View Full Version : Binx's visit with the white coat...

05-13-2003, 10:13 AM
Today was our first checkup after the teefers Sir Jury, and I got to come back to the 'private' part of the clinic to see the exam. The white coat is pleased with the front part of the mouth, and not pleased with the back part of the mouth. The teefers in the front are coming in. The ones in the back are not. So, in three more weeks, we go back for another checkup, and schedule the second Sir Jury for June. I knew there would be another one in the near future, so, I wasn't suprised.

Binx was pretty good for the picture taking...though he was a huge wiggle worm at first. With six hands on him, he finally just gave up, and let the camera visit his mouth, up close. He got ALL his shotties, too, plus heartworm meds. I already started him on flea/tick.

The vet indicated that Binx can now begin some crunchy food eating, so, I am thinking of the way to switch him over. I think at first I will just not blend his food at all...and let him get used to eating the mushy chunks. Then, I will just soak it less and less each time. Probably not to the point where it isn't soaked at all, but, I have to get him used to chomping.

He weighed in at 60.6 pounds, but, he is STILL skinny. He just won't keep growing taller. I wonder if duct tape would work? He he he.

So, look for another update June 4th!

The vet did suggest I write to the breeder indicating the situation so that the breeder can learn this is/can be hereditary, and might be in the line, and to let them know if anyone else has this problem. Binx's condition WILL be published! What a thing to be known for...eh?

Kona & Oreo's mom
05-13-2003, 10:21 AM
Congratulations, Binx, on your new front teeth! :D I bet you will be happy to start chompin' on those crunchies. Now start working on those back ones--We'll keep you in mind for your next appointment and wish you the best for your next Sir Jury.

05-13-2003, 10:25 AM
Mixed news eh? I'm sure glad Binx has at least front teeth in. I look forward to meeting him on the 25th and hope for the best on the 4th. He is such a cutie and I'll bet they love him at the vet.

Cinder & Smoke
05-13-2003, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic
... The teefers in the front are coming in. :)
The ones in the back are not... :(

... Binx's condition WILL be published!
What a thing to be known for...eh? :rolleyes:

wow! :cool:
Gotz :D TOOFURZ!!!

Way to GO, Mr Binx!!

Dont sweat da back wuns - prolly not gettin enuff SunShine! :p
Try *smilin* atta Katz a lil more.

An gettin *published* inn Vet Journals!
Yur gonna be **FAMUSS**...
Gotta praktice *smilin* fur da fotoz.

Wez reel glad the White Coat dint wanna do Sir Jury jest affore the 25th!
Dad wuz thinkin we mite havta deetour past da Hoppsbittel an
*Bust ya Out* :eek: fur da BarkPark Gathurin.

05-13-2003, 12:13 PM
YEA! for Binx!!
Even tho it is Mixed news!
Can't wait to see him on the 25th!

05-13-2003, 12:36 PM
How exciting!! I am glad that his front teeth are coming in. Too bad about the back ones. But it's always better to look at the glass half full than half empty!!

Hugs to Binx!

05-13-2003, 05:03 PM
Just wish he didn't have to have another Sir Jury, but we're all excited that he will be coming to the park on the 25th!!!
Can't wait to see you Binxy boy:D

05-13-2003, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
wow! :cool:
Gotz :D TOOFURZ!!!

Way to GO, Mr Binx!!

Dont sweat da back wuns - prolly not gettin enuff SunShine! :p
Try *smilin* atta Katz a lil more.


Binxy Boy - well done sweetheart. Got some teeth, and the rest are just in hiding :D.

Good luck with the food swop!!!!