a hug and some kisses from Daisy and Perry and watch out next time.

09-03-2001, 09:16 PM
I agree with Jackie,
You will get them the next time.
Chin up!
Many years ago, I was competing in obedience, and my mothers friend and her daughter came to watch.
The daughter starting playing and
running across the field right
when my dog was doing off lead healing.
Yep! you guessed it, my dog took high
tail and ran to play with the daughter.
She came back right away when I called,
and I finished the competition.
Wasn't one of my best moments. :rolleyes:

[ September 04, 2001: Message edited by: KYS ]

Dixieland Dancer
09-04-2001, 08:09 AM
I am sure that EVERYONE who shows their dogs in a competitive arena can share a similar horror story. I know I have more than just one!!!

My very first obedience dog show was over 25 years ago. I filled out the entry form wrong and ended up in a Conformation class. I hadn't the first clue what to do. I ended up crying my eyes out to the show superintendent which made them take pity on me and they were kind enough to tack us onto the end of the Novice A class. Taffey was doing an excellent job and I knew it. When we did the recall I showed too much enthusism when I called her and she came running full force. Of course she couldn't stop and just plowed into me knocking me backwards. Then she did stop in front and we finished the exercise. The judge was very understanding and instead of giving us an NQ he just took off major points. All attributed to handler error!

I've had numerous things similar happen over the 25 years. The most important thing to remember is too keep having fun! When you start to NOT have fun, then it is time to quit.

Go Gettem next time!!! :D :D :D

09-04-2001, 08:50 AM
My 1st obedience class with Graham was a pretty big deal to me, and I was too serious about the training. My training sessions were way too long, I did not praise enough and Graham was not having fun. This was my first class and so I was learning myself, but the last day of class, there was a pretend obedience trial and Graham and I competed against the others in the class...and all through the class people were amazed at how perfect Graham was and they always used him as a model for demenstrations because he was so good...but the last day at the pretend obedience show, Graham let me know that I need to make obedience more fun. He let me know the hard way by, for the first time ever, not doing a down-stay...not sitting at my side, and he basically really screwed up. He still won first place, but only because everyone else in that class did not practice enough and their dogs still did not behave perfectlly.

From what I have learned, dog and handler have to be doing agility together for a year or more in order to truly become a team. And you have to keep in mind that agility is supposed to be fun, and not nearly as serious as obedience. I know how you feel, I have been there, but just keep in mind that agility is supposed to be fun, and once in awhile a mess-up is expected, and should be thought of as a sign that maybe Iris needs to have a little more fun with it?

09-04-2001, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by AdoreMyDogs:
<STRONG>From what I have learned, dog and handler have to be doing agility together for a year or more in order to truly become a team. And you have to keep in mind that agility is supposed to be fun, and not nearly as serious as obedience. I know how you feel, I have been there, but just keep in mind that agility is supposed to be fun, and once in awhile a mess-up is expected, and should be thought of as a sign that maybe Iris needs to have a little more fun with it?</STRONG>

I actually have been training Iris for a year! She is usually just fine at class, but she's an insecure dog and she needed to run to her family. We have made a team in agility, but there was a mess-up.

We decided that my parents have to hide nest time!

Dixieland Dancer
09-04-2001, 11:19 AM
When I first started showing Dixie, my husband had to hide too! Then I started to make him hang around when we trained. It made a world of difference.

09-04-2001, 11:56 AM
Becky, I am still so proud of you and Iris! My Honey, who I thought would be wonderful at agility, was so frightened, we didn't even make it through the whole session of training! You and Iris will be fine, no matter what you compete in, and even if you don't!

Chin up, lady! You are both doing great! :D

Daisy's Mom
09-04-2001, 02:19 PM
That sounds like it must have been tough for you! But don't worry about it; from what I read here, you are not alone :) I respect you for even trying agility! I have a feeling Daisy would make a fool out of me :) Just keep your chin up, and keep trying! I am sure Iris will do better next time. She is a very talented and obedient dog, and you should be extremely proud of her, nevertheless!

09-04-2001, 06:49 PM
Poor Iris! I bet she just got kinda scared. I hate it when Sadie does that! It just drives me crazy! I'm sure she'll do better next time! :)

09-05-2001, 07:13 AM
Iris, I'm so proud of you! I think it's just a case of first time jitters; and the heat and distraction of family. With a little more experience in the spotlight, and some cooler weather, I know you'll be racking up those victories!! :) But as Jackie says, Iris, you're a 1st place winner every day of the year!! Just have fun!

09-05-2001, 10:01 AM
Thanks everyone! I bet she'll do better nest time! I'm sure glad I posted, because your stories are making me feel better!

Originally posted by tatsxxx11:
<STRONG>But as Jackie says, Iris, you're a 1st place winner every day of the year!! Just have fun!</STRONG>

Yes Jackie, I think that EVERY dog is a winner everyday. As a companion, or as a working dog all dogs are a winner!