View Full Version : It's started. :( I need help!!!!

Aspen and Misty
05-13-2003, 07:35 PM
The Birds who I rescue every summer :( one of there babies is dead in the entrence to there nest. I saw a grey ball of fluff with some yellow and deced to pear in to see what ti was and it was a baby bird :( I was hopeing it wasn't, but if it was and still alive, I was hopeing to save the baby before it fell, knowing that any day, probly tomrrow it would fall. But I think it is dead. I didn't touch it. But I want to know. Should I get something and see if it is dead and remove it from the entrance way? Or should I leave the baby there and not check to see if it is alive? I don't know what todo, pelase help!!

Ash :( :(

Aspen and Misty
05-13-2003, 08:29 PM
It was dead :( My mom said she thinks it died of being to cold, it's really cold out, even I'm cole, imagine going out there without a coat on. They had at leat 2 babies and now they are down to one now :( What do I do? Do I leave him there? Do I take him? I dunno, I don't want to rob the parents of there last baby but they have already killed/kicked out how many in the past years, close to 10 or so and now they've killed 1 this year! One, baby left, one lonesome baby left :( I heard them both Cherping not to long ago, about an hour. If only I would have known. I shoudl have known. I should have Checked, I should have been there :( I knew something was wrong, I just knew it. And now look one baby is dead. :(



05-13-2003, 08:33 PM
Sweetie, there's nothing you can do. A wild bird is difficult to raise on your own, especially a teeny one. I would see if there are wildlife rehab people in your area you can talk for the next time it happens. What kind of birds are they?

05-13-2003, 08:42 PM
I'm sorry I can't help but is there anyway you could "pad" the landing under the nest so that if one falls out it won't be killed?

You can do nothing about the cold, unfortunately that is nature. Now there is only one baby he will have both the parents attention - for warmth and food and he has a better chance of survival than before there were 2.

Aspen and Misty
05-13-2003, 08:47 PM
Starlings. Verry pretty ones. I called the only Wildlife people I could find last year (asked my vet for numbers) and they said they do not eccept Starlings as they are a nucence (sp) and they can never release them into the Wild, it's illegal . I will continue to look for rehab people this summer but there are almost no wildlife rehab people around here. I've only found/heard of One, and thats the one I mentioned up there. And it's not like I only asked one person I asked most of the vets, the pet store, the spca and hte WIld Rehab person last year and they all said to either caontact the wild rehab person who would not eccept starlings or that no one eccepts starling and I should just let them die on the ground.

I know Starlings are hard to raise, they have heart attacks very very easily. Last year we raised two that were almost to maturity, has all there feathers and everything and they were just sweeties. My sister brought like 5 of her friends into the room and they both died of heart attacks from the stress of so many people. I know I can raise them, it's just finding them before they die, expesially in this weather, they won't last long with out there momma's warmth during the night. :(

I don't blame myself. It's just earlyer that night I heard that one was out of the nest and I looked a little but not alot. If I would have just got the chair from the family room I would have seen him and maybe he would be alive now. I know there is nothing I cna do now for him, but hopefully the parents can take care of just one baby, I'm hopeing.


Aspen and Misty
05-13-2003, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by shellonabeach
I'm sorry I can't help but is there anyway you could "pad" the landing under the nest so that if one falls out it won't be killed?

You can do nothing about the cold, unfortunately that is nature. Now there is only one baby he will have both the parents attention - for warmth and food and he has a better chance of survival than before there were 2.

yes, there is a large bail of ::shhh:: Hay (Yes Julian's hay ::shh::) in a buckt with a blanket over top so when they hit it they wil fall in there, it is very paded. I check every morning and every night to see for the babies. I hate the cold, I want summer to come. I feel bad for those babies, the poor only baby, the poor poor baby. :(


05-13-2003, 09:17 PM
what does a starling look like, does anyone have a pic?

sorry about your loss!!! :( :( :(

05-13-2003, 10:03 PM
Attached is a picture of my pet starling, Little Bird. I raised him from a tiny baby two years ago. Starlings are one of the best talkers in the bird world, and pick up words and sounds on their own, without having to be taught through repetition. Little Bird says hundreds of words and phrases now. They are funny, social, smart, friendly birds.

Starlings are very easy to raise, actually. They eat very well for you, and eat commonly available foods. If you want to try to raise this baby, PM me and I'll give you details. However ... be warned before you take the baby out of the nest ... if you raise it and feed it, it will imprint on you. In other words, it will think it is a human and that you are its mommy. It will have no clue that it is a bird, will have no fear of humans and no clue how to hunt food and survive. If you raise a baby starling, you MUST keep it as a pet forever. It's a BIG responsibility, and starlings are carnivores. They eat meat, such as insects, they do not eat bird seed at all.

If the parents are gone, or aren't caring for this baby, you could try to raise it, IF you can keep it as a pet. If you can't keep it, just let nature take its course. And, of course, if the parents are trying to raise it, please let them alone. You could help by setting out some food, such as chopped boiled egg and dog or cat food soaked in water until it is soft.

By the way, saying you can't touch a baby bird because the parents will smell your scent and not care for the baby anymore is a complete myth. It is NOT true. Birds have a very, very, very weak sense of smell. So if you find a baby bird on the ground and can see the nest it fell out of, it is perfectly ok to pick up the baby bird and put it back in the nest. The parents will never even know you did it. And even if they see you do it, they won't care. Their instinct to feed is stronger than their fear of humans. I have seen mother birds feed babies that were being raised by humans in cages ... the parents just shove the food through the cage bars for the babies!

05-13-2003, 10:08 PM
Oops, forgot to attach the picture. Duh.

05-14-2003, 12:45 AM
Nice picture of the bird, I like it! You're also correct about the smell thing being a myth. We have one doomed nest near work that the baby birds seem to constantly fall out of. It's become routine to put them back in there, and they all seem to grow up ok.

Aspen and Misty
05-14-2003, 10:37 AM
Thanx Guys.

Twisterdog- Every year the parents knock the babies out of there nest, and every year we put them back in like 5 times, which is no probelm at all. But, the first year we did it with the first bird and we put him up there 2 or 3 times and then found him dead in the entrance way just like this baby. We've always tried to put the babies back. As you know Babies birds are a big responsiblity and we always try to avoid that by giving them back. We have only raised 2 of there birds out of the 9 that have fallen. And both became adults. I have been useing a wonderful wonderful websie called Starling Talk, which is where I get all of my infromation. They have been such a great help! Yes, I will be aloud to keep this baby, if I get the baby and if it grows up. I've also heard starlings Talk through Starling talk, and have been in love with them ever since :D My dad loves birds and I love these little guys, so we deced our next pet would be a Starling, if we get one.

Did you find Little Bird? Or did you Buy him from like a Breeder?


Aspen and Misty
05-14-2003, 11:17 AM
I just talked to my mom. I am going ot see if the bird is out in the moring,she will check around noon and then I will check every night. If we see it out we are going to push it back in it's nest the best we can. I hope that it will work. We are going to try our hardest to keep the baby in the nest, extra hard right now, I pray it works!!!!


05-14-2003, 03:05 PM
one time there was a nest of robins in our tree and there weas 5 babies in a nest fit for 2. and ya two of them fell out and my dad placed them back in and they fell out again. so my dad brought them in the hosue to live to try to rais them. we placed them in a bown with a towl and has a lamp over them.

we fed them worms. and ya they ended up living and they flew away it wqas a merical. But i think you should let nature take its corse.

the robins we rescued come back every year to visit us. we can tell they are our baby robins because they come so close we can almost touch them and they tweet like the wolf wistle ... soo cute.

that was the most coollesnt experience of my life was to rais thoughs baby robins, watching their feathus grow and they sat on our fingers. so cool..

05-15-2003, 12:10 AM
I found Little Bird. Actually, an employee at McDonald's found him in the parking lot, having fallen out of his nest in the McDonald's sign ... and they brought him to me.

Starling Talk is a good site, I learned a lot about starlings on that site when I first got Little Bird. I used to post there quite a bit.

Where is the nest?

Aspen and Misty
05-15-2003, 06:54 AM
Hard to explain. It's inside our porch roof. Like The gutter is one it's left, then there is a openeing with about a 12 inch pice of metel and then you go behind that and then you turn a corner and then there is the nest. Man I wish my digital camra was working. :rolleyes: But in order for the babies to fall out they have to go the whole way around the corner then walk about 6 or 7 inches on the pice of metal to fall about 7 feet. It's hard to explain.
